Change Log
- Added webpack mix file
- Added `Responsable` class.
- Added Mails are able to be returned in controller
- Added `AuthenticationProvider`
- Added a container swap for the `Auth` and `Guard` class to improve breaking change support (will possibly be removed in 2.4+).
- Adds `assertHasHeader` and `assertNotHasHeader`
- Adds `Download` class
- Added `preset` command
- Improved app collection to be able to collect objects and not just classes
- Added query_parse helper
- Added way to send request params to a middleware
- Added Mailable classes for sending email
- Returning tuples sets status codes
- Removed TestSuite class
- Removed SassProvider
- Removed ability for the container to hold modules
- Removed all modules from the container
- Dropped support for Python 3.4
- Refactored Authentication and added Guard support
- Moved the `masonite` folder into `src/masonite`
- Changed how query strings are parsed
- Auth command now pulls in routes from the `Auth` class
- Changes the way the wsgi server returns responses