Overview of this release:
- new inputs: drupal_dblog.
- new filters: anonymize, metrics.
- new outputs: syslog, cloudwatch.
- new 'charset' setting for all inputs. This should resolve all known encoding
problems. The default charset is UTF-8.
- grok now captures (?<somename>...) regexp into 'somename' field
- Elasticsearch 0.20.2 is included. This means you are required to upgrade
your elasticsearch cluster to 0.20.2. If you wish to continue using an old
version of elasticsearch, you should use the elasticsearch_http plugin
instead of the elasticsearch one.
- fixed internal dependency versioning on 'addressable' gem (LOGSTASH-694)
- fixed another case of 'watchdog timeout' (LOGSTASH-701)
- plugin flags are now deprecated. The grok filter (--grok-pattern-path) was
the only plugin to make use of this.
- the grok filter has improved documentation
- lots of documentation fixes (James Turnbull, Louis Zuckerman)
- lots of testing improvements (Philippe Weber, Laust Rud Jacobsen)
- all 'name' settings have been deprecated in favor of more descriptive
settings (LOGSTASH-755)
- JRuby upgraded to 1.7.1
- removed use of bundler
- Fixed timestamp parsing in MRI (patch by Rene Lengwinat)
- All inputs now have a 'charset' setting to help you inform logstash of the
text encoding of the input. This is useful if you have Shift_JIS or CP1251
encoded log files. This should help resolve the many UTF-8 bugs that were
reported recently. The default charset is UTF-8.
- new: drupal_dblog: read events from a DBLog-enabled Drupal. (251, Patch by
- bugfix: zeromq: 'topology' is now a required setting
- bugfix: lumberjack: client connection closing is now handled properly.
(Patch by Nick Ethier)
- misc: lumberjack: jls-lumberjack gem updated to 0.0.7
- bugfix: stomp: fix startup problems causing early termination (226
- bugfix: tcp: the 'source host' for events is now the client ip:port that
sent it, instead of the listen address that received it. (LOGSTASH-796)
- improvement: tcp: the default data_timeout is now -1 (never timeout).
This change was made because read timeouts were causing data loss, and
logstash should avoid losing events by default.
- improvement: amqp: the 'name' setting is now called 'queue' (274)
- improvement: eventlog: the 'name' setting is now called 'logfile' (274)
- bugfix: log4j: fix stacktrace reading (253, patch by Alex Arutyunyants)
- new: anonymize: supports many hash mechanisms (murmur3, sha1, md5, etc) as
well as IP address anonymization (280, 261; patches by Richard Pijnenburg
and Avishai Ish-Shalom)
- new: metrics: allows you to aggregate metrics from events and emit them
periodically. Think of this like 'statsd' but implemented as a logstash
filter instead of an external service.
- feature: date: now accepts 'match' as a setting. Use of this is preferable
to the old syntax. Where you previously had 'date { somefield =>
"somepattern" }' you should now do: 'date { match => [ "somefield",
"somepattern" ] }'. (248, LOGSTASH-734, Patch by Louis Zuckerman)
- feature: grok: now accepts (?<foo>...) named captures. This lets you
compose a pattern in the grok config without needing to define it in a
patterns file. Example: (?<hostport>%{HOST}:%{POSINT}) to capture 'hostport'
- improvement: grok: allow '$' in JAVACLASS pattern (241, patch by Corry
- improvement: grok: can now match against number types. Example, if you're
sending a json format event with { "status": 403 } you can now grok that
field. The number is represented as a string "403" before pattern matching.
- bugfix: date: Fix a bug that would crash the pipeline if no date pattern
matched. (LOGSTASH-705)
- feature: kv: Adds field_split, value_split, prefix, and container
settings. (225, patch by Alex Wheeler)
- bugfix: mutate: rename on a nonexistent field now does nothing as expected.
- bugfix: grok: don't tag an event with _grokparsefailure if it's already so
(248, patch by Greg Brockman)
- feature: mutate: new settings - split, join, strip. "split" splits a field
into an array. "join" merges an array into a string. "strip" strips leading and
trailing whitespace. (Patch by Avishai Ish-Shalom)
- new: syslog output supporting both RFC3164 and RFC5424 (180, patch by
Rui Alves)
- new: cloudwatch output to emit metrics and other events to Amazon CloudWatch.
(LOGSTASH-461, patch by Louis Zuckerman)
- feature: stdout: added 'message' setting for configuring the output message
format. The default is same behavior as before this feature.
- feature: http: added 'format' option to select 'json' or form-encoded
request body to send with each request.
- feature: http: added 'content_Type' option set the Content-Type header.
This defaults to "application/json" if the 'format' is 'json'. Will default
to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if the 'format' is 'form'
- bugfix: zeromq: 'topology' is now a required setting
- feature: mongodb: new setting 'isodate' that, when true, stores the
timestamp field as a mongodb date instead of a string. (224, patch by
Kevin Amorin)
- improvement: gelf: Allow full_message gelf property to be overridden (245,
patch by Sébastien Masset)
- misc: lumberjack: jls-lumberjack gem updated to 0.0.6
- feature: nagios: New 'nagios_level' setting to let you change the level
of the passive check result sent to nagios. (298, Patch by James Turnbull)
- feature: elasticsearch, elasticsearch_http, elasticsearch_river: new setting
'document_id' for explicitly setting the document id in each write to
elasticsearch. This is useful for overwriting existing documents.
- improvement: elasticsearch_river: 'name' is now 'queue' (274)
- improvement: amqp: 'name' is now 'exchange' (274)
- bugfix: the websocket output works again (supports RFC6455)