* Fixed a bug in gatherDebugging.py that caused the script to crash on missing modules
* Fixed a bug in FEnginep[RC][23] that caused segmentation faults in Python 2.7
* Made the module path finder a little more robust
* Updated the LWA1 SSMIF to the May 16, 2012 version to include the latest antenna status codes
* Added a beamformer to lsl.common.dp.SoftwareDP
* Changed lsl.common.dp.SoftwareDP.apply() to lsl.commondp.SoftwareDP.applyFilter()
* Fixed multi-threading in the lsl.common.dp.SoftwareDP class
* Added a clock offset parameter to the cable model (lsl.common.stations.Cable)
* Cleaned up the correlateTBW.py scripts
* Fixed a bug in the correlator integer sample delays
* Fixed bugs in the lsl.misc.beamformer module related to delays
* Fixed the URL used by lsl.misc.geodesy.__loadHistoric1992()
* Added support for FreeBSD
* Added datetime <-> MJD/MPM conversion functions to lsl.common.mcs
* Converted lsl.common.progress.ProgressBar to a rotating progress bar