- Parallel building of stepwise state probability distribution
- Option to filter states, via a list of nodes to include/exclude
- Building of stepwise node probability distribution (with filtering option)
- Method to create of update an external variable
- Now automatically using the number of threads defined in the cfg file to build stepwise probability distributions
- Improved tests
- Model conversion to biolqm and minibn (maboss.to_biolqm(model), maboss.to_minibn(model))
- Support for remote files
- Workdir and Overwrite option now an argument of run() method
- Improved computation of asymptotic probability distribution
- Checking if temporary folder exists before deleting it
- Added a python version of the script MBSS_FormatTable.
- Added support for stationary distributions.
- Added command argument to load, to inform the MaBoSS executable to use for model verification.
- Fix documentation (methods who had disappeared because of classes reorg)
- Tests (probtraj, statdist)