Features added
* Keyword argument ``namespaces`` in ``lxml.cssselect.CSSSelector()``
to pass a prefix-to-namespace mapping for the selector.
* New function ``lxml.etree.register_namespace(prefix, uri)`` that
globally registers a namespace prefix for a namespace that newly
created Elements in that namespace will use automatically. Follows
ElementTree 1.3.
* Support 'unicode' string name as encoding parameter in
``tostring()``, following ElementTree 1.3.
* Support 'c14n' serialisation method in ``ElementTree.write()`` and
``tostring()``, following ElementTree 1.3.
* The ElementPath expression syntax (``el.find*()``) was extended to
match the upcoming ElementTree 1.3 that will ship in the standard
library of Python 3.2/2.7. This includes extended support for
predicates as well as namespace prefixes (as known from XPath).
* During regular XPath evaluation, various ESXLT functions are
available within their namespace when using libxslt 1.1.26 or later.
* Support passing a readily configured logger instance into
``PyErrorLog``, instead of a logger name.
* On serialisation, the new ``doctype`` parameter can be used to
override the DOCTYPE (internal subset) of the document.
* New parameter ``output_parent`` to ``XSLTExtension.apply_templates()``
to append the resulting content directly to an output element.
* ``XSLTExtension.process_children()`` to process the content of the
XSLT extension element itself.
* ISO-Schematron support based on the de-facto Schematron reference
'skeleton implementation'.
* XSLT objects now take XPath object as ``__call__`` stylesheet
* Enable path caching in ElementPath (``el.find*()``) to avoid parsing
* Setting the value of a namespaced attribute always uses a prefixed
namespace instead of the default namespace even if both declare the
same namespace URI. This avoids serialisation problems when an
attribute from a default namespace is set on an element from a
different namespace.
* XSLT extension elements: support for XSLT context nodes other than
elements: document root, comments, processing instructions.
* Support for strings (in addition to Elements) in node-sets returned
by extension functions.
* Forms that lack an ``action`` attribute default to the base URL of
the document on submit.
* XPath attribute result strings have an ``attrname`` property.
* Namespace URIs get validated against RFC 3986 at the API level
(required by the XML namespace specification).
* Target parsers show their target object in the ``.target`` property
(compatible with ElementTree).
Bugs fixed
* API is hardened against invalid proxy instances to prevent crashes
due to incorrectly instantiated Element instances.
* Prevent crash when instantiating ``CommentBase`` and friends.
* Export ElementTree compatible XML parser class as
``XMLTreeBuilder``, as it is called in ET 1.2.
* ObjectifiedDataElements in lxml.objectify were not hashable. They
now use the hash value of the underlying Python value (string,
number, etc.) to which they compare equal.
* Parsing broken fragments in lxml.html could fail if the fragment
contained an orphaned closing '</div>' tag.
* Using XSLT extension elements around the root of the output document
* ``lxml.cssselect`` did not distinguish between ``x[attr="val"]`` and
``x [attr="val"]`` (with a space). The latter now matches the
attribute independent of the element.
* Rewriting multiple links inside of HTML text content could end up
replacing unrelated content as replacements could impact the
reported position of subsequent matches. Modifications are now
simplified by letting the ``iterlinks()`` generator in ``lxml.html``
return links in reversed order if they appear inside the same text
node. Thus, replacements and link-internal modifications no longer
change the position of links reported afterwards.
* The ``.value`` attribute of ``textarea`` elements in lxml.html did
not represent the complete raw value (including child tags etc.). It
now serialises the complete content on read and replaces the
complete content by a string on write.
* Target parser didn't call ``.close()`` on the target object if
parsing failed. Now it is guaranteed that ``.close()`` will be
called after parsing, regardless of the outcome.
Other changes
* Official support for Python 3.1.2 and later.
* Static MS Windows builds can now download their dependencies
* ``Element.attrib`` no longer uses a cyclic reference back to its
Element object. It therefore no longer requires the garbage
collector to clean up.
* Static builds include libiconv, in addition to libxml2 and libxslt.