
Latest version: v0.3.1

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Notable changes

* Set `ConfigFile` to parse compose files with bake (704)
* Duplicated progress env var (693)
* Should ignore nil client (686)


* CrazyMax
* Devin Bayer
* Morlay


Notable changes

* Support for OpenTelemetry traces and forwarding Buildx client traces to BuildKit (635)
* Experimental Github Actions remote cache backend with `--cache-to type=gha` and `--cache-from type=gha` (535)
* New `--metadata-file` flag has been added to build and bake command that allows saving build result metadata in JSON format (605)
* Docker container driver new keeps BuildKit state in volume. Enabling updates with keeping state. (672)
* Compose parser is now based on new [compose-go parser]( fixing support for some newer syntax (#669)
* SSH socket is now automatically forwarded when building an ssh-based git URL (581)
* This is the first release supporting Windows ARM64 (654)
* This is the first release supporting Linux Risc-V (652)
* Bake now supports building from remote definition with local files or another remote source as context (671)
* Bake HCL parser has been rewritten (645)
* Bake now allows variables to reference each other and using user functions in variables and vice-versa (575) (539) (532)
* Bake allows defining attributes in the global scope (541)
* Bake allows variables across multiple files (538)
* Extend HCL support with more functions (491) (503)
* New quiet mode has been added to progress printer (558)
* Allow secrets from environment variables (488)
* `imagetools create` command now correctly merges JSON descriptor with old one, eg. allowing defining Windows `os.version` and annotations (592)
* Builds with an unsupported multi-platform and load configuration now fail fast (582)
* Fix building with `--network=none` not requiring extra security entitlements (531)
* Allow to set default progress through `BUILDX_PROGRESS_DEFAULT` env var (504)
* Kubernetes driver now supports defining resources/limits (618)
* Store Kubernetes config file to make buildx builder switchable (497)
* Kubernetes now lists all pods as nodes on inspection (477)
* Buildx binaries can now be accessed through [buildx-bin]( Docker image (#656)
* Default Rootless image has been set to `moby/buildkit:buildx-stable-1-rootless` (480)


* Tõnis Tiigi
* Akihiro Suda
* CrazyMax
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Tibor Vass
* Alex Couture-Beil
* Andy MacKinlay
* Djordje Lukic
* Felipe Santos
* Hollow Man
* Michal Augustyn
* Shima Tatsuya
* Ulysses Souza
* Wang Jinglei
* Faustin Lammler


*This is a pre-release of buildx*

Notable changes

* Support for OpenTelemetry traces and forwarding Buildx client traces to BuildKit (635)
* Experimental Github Actions remote cache backend with `--cache-to type=gha` and `--cache-from type=gha` (535)
* New `--metadata-file` flag has been added to build and bake command that allows saving build result metadata in JSON format (605)
* Docker container driver new keeps BuildKit state in volume. Enabling updates with keeping state. (672)
* Compose parser is now based on new [compose-go parser]( (#669)
* SSH socket is now automatically forwarded when building an ssh-based git URL (581)
* This is the first release supporting Windows ARM64 (654)
* This is the first release supporting Linux Risc-V (652)
* Bake now supports building from remote definition with local files or another remote source as context (671)
* Bake HCL parser has been rewritten (645)
* Bake now allows variables to reference each other and using user functions in variables and vice-versa (575) (539) (532)
* Bake allows defining attributes in the global scope (541)
* Bake allows variables across multiple files (538)
* Extend HCL support with more functions (491) (503)
* New quiet mode has been added to progress printer (558)
* Allow secrets from environment variables (488)
* `imagetools create` command now correctly merges JSON descriptor with old one, eg. allowing defining Windows `os.version` and annotations (592)
* Builds with an unsupported multi-platform and load configuration now fail fast (582)
* Fix building with `--network=none` not requiring extra security entitlements (531)
* Allow to set default progress through `BUILDX_PROGRESS_DEFAULT` env var (504)
* Kubernetes driver now supports defining resources/limits (618)
* Store Kubernetes config file to make buildx builder switchable (497)
* Kubernetes now lists all pods as nodes on inspection (477)
* Buildx binaries can now be accessed through [buildx-bin]( Docker image (#656)
* Default Rootless image has been set to `moby/buildkit:buildx-stable-1-rootless` (480)

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at


* Tõnis Tiigi
* Akihiro Suda
* CrazyMax
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Tibor Vass
* Alex Couture-Beil
* Andy MacKinlay
* Djordje Lukic
* Felipe Santos
* Hollow Man
* Michal Augustyn
* Shima Tatsuya
* Ulysses Souza
* Wang Jinglei
* Faustin Lammler


Notable changes

- Fix regression on setting `--platform` on `buildx create` outside kubernetes driver


Notable changes

* BuildKit client has been updated to v0.8 469
* Docker driver now supports `--push` flag 442
* Allow `--append` to be used with Kubernetes driver 370
* Bake supports inline dockerfiles 398
* Bake supports building from remote URLs and Git repositories 398
* Build errors show error location in source files (requires BuildKit v0.8) and system stacktraces with `--debug` 389
* Bake formats HCL errors with source definition 391
* Bake allows empty string values in arrays that will be discarded 428
* Kubernetes cluster config can be used with Kubernetes driver 368 460
* Buildx creates a temporary token for pulling images instead of sharing credentials when possible 469
* Ensure credentials are passed when pulling BuildKit container image 441 433
* Disable user namespace remapping in docker-container driver 462
* Handle lowercase Dockerfile name as a fallback for backward compatibility 444
* Allow `--builder` flag to switch to default instance 425
* Avoid warn on empty `BUILDX_NO_DEFAULT_LOAD` config value 390
* `BUILDX_CONFIG` environment variable allow users to have separate buildx state from Docker config (385)
* `BUILDKIT_MULTI_PLATFORM` build arg allows to force building multi-platform return objects even if only one `--platform` specified 467
* Replace error generated by `quiet` option by a warning 403
* CI has been switched to GitHub Actions 451 463 466 468 471

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at


* Tõnis Tiigi
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* CrazyMax
* Tibor Vass
* Patrick Van Stee
* Anthony Poschen
* Brian Goff
* Ilya Dmitrichenko
* Saul Shanabrook
* Wang Jinglei
* Akihiro Suda
* Andrew Haines
* Donghui Wang
* Jean-Yves Gastaud
* Kotaro Adachi


*This is a pre-release of buildx*

Notable changes

* BuildKit client has been updated to v0.8 469
* Docker driver now supports `--push` flag 442
* Allow `--append` to be used with Kubernetes driver 370
* Bake supports inline dockerfiles 398
* Bake supports building from remote URLs and Git repositories 398
* Build errors show error location in source files (requires BuildKit v0.8) and system stacktraces with `--debug` 389
* Bake formats HCL errors with source definition 391
* Bake allows empty string values in arrays that will be discarded 428
* Kubernetes cluster config can be used with Kubernetes driver 368 460
* Buildx creates a temporary token for pulling images instead of sharing credentials when possible 469
* Ensure credentials are passed when pulling BuildKit container image 441 433
* Disable user namespace remapping in docker-container driver 462
* Handle lowercase Dockerfile name as a fallback for backward compatibility 444
* Allow `--builder` flag to switch to default instance 425
* Avoid warn on empty `BUILDX_NO_DEFAULT_LOAD` config value 390
* `BUILDX_CONFIG` environment variable allow users to have separate buildx state from Docker config (385)
* `BUILDKIT_MULTI_PLATFORM` build arg allows to force building multi-platform return objects even if only one `--platform` specified 467
* Replace error generated by `quiet` option by a warning 403
* CI has been switched to GitHub Actions 451 463 466 468 471

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at


* Tõnis Tiigi
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* CrazyMax
* Tibor Vass
* Patrick Van Stee
* Anthony Poschen
* Brian Goff
* Ilya Dmitrichenko
* Saul Shanabrook
* Wang Jinglei
* Akihiro Suda
* Andrew Haines
* Donghui Wang
* Jean-Yves Gastaud
* Kotaro Adachi

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