**Based on our new proposed classes, solving continuous and discrete problems is never that easy.**
+ `space` module with: FloatVar, IntegerVar, StringVar, BoolVar, PermutationVar, BinaryVar, and MixedSetVar classes
* **FloatVar**: handle problem with solution's format as float value
* **IntegerVar**: handle problem with solution's format as integer value
* **StringVar**: handle problem with solution's format as string value
* **BoolVar**: handle problem with solution's format as boolean value (True or False)
* **PermutationVar**: handle problem with solution's format as permutation value
* **BinaryVar**: handle problem with solution's format as binary value (0 or 1)
* **MixedSetVar**: handle problem with solution's format as mixed discrete set
+ `target` module with **Target** class contains:
* `objectives` (list), `weights` (list) to calculate fitness, and `fitness` (number)
+ `agent` module with: **Agent**te class that is a placeholder for a search agent, it contains at least two attributes:
* `solution` (position - np.ndarray), and a `target` object
+ Convert all optimizers to use new classes
+ Convert Tuner and MultiTask classes
+ Rename all un-official (developed by our team) optimizers to `DevOptimizerName`
+ Update tests and documents
+ Update some examples, not all examples have converted yet (utils and applications folders)