
Latest version: v4.7.8

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Bug Fix

* Cancel camera default 80fps mode, cause some camera not support this freq, if you want to use 80fps mode, set it in `camera.Camera(320, 240, fps=80)`
* Camera add_channel bug fix
* UART read function param `len` bug fix
* Limit app desc must one line when app_store installing app


**You must to burn system image(`*.img.xz` file below) to use this version because it have camera driver update in system, and don't forget to install runtime in first bootup, old version system DO NOT upgrade runtime**
**你必须烧录系统镜像(下面的`*.img.xz`文件),以及第一次开机后记得安装运行库,才能正常使用此版本,旧版镜像请不要更新 运行库**


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New Features
* Add MaixHub client APP, now you can collect dataset by this APP and directly upload to MaixHub, and deploy model to MaixCAM in one click.
* Add `image.Image.set_windowing` function.
* Support now global shutter camera sms_sc035gs (only support 60FPS mode now, later will support 180fps~240fps)
* Support 5 inch screen, and 7inch touchscreen, buy [here](

* Camera(GC4653) now default support 80FPS mode, if you want to use 30 or 60 fps, set `fps=30` or `fps=60` when construct `camera.Camera` object.
* Change `image.Image.awb_mode` to `image.Image.set_awb` function.

Bug Fix
* Fix camera image buffer error.
* Fix cv2image grayscale image error


**You must to burn system image(`*.img.xz` file below) to use this version because it have camera driver update in system, and don't forget to install runtime in first bootup, old version system DO NOT upgrade runtime**
**你必须烧录系统镜像(下面的`*.img.xz`文件),以及第一次开机后记得安装运行库,才能正常使用此版本,旧版镜像请不要更新 运行库**


| github release assets (recommend!) | Sourceforge | |
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New Features

* i18n now support load from yaml dict files.
* Camera APP support record video(mp4 format), you can find video in `/maixapp/share/video` directory of device.


* Camera(GC4653) support 60FPS mode now, and now fefault 60FPS(only support when resolution <= 720p).
> 60FPS mode's color has some different with 30FPS mode, if you want to use 30FPS mode, please set `fps=30` in `camera.Camera()`.
* AI model(NPU) support dual_buff mode and set it to default, now runing faster twice than before.
> dual buff mode enabled by default, if you want to disable it, set arg `dual_buff = False` when initilize model like `nn.YOLOv5(model="“, dual_buff=False)
* APP bootup/switch faster now.
* YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 object coordinate now ensure all value >= 0.
* `disp.set_backlight(0)` now will close backlight now.


* Setting install runtime success but always show not install bug.
* Face recoginizer run fail bug.
* image.cv2image and image.image2cv memory leak bug
* RTSP optimize, now you can play it with `ffplay rtsp://` or `mpv rtsp://`


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* New features
* Add **YOLOv8** support.
* Add **17 human body keypoints detection** support(**YOLOv8-Pose**).
* Add **self learn classifier** support(learn and classify anything).
* Add 2-axis gimbal project.
* Add SPI support(soft Simulate), add spi st7789 demo.
* Add ADC support.
* `image.draw_string` support auto linefeed and `\r\n` `\n` now.
* Add `time.ticks_s()` and `time.ticks_ms()` `time.ticks_us()` to calculate time interval instead of `time.time()`.
* Support set camera to grayscale mode.
* Audio support wav format.

* Bug fix
* Fix time.sleep stuck thread bug.
* Repalce time.time_ms() with time.ticks_ms() to avoid datetime change bug.
* Fix camera's first `read()` call failed when capture black scenes.
* Fix `` and `image.send_to_maixvision` func cannot send fisrt image error.


* Add `Human Pose` to detect human body 17 keypoints, support multiple people.
* Add `Self Learn Classifier`, you can learn anything and recognize it in a minute.


* Add SPI driver.
* Fix maixvision auto disconcnect after first connection for a while.

**sha256sum** maixcam-2024-06-20-maixpy-v4.3.2.img.xz:


| github release assets (recommend!) | Sourceforge | |
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New features
* Add RTMP support
* Add face detector support
* Add face recognize support
* Add soft simulate I2C/SPI support
* Add pinmap module

Bug fix
* Camera reopen failed and compress jpeg error


* setttings add wifi scan QR code
* Add RTMP live streaming APP(streaming to or youtube twitch etc.
* Add face recognizer APP, support multi face recognize


* Add boot up splash
* Remove always fsck disk, so bootup faster, if you encounter boot up failed with disk files error, tell us or just reburn system image to resolve.
* Add bitbang soft i2c spi driver

**sha256sum** maixcam-2024-06-04-maixpy-v4.2.1.img.xz: 7eb7d3d1e7488b49dab239fdcb9b498dc8e19e01abb8c75b01fa36e93fdc2f83


| github release assets (recommend!) | Sourceforge | |
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