+ **Breaking Change** - the ``mappyfile.load`` method now accepts a file-like object rather than a
filename to match the usage in other Python libraries. A new ``mappyfile.open`` method allows opening
directly with a filename.
+ New preserve comments feature - *experimental*
+ Add basic plugin system
+ Updates to schema docs (fixes for POSITION, AUTO, and added new default values)
+ Fix issue with comments on INCLUDE lines
+ `50 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/50>`_ Allow END keyword for GEOTRANSFORM parameter
+ `49 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/45>`_ Allow non-ASCII characters in parser
+ `47 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/47>`_ Add in missing expression operators -
divide, multiply, and power.