Features added
* The module ``lxml.sax`` is compiled using Cython in order to speed it up.
* GH267: ``lxml.sax.ElementTreeProducer`` now preserves the namespace prefixes.
If two prefixes point to the same URI, the first prefix in alphabetical order
is used. Patch by Lennart Regebro.
* Updated ISO-Schematron implementation to 2013 version (now MIT licensed)
and the corresponding schema to the 2016 version (with optional "properties").
Other changes
* GH270, GH271: Support for Python 2.6 and 3.3 was removed.
Patch by hugovk.
* The minimum dependency versions were raised to libxml2 2.9.2 and libxslt 1.1.27,
which were released in 2014 and 2012 respectively.
* Built with Cython 0.29.2.