New Features
* Add MaixHub client APP, now you can collect dataset by this APP and directly upload to MaixHub, and deploy model to MaixCAM in one click.
* Add `image.Image.set_windowing` function.
* Support now global shutter camera sms_sc035gs (only support 60FPS mode now, later will support 180fps~240fps)
* Support 5 inch screen, and 7inch touchscreen, buy [here](
* Camera(GC4653) now default support 80FPS mode, if you want to use 30 or 60 fps, set `fps=30` or `fps=60` when construct `camera.Camera` object.
* Change `image.Image.awb_mode` to `image.Image.set_awb` function.
Bug Fix
* Fix camera image buffer error.
* Fix cv2image grayscale image error
**You must to burn system image(`*.img.xz` file below) to use this version because it have camera driver update in system, and don't forget to install runtime in first bootup, old version system DO NOT upgrade runtime**
**你必须烧录系统镜像(下面的`*.img.xz`文件),以及第一次开机后记得安装运行库,才能正常使用此版本,旧版镜像请不要更新 运行库**
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