* Added several new methods to the request class to get request information like `scheme`, `port` and several others. Reference the documentation for the full list * Added `request.referrer()` to get the referring URL
* Fixed `craft view` appending View to the view file when it was not supposed to.
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* Fixed issue with custom route compilers not working when added inside a route group
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* Fixed issue with some data persisting between requests
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* Added internal refactoring for mail class to better access the underlying components and use both html and text mimetypes * Added a way to access query params when doing post requests
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* Fixed issue with Masonite not being able to resolve when type hinting primitives
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* Added ability to add multiple to addresses and in different formats. * Added quote variable to the input method to return quotes. * Added improvements for getting inputs with dot notation and lists. * Added TLS support to SMTP driver. * Fixes issue when input is wrapped in a list