+ Allow multiple composites to be parsed directly (e.g. ``CLASS..END CLASS..END``)
+ Allow direct parsing of the ``METADATA`` and ``VALIDATION`` blocks
+ UTF-8 checks when opening a Mapfile
+ `23 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/23>`_ Alternative NE and EQ comparisons not defined
+ `22 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/22>`_ Handle AUTO Projection setting
+ `21 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/21>`_ INCLUDES throw error when no cwd set
+ `20 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/20>`_ Only the first FORMATOPTION is kept after transform
+ `19 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/19>`_ IMAGEMODE FEATURE throws parsing error
+ `18 <https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/18>`_ CONFIG keyword not capitalised
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