* Tweaked how the averaging in drxSpectra and tbnSpectra is performed
* Upgraded the lsl.reader.drsu module to work with larger file count LWAFS
* Added a ls-style script, lsDRSU.py, to list the contents of a DRSU
* Added a glob-style function to the DRSU module
* Added an array-geometry correction to the correlator to phase up on zenith
* Updated the dependency list
* Added ARX channel mapping information to lsl.common.stations.Antenna instances
* Added a new versioning system to make it easier to access the LSL version in python
* Fixed a mapping problem in plotStands.py that mapped by digitizer, not stand
* Added a gatherDebugging.py script alongside setup.py to help with debugging and installation problems
* Moved gatherDebugging.py to the script directory to have it installed with LSL
* Added 'documentation support' for accessing the central frequency of a DRX frame
* Fixed a RPD_DD mapping problem in lsl.common.stations.parseSSMIF()
* Fixed a DP1_SLOT parsing problem in lsl.common.stations.parseSSMIF()
* Updated LWA-1 SSMIF to 12/26/2011 to include calibration information
* Added the June 30, 2012 leap second into the TAI-UTC file
* Fixed a problem in cpDRSU.py with the verbose output
* Cleaned up the 'sfdisk' calls with the DRSU direct-access module
* Added a BeamAlm class to lsl.sim.vis to help with polarization difference between LWA1 and what is implemented in AIPY