
Latest version: v5.1.1

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- Update release version and license year ([343](, [#344](



- Added deployment automation ([260](, [#296](, [#341](, [#342](



This is a major update that includes

- API changes
- New features
- Improved internal workings

- New `orientation` property:
- The `orientation` attribute stores the relative rotation of an object with respect to the reference orientation (defined in each class docstring).
- The default (`orientation=None`) corresponds to a unit rotation.
- `orientation` is stored as a `scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` object.
- Calling the attribute `source.orientation` returns a Scipy Rotation object `R`.
- Make use of all advantages of this great Scipy package:
- define `R.from_rotvec()` or `R.from_quat()` or ...
- view with `R.as_rotvec()` or `R.as_quat()` or ...
- combine subsequent rotations `R1 * R2 * R3`
- Sensor pixel:
- The new `Sensor(position, pixel, orientation)` class has the argument `pixel` which is `(0,0,0)` by default and refers to pixel positions inside the Sensor (in the Sensor local CS). `pixel` is an arbitrary array_like of the shape (N1, N2, ..., 3).
- Geometry paths:
- The `position` and `orientation` attributes can now store paths in the global CS. For a path of length M the attribute `position` is an array of the shape (M,3) and `orientation` is a Rotation object with length M. Each path position is associated with a respective rotation.
- Field computations `getB()` and `getH()` will evaluate the field for all source path positions.
- Paths can be set by hand `position = X`, `orientation = Y`, but they can also conveniently be generated using the `rotate` and `move` methods.
- Paths can be shown via the `show_path=True` kwarg in `display()`. By setting `show_path=x` the object will be displayed at every `x`'th path step. This helps to follow up on object rotation along the path.
- All objects have a `reset_path()` method defined to set their paths to `position=(0,0,0)` and `orientation=None`.

- Streamlining operation with all Magpylib objects:
- All objects (Sensors, Sources, Collections) have additional direct access to
- `.display()` method for quick self-inspection.
- `getB()` and `getH()` methods for fast field computations
- `__repr__` attribute defined and will return their type and their `id`.
- Other new features:
- The top-level `Config` allows users to access and edit Magpylib default values.
- Renamed modules:
- `.magnet` and `.current` sub-packages were moved to the top level.
- The `.moment` sub-package was renamed to `.misc` and was moved to the top level.
- The `.vector` sub-package was completely removed. Functionalities are mostly replaced by new top-level function `getBv()`.
- The `.math` sub-package was removed. Functionalities are mostly provided by the `scipy - Rotation` package.
- Renamed functions:
- The top level function `displaySystem()` was renamed to `display()`.
- Renamed attributes (parameters cannot be initialized in their short forms anymore):
- `angle` and `axis` are replaced by `orientation`
- `dimension` is replaced by `diameter` for Loop and Sphere classes.
- `angle`&`axis` are replaced by `orientation`.

- Modified rotate methods:
- The class methods `.rotate(angle, axis, anchor)` have been replaced by a new `.rotate(rotation, anchor, increment, start)` method where `rotation` ist a scipy `Rotation` object.
- The original angle-axis-anchor rotation is now provided by the new method `.rotate_from_angax(angle, axis, anchor, increment, start, degrees)`.
- The argument `axis` can now easily be set to the global CS axes with `"x"`, `"y"`, `"z"`.
- The anchor argument `anchor=0` represents the origin `(0,0,0)`.
- `angle` argument is in units of deg by default. It can now be set to rad using the `degrees` argument.
- The "move"-class method is now `.move(displacement, increment, start)`
- Rotation and move methods can now be used to generate paths using vector input and the `increment` and `start` arguments.
- All operations can now be chained (e.g. `.move_by().rotate().move_to()`)
- Miscellaneous:
- `getB(pos)` now takes single AND vector position arguments. If a vector is handed to getB it will automatically execute vectorized code from the vector module.
- In a finite region (size defined by `Config.EDGESIZE`) about magnet edges and line currents the field evaluates to `(0,0,0)` instead of `(NaN, NaN, NaN)`. Special case catching reduces performance slightly.
- Improved Computation:
- The Box field is now more stable. Numerical instabilities in the outfield were completely removed.
- Updated Field computation interface
- There are two fundamental arguments for field computation:
- The argument `sources` refers to a source/Collection or to a 1D list of L sources and/or Collections.
- The argument `observers` refers to a set of positions of shape (N1, N2, ..., 3) or a Sensor with `pixel` shape (N1, N2, ..., 3) or a 1D list of K Sensors.
- With Magpylib3 there are several ways to compute the field:
1. `source.getB(*observers)`
2. `sensor.getB(*sources)`
3. `magpylib.getB(sources, observers)`
- The output shape is always (L, M, K, N1, N2, ..., 3) with L sources, M path positions, K sensors and N (pixel) positions.
- Objects with shorter paths will be considered as static once their path ends while other paths continue.
4. `magpylib.getBv(**kwargs)` gives direct access to the field formulas and mostly replaces the `getBv_XXX()` functionality of v2. All inputs must be arrays of length N or of length 1 (statics will be tiled).
- While `getBv` is the fastest way to compute the fields it is much more convenient to use `getB()` which mostly provides the same performance. Specifically,the new `getB()` automatically groups all inputs for combined vectorized evaluation. This leads to a massive speedup when dealing with large Collections of similar sources.
- In addition to `getB`, the new `getH` returns the field in kA/m.

- the kwarg `niter=50` does not exist anymore for the Cylinder field computation. The functionality was completely replaced by the config setting `Config.ITER_CYLINDER=50`.



- Improved performance of `getB` for diametral magnetized Cylinders by 20%.
- `getB` of Line current now uses vectorized code which leads to massive performance enhancement.
- **IMPORTANT:** position arguments of `getBv` functions have been flipped! First comes the source position POSm THEN the observer position POSo!

- completed the library vector functionality adding magnet Cylinder, moment Dipole, current Loop and Line. This includes adding several private vectorized functions (e.g. ellipticV) to mathLib_vector, adding respective tests and docs examples.



- Docstrings for vector functions.
- `displaySystem` kwarg `figsize`
- bringing documentation up to speed

- init file bug



This is a major update that includes

API changes
New features
Improved internal workings
- Restructuring
- displaySystem is now a top-level function, not a Collection method anymore.
- getBsweep and multiprocessing options have been completely removed, this functionality
should be overtaken by the new vector functionality which uses the numpy native vectorized
code paradigm. If mkl library is set (test by numpy.show_config()) numpy will also
automatically use multiprocessing. Code parallelization at magpylib level should be done
by hand.
- Docstrings are adjusted to work better with intellisense. (Problems with *.rst code)
- public rotatePosition() is now called angleAxisRotation(), former private angleAxisRotation
is now called angleAxisRotation_priv().
- Major rework of the documentation and examples.

- Performance computation trough vector functionality included in new top-level subpackage "vector"
- Vectorized versions of math functions added to "math" subpackage


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