
Latest version: v0.3.1

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Welcome to the 0.9.0 release of buildx!

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

Notable changes

- Support for new driver "remote" that can be used to connect to any already running BuildKit instance 1078 1093 1094 1103 1134 1204 [docs](
- Dockerfile can now be loaded from standard input even when build context is coming from external Git or HTTP URL 994
- Build commands now support new build context type `oci-layout://` for loading build context from local OCI layout directories. Note that this feature depends on an unreleased BuildKit feature and builder instance from `moby/buildkit:master` needs to be used until BuildKit v0.11 is released. 1173 [docs](
- New `--print` flag can be used to run helper functions supported by the BuildKit frontend performing the build and print their results. In Dockerfile this feature can be used to show the build arguments and secrets that the current build supports with `--print=outline` and list all available Dockerfile stages with `--print=targets`. This feature is experimental for gathering early feedback and requires enabling `BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1` environment variable. We plan to update/extend this feature in the future without keeping backward compatibility. 1100 1272
- New `--invoke` flag can be used to launch interactive containers from build results for an iterative debugging cycle. These containers can then be reloaded with code changes or restored to intial state from special monitor mode. This feature is experimental for gathering early feedback and requires enabling `BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1` environment variable. We plan to update/extend this feature in the future without keeping backwards compatibility 1168 1257 1259 [docs](
- Buildx now understands environment variable `BUILDKIT_COLORS` and `NO_COLOR` to customize/disable the colors of interactive build progressbar 1230 1226 [docs](
- `buildx create` command now does additional validation of builder parameters to avoid creating a builder instance with invalid configuration 1206
- `buildx imagetools create` command can now create new multi-platform images even if the source subimages are located on different repositories or registries 1137
- You can now set the default builder config that is used when creating builder instances without passing custom `--config` value 1111
- `buildx ls` command now shows the current BuildKit version of each builder instance 998
- `buildx ls` command output has been updated with better access to errors from different builders 1109
- Docker driver can now detect if `dockerd` instance supports initially disabled Buildkit features like multi-platform images 1260 1262
- Bake command now loads `.env` file automatically when building Compose files for compatibility 1261
- Bake now supports Compose files with `cache_to` definition 1155
- Bake now supports new builtin function `timestamp()` to access current time 1214
- Bake now supports Compose build secrets definition 1069
- Additional build context configuration is now supported in Compose files via `x-bake` 1256
- Compose files using targets with `.` in the name are now converter to use `_` so the selector keys can still be used in such targets 1011
- Compose Specification has been updated to 1.4.0 1246 1251
- Additional validation has been added for checking valid driver configurations 1188 1273
- Remove command now displays the removed builder and forbids removing context builders 1128
- Inspecting builder now shows current driver options configuration 1003 1066
- Fix panic on handling manifests with nil platform 1144
- Fix using duration filter with `prune` command 1252
- Fix merging multiple JSON files on Bake definition 1025
- Fix issues with implicit builder created from Docker context had invalid configuration or dropped connection 1129
- Fix conditions for showing no-output warning when using named contexts 968
- Fix deduplicating builders when builder instance and docker context have the same name 1131
- Fix printing unnecessary SSH warning logs 1085
- Fix possible panic when using an empty variable block with Bake JSON definition 1080
- Fix imagetools commands not handling `--builder` flag correctly 1067
- Fix using custom image together with rootless option 1063
- Enable Azure authentication when using kubernetes driver 974
- Add tolerations handling for kubernetes driver 1045 1053
- Replace deprecated seccomp annotations with securityContext in kubernetes driver 1052


* CrazyMax
* Tõnis Tiigi
* Justin Chadwell
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Batuhan Apaydın
* Akihiro Suda
* Kohei Tokunaga
* Avi Deitcher
* Cory Snider
* Doug Borg
* Nicolas De Loof
* Phong Tran
* Sean P. Kane
* Zsolt Szeberenyi

Dependency Changes

* **** v14.2.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.11.24 **_new_**
* **** v0.9.18 **_new_**
* **** v0.3.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.2.1 **_new_**
* **** v0.6.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.5.1 -> v0.5.2
* **** v1.2.1 -> v1.4.0
* **** v1.6.1 -> v1.6.6
* **** v0.2.2 -> v0.3.0
* **** a01c71e2477e -> 4bf3547399eb
* **** 8667ccd1124c -> 418ca3b4d46f
* **** v0.4.0 -> v0.5.0
* **** v2.8.0 -> v2.8.1
* **** 40bb9831756f -> a60b458179aa
* **** v1.6.0 **_new_**
* **** v4.2.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.5.7 -> v0.5.8
* **** v0.3.12 -> v0.3.13
* **** v1.15.0 -> v1.15.7
* **** v0.3.0 **_new_**
* **** v1.0.3 -> v1.1.1
* **** v1.4.3 -> v1.5.0
* **** 10e6f94bf90d -> 55ba9d14360a
* **** 693428a734f5 -> c5a74bcca799
* **** v1.1.0 -> v1.1.3
* **** v1.12.1 -> v1.12.2
* **** v1.8.1 **_new_**
* **** v1.8.1 -> v1.9.0
* **** v1.2.1 -> v1.5.0
* **** v1.7.0 -> v1.8.0
* **** 9ed612626da3 -> 0dbf3a8a7d58
* **** 5770296d904e -> 3147a52a75dd
* **** fe4d6282115f -> cd36cc0744dd
* **** 036812b2e83c -> 886fb9371eb4
* **** da31bd327af9 -> c0bba94af5f8
* **** 6886f2dfbf5b -> 03fcf44c2211
* **** 1f47c861a9ac -> 90d013bbcef8
* **** 3a66f561d7aa -> 1973136f34c6
* **** v1.44.0 -> v1.47.0
* **** 10cb98267c6c **_new_**
* **** 496545a6307b -> v3.0.1


Welcome to the 0.9.0-rc2 release of buildx!
*This is a pre-release of buildx*

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

Notable changes

- New `--print` flag can be used to run helper functions supported by the BuildKit frontend performing the build and print their results. In Dockerfile this feature can be used to show the build arguments and secrets that the current build supports with `--print=outline` and list all available Dockerfile stages with `--print=targets`. This feature is experimental for gathering early feedback and requires enabling `BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1` environment variable. We plan to update/extend this feature in the future without keeping backward compatibility. 1100
- Additional build context configuration is now supported in Compose files via `x-bake` 1256
- `--invoke` feature now shows more helpful guidance message for common cases and implements `help` command 1259
- Bake command now loads `.env` file automatically when building Compose files for compatibility 1261
- Docker driver can now detect if `dockerd` instance supports initially disabled Buildkit features like multi-platform images 1260 1262
- Fix interactive containers started with `--invoke` remaining active after the build and preventing storage release 1257
- Compose Specification has been updated to 1.4.0 1251
- Additional validation has been added for checking valid driver configurations 1188
- Fix using duration filter with `prune` command 1252


Welcome to the 0.9.0-rc1 release of buildx!
*This is a pre-release of buildx*

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

Notable changes

- Support for new driver "remote" that can be used to connect to any already running BuildKit instance 1078 1093 1094 1103 1134 1204 [docs](
- Dockerfile can now be loaded from standard input even when build context is coming from external Git or HTTP URL 994
- Build commands now support new build context type `oci-layout://` for loading build context from local OCI layout directories. Note that this feature depends on an unreleased BuildKit feature and builder instance from `moby/buildkit:master` needs to be used until BuildKit v0.10 is released. 1173 [docs](
- New `--invoke` flag can be used to launch interactive containers from build results for an iterative debugging cycle. This feature is experimental for gathering early feedback and requires enabling `BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1` environment variable. We plan to update/extend this feature in the future without keeping backwards compatibility 1168 [docs](
- Buildx now understands environment variable `BUILDKIT_COLORS` and `NO_COLOR` to customize/disable the colors of interactive build progressbar 1230 1226 [docs](
- `buildx create` command now does additional validation of builder parameters to avoid creating a builder instance with invalid configuration 1206
- `buildx imagetools create` command can now create new multi-platform images even if the source subimages are located on different repositories or registries 1137
- You can now set the default builder config that is used when creating builder instances without passing custom `--config` value 1111
- `buildx ls` command now shows the current BuildKit version of each builder instance 998
- `buildx ls` command output has been updated with better access to errors from different builders 1109
- Bake now supports Compose files with `cache_to` definition 1155
- Bake now supports new builtin function `timestamp()` to access current time 1214
- Bake now supports Compose build secrets definition 1069
- Compose files using targets with `.` in the name are now converter to use `_` so the selector keys can still be used in such targets 1011
- Compose Specification has been updated to 1.3.0 1246
- Remove command now displays the removed builder and forbids removing context builders 1128
- Inspecting builder now shows current driver options configuration 1003 1066
- Fix panic on handling manifests with nil platform 1144
- Fix merging multiple JSON files on Bake definition 1025
- Fix issues with implicit builder created from Docker context had invalid configuration or dropped connection 1129
- Fix conditions for showing no-output warning when using named contexts 968
- Fix deduplicating builders when builder instance and docker context have the same name 1131
- Fix printing unnecessary SSH warning logs 1085
- Fix possible panic when using an empty variable block with Bake JSON definition 1080
- Fix imagetools commands not handling `--builder` flag correctly 1067
- Fix using custom image together with rootless option 1063
- Enable Azure authentication when using kubernetes driver 974
- Add tolerations handling for kubernetes driver 1045 1053
- Replace deprecated seccomp annotations with securityContext in kubernetes driver 1052


* CrazyMax
* Tõnis Tiigi
* Justin Chadwell
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Batuhan Apaydın
* Akihiro Suda
* Avi Deitcher
* Cory Snider
* Doug Borg
* Kohei Tokunaga
* Phong Tran
* Sean P. Kane
* Zsolt Szeberenyi

Dependency Changes

* **** v14.2.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.11.24 **_new_**
* **** v0.9.18 **_new_**
* **** v0.3.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.2.1 **_new_**
* **** v0.6.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.5.1 -> v0.5.2
* **** v1.2.1 -> v1.3.0
* **** v1.6.1 -> v1.6.6
* **** v0.2.2 -> v0.3.0
* **** a01c71e2477e -> 4bf3547399eb
* **** 8667ccd1124c -> f1615facb1ca
* **** v0.4.0 -> v0.5.0
* **** v2.8.0 -> v2.8.1
* **** 40bb9831756f -> a60b458179aa
* **** v1.6.0 **_new_**
* **** v4.2.0 **_new_**
* **** v0.5.7 -> v0.5.8
* **** v0.3.12 -> v0.3.13
* **** v1.15.0 -> v1.15.1
* **** v0.3.0 **_new_**
* **** v1.0.3 -> v1.1.1
* **** v1.4.3 -> v1.5.0
* **** 10e6f94bf90d -> c75998aec3d4
* **** 693428a734f5 -> c5a74bcca799
* **** v1.1.0 -> v1.1.3
* **** v1.8.1 **_new_**
* **** v1.8.1 -> v1.9.0
* **** v1.2.1 -> v1.5.0
* **** v1.7.0 -> v1.8.0
* **** 9ed612626da3 -> 0dbf3a8a7d58
* **** 5770296d904e -> 3147a52a75dd
* **** fe4d6282115f -> cd36cc0744dd
* **** 036812b2e83c -> 886fb9371eb4
* **** da31bd327af9 -> c0bba94af5f8
* **** 6886f2dfbf5b -> 03fcf44c2211
* **** 3a66f561d7aa -> 42d7afdf6368
* **** v1.44.0 -> v1.45.0
* **** 10cb98267c6c **_new_**
* **** 496545a6307b -> v3.0.1

Previous release can be found at [v0.8.2](


Notable changes

- Update Compose spec used by `buildx bake` to v1.2.1 to fix parsing ports definition 1033
- Fix possible crash on handling progress streams from BuildKit v0.10 1042
- Fix parsing groups in `buildx bake` when already loaded by a parent group 1021


Notable changes

- Fix possible panic on handling build context scanning errors 1005
- Allow `.` on compose target names in `buildx bake` for backward compatibility 1018


Welcome to the 0.8.0 release of buildx!

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

Notable Changes

- Build command now accepts `--build-context` flag to define additional named build contextes for your builds. For example, these can be used expose additional local directories to your build or pin an image to a specific digest. This feature requires using Dockerfile 1.4+ frontend. 904 [Documentation](

- Bake definitions now support defining dependencies between targets and using the result of one target in another build. This feature requires using Dockerfile 1.4+ frontend. 928 965 963 962 981 [Documentation](

- `imagetools inspect` now accepts `--format` flag allowing access to config and buildinfo for specific images. 854 972

- New flag `--no-cache-filter` allows configuring build so it ignores cache only for specified Dockerfile stages 860

- `--metadata-file` output now supports embedded structure types. These are used for example for returning build info and image descriptors in BuildKit v0.10. 946

- Builds can now show a summary of warnings set by the building frontend 892

- `buildx rm` now accepts new flag `--all-inactive` for removing all builders that are not currently running 885

- Proxy config is now read from Docker configuration file and sent with build requests for backward compatibility 959

- Fix environment file handling in Compose files 905

- New build-arg `BUILDKIT_INLINE_BUILDINFO_ATTRS` allows opting-in to embedding building attributes to resulting image 908

- Support host networking in Compose 863 880

- Bake files can now be read from stdin with `-f -` 864

- New flag `--keep-buildkitd` allows keeping BuildKit daemon running when removing a builder 852

- `--iidfile` now always writes the image config digest independently from the driver being used. Use `--metadata-file` to access image manifest digest. 980

- Show last access time in `du` command 867

- Target names in Bake are now restricted to not use special characters 929

- Image manifest digest can be read from metadata when pushed with Docker driver 989

- Fix possible double output logs when multiple bake targets run same build steps 977

- Fix possible errors on multi-node builder building multiple targets with mixed platform 985

- Fix some nested inheritance cases in Bake 914

- Fix printing default group on Bake files 884

- Fix UsernsMode when using rootless container 887


* Tõnis Tiigi
* CrazyMax
* Zachary Povey
* Akihiro Suda
* Edgar Lee
* Eliott Wiener
* Mayeul Blanzat
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Tyler Smith
* Wojciech M

Dependency Changes

* **** v0.5.0 -> v0.5.1
* **** v13.0.0 **_new_**
* **** v1.0.5 -> v1.0.8
* **** v1.1.0 -> v1.1.1
* **** v1.5.5 -> v1.6.1
* **** v0.1.0 -> v0.2.2
* **** v1.1.0 **_new_**
* **** f782d1355eff -> 8667ccd1124c
* **** v0.2.1 -> v0.4.0
* **** v2.7.1 -> v2.8.0
* **** ba2adeebdb8d -> 40bb9831756f
* **** v0.4.0 -> v1.2.2
* **** v1.2.2 **_new_**
* **** v1.4.0 -> v1.4.1
* **** v0.5.6 -> v0.5.7
* **** v1.1.0 -> v1.2.0
* **** v1.2.0 -> v1.3.0
* **** v1.2.0 -> v1.3.0
* **** v1.1.11 -> v1.1.12
* **** v1.13.5 -> v1.15.0
* **** 8778943ac3da -> fdecd0ae108b
* **** v0.6.0 **_new_**
* **** v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2
* **** 5ad6f50d6283 -> 693428a734f5
* **** v1.0.1 -> v1.1.0
* **** v1.11.0 -> v1.12.1
* **** v0.26.0 -> v0.32.1
* **** v0.6.0 -> v0.7.3
* **** 4442383b5028 -> b19f7f9cb274
* **** v1.7.1 -> v1.10.0
* **** d010b05b4939 -> v0.29.0
* **** d010b05b4939 -> v0.29.0
* **** d010b05b4939 -> v0.29.0
* **** v1.0.0-RC1 -> v1.4.1
* **** v1.4.1 **_new_**
* **** v1.0.0-RC1 -> v1.4.1
* **** v1.0.0-RC1 -> v1.4.1
* **** v1.0.0-RC1 -> v1.4.1
* **** v0.21.0 -> v0.27.0
* **** v0.21.0 -> v0.27.0
* **** v1.0.0-RC1 -> v1.4.1
* **** v1.0.0-RC1 -> v1.4.1
* **** v0.9.0 -> v0.12.0
* **** 0c34fe9e7dc2 -> 5770296d904e
* **** 37e1c6afe023 -> fe4d6282115f
* **** 2e8d93401602 -> 2bc19b11175f
* **** 0f9fa26af87c -> da31bd327af9
* **** 6a3ed077a48d -> 6886f2dfbf5b
* **** f16073e35f0c -> 3a66f561d7aa
* **** v1.40.0 -> v1.44.0
* **** v0.22.1 -> v0.22.4
* **** v0.22.1 -> v0.22.4
* **** v0.22.1 -> v0.22.4
* **** 4b05e18ac7d9 -> cb0fa318a74b

Previous release can be found at [v0.7.0](

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