
Latest version: v4.7.8

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New features
* Add **YOLO11** support(detect, segmentation, keypoint detection)
* Support New board **MaixCAM-Pro**, include its PMU, IMU, RTC.
* SC035GS(Global shutter camera) support 180fps mode.
* OS04A10 now support 40s exposure, GC4653 max 1/3 s.
* Camera support read RAW data.
* Camera APP add LED light switch, RAW, digital zoomin.


* Fix speech recognition APP core dump bug


* optimize NN preprocess, now faster(e.g. 320x320 input, 12ms to 2ms)


**Burn system image(`maixcam_*.img.xz`(for device MaixCAM) or `maixcam-pro_*.img.xz`(for device MaixCAM-Pro) file below) to use this version because it have camera driver update in system, and don't forget to install runtime in first bootup**
**烧录系统镜像(下面的`maixcam_*.img.xz`(设备 MaixCAM 用)或`maixcam-pro_*.img.xz`(设备 MaixCAM-Pro 用)文件),以及第一次开机后记得联网安装运行库,才能正常使用此版本**


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> 国内下载速度太慢也可以到 QQ 群 862340358 群文件下载


New features
* Support [OCR(image text recognize)](
* Support speech recognitioin.
* Support new hardware MaixCAM-Pro.


**Burn system image(`maixcam_*.img.xz`(for device MaixCAM) or `maixcam-pro_*.img.xz`(for device MaixCAM-Pro) file below) to use this version because it have camera driver update in system, and don't forget to install runtime in first bootup, old version system DO NOT upgrade runtime**
**烧录系统镜像(下面的`maixcam_*.img.xz`(设备 MaixCAM 用)或`maixcam-pro_*.img.xz`(设备 MaixCAM-Pro 用)文件),以及第一次开机后记得安装运行库,才能正常使用此版本**


| github release assets (recommend!) | Sourceforge | |
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> 国内下载速度太慢也可以到 QQ 群 862340358 群文件下载


New Features
* Self learning object detect and tracking, see [doc](

* Object tracking and object count, see [doc](

* Video(H.264) hardware decode support, now you can play mp4 video files.

* USB HID simulate support(MaixCAM act as mouse/keyboard/touchpad).
* Support OS04A10 camera sensor.
* Add `time.fps` API. refer to `MaixPy/examples/basic/`
* Add convertion API between `tensor.Tensor` and `numpy.ndarray`, refer to `MaixPy/examples/vision/ai_vision/`
* Add bm8563 & qmi8658 & tmc2209 doc & example
* Add [http file browser APP](
* Default listenning uart command, now you can send command though uart to switch APP like [protocol doc]( said.

* UART read block issue.
* YOLOv5/YOLOv8 score always 0.5 issue(iou bug).
* App_store APP exit when scan QR code and no network, and settings the same.


For this version, if you want to use HID function, you must burn system, or you can upgrade maixpy and then upgrade runtime, but we remain recommend you directly re-burn system.

**Burn system image(`*.img.xz` file below) to use this version because it have camera driver update in system, and don't forget to install runtime in first bootup, old version system DO NOT upgrade runtime**


| github release assets (recommend!) | Sourceforge | |
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> 国内下载速度太慢也可以到 QQ 群 862340358 群文件下载


New Features
* Add WiFi AP mode API and demo(in `MaixPy/examples/tools` directory)
* Now USB driver (virtual network card) can be auto recognized by Windows and MacOS and Linux, no need to install driver manually anymore!
* Add USB setting in settings APP, you can select device mode or host mode(can use external USB devices like USB camera), and virual network card selection.
* Add timezone setting API and setting item in settings APP, and you can also find demo in `MaixPy/examples/tools` directory.

* [optimize app.switch_app ignore same app switch](
* Optimize runtime installation to ensure old system use old runtime.
* Optimize MaixPy upgrade UI, now you can exit without stuck.
* Optimize builtin find_blob APP blue color threshold to find more blue color.
* Increase kernel memory to 128MB, so now user space memory is 128MB(the 4.4.19 is 160MB) for better camera driver stability.
* Add depracate warning to v1 API and optimize v1 examples' test image path.

* NN memory leak issue when use dual_buff mode.
* Fix UART0 Tx pin write data error sometimes.
* [Fix morph bug](
* Fix camera reopen bug.
* Fix desktop-monitor APP run failed error.


**You must to burn system image(`*.img.xz` file below) to use this version because it have camera driver update in system, and don't forget to install runtime in first bootup, old version system DO NOT upgrade runtime**


| github release assets (recommend!) | Sourceforge | |
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