What's Changed
This release contains a new Markdown viewer! Cells containing just `mo.md()` can be viewed and edited as Markdown, instead of Python. Just click the "View as markdown" button in a cell's top-right corner to trigger the Markdown view.

* feat: support markdown syntax by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/422
It also includes a number of bug fixes and improvements.
* fix: handle backslashes in md (marimo convert) by akshayka in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/424
* chore(deps): update all storybook dependencies to ^7.6.3 by renovate in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/428
* chore(deps): update dependency eslint to ^8.55.0 by renovate in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/429
* fix(deps): update dependency clsx to v2 by renovate in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/433
* fix(deps): update dependency html-react-parser to v5 by renovate in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/434
* chore: skip Google Auth on forks in CI by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/435
* improvement: lazy load plotly, katax, and vega for smaller initial load js by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/436
* improvement: include instructions for how to run static notebooks by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/427
* fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies by renovate in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/430
* improvement: add `rate` and `eta` to mo.status.progress_bar by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/426
* fix: fix RuntimeState to be able to recover from failed ui element updates by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/437
* fix: split up ipynb convert function by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/438
* fix: scroll in cell's console output by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/439
* fix: Add support for parsing Date in vega loader by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/441
* improvement: option to show code in static html by mscolnick in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/440
* fix: handle type params in function defs by akshayka in https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/pull/442
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/marimo-team/marimo/compare/0.1.63...0.1.64