What's Changed
**`marimo edit` glow-up! ✨** We've done a UI revamp of the notebook server launched with `marimo edit`. Your notebooks are now organized in an easy-to-navigate and searchable file explorer.

All changes
* docs: fix example for marimo.ui.file_browser by nchachereau in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1774
* fix: treat special variable "__" as local variable by ontowhee in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1764
* fix: opening files when using 'marimo <dir>' by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1775
* improvement: support AnyWidget.send, mosaic_widget example by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1776
* fix: patching vegaloader again, supporting various pathnames by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1777
* fix: remove side-effectful isinstance check by akshayka in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1779
* 0.7.3 by akshayka in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1780
New Contributors
* nchachereau made their first contribution in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1774
* ontowhee made their first contribution in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/1764
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/compare/0.7.2...0.7.3