Change models
+ Change root model, then all of the algorithms are now change
+ domain_range -> lower bound and upper bound
+ log -> verbose
+ objective_func -> obj_func
+ batch-size training -> Inspired by the idea of batch-size training in gradient descent algorithm
+ Idea of batch-size training in meta-heuristics
+ Some algorithms update the global best solution when all of the individuals in the population have moved to a new position.
+ This idea is a similarity to the training the whole dataset in GD
+ But some algorithms update after each move to a new position.
+ This idea is a similarity as SGD
+ But the point here is if the algorithm doesn't take advantage of the global best solution when updating individual
the position then GD or SGD gives the same results.
+ So my idea of batch-size training here is very simple, after batch-size of individuals move, then we will update
the global best solution. So:
+ batch-size = 1 ==> SGD
+ batch-size = population-size ==> GD
+ batch-size should set = 10% / 25% / 50% of your population size
+ Some algorithms can't apply the idea of batch-size. For examples:
+ If the original algorithm has already divided the population into m-clan (m-group) --> No need batch-size here
+ If the original algorithm contains multiple-part. Each part contains several types of updating --> No need too.
+ For music_based:
+ BaseHS (HS): Is the one can't use batch-size idea, but not belong to any reason above.
+ For math_based:
+ BaseSCA (SCA): Updated with batch-size idea. Keep the original version for reference.
+ For system_based:
+ BaseAEO (AEO): Updated with the batch-size ideas and some of my new ideas. Still keep the original version
+ BaseGCO (GCO): Updated with batch-size idea. Keep the original version
+ For bio_based:
+ BaseIWO (IWO):
+ OriginalWHO (WHO):
+ BaseBBO (BBO):
+ Remove all third loop, make algorithm n-times faster than original
+ In the migration step, instead of select solution based on the wheel in every variable in position,
using the wheel and select a single position and update based on its all variable of that position.
+ BaseVCS (VCS):
+ Remove all third loop, make algorithm n-times faster than original
+ In Immune response process, updating the whole position instead of updating each variable in position
+ Drop batch-size idea to 3 main processes of this algorithm, make it more robust
+ BaseSBO (SBO):
+ Remove all third loop, n-times faster than original
+ No need equation (1, 2) in the paper, calculate the probability by roulette-wheel. Also can handle negative values
+ Apply batch-size idea
+ BaseBWO (BWO): This is my changed version and worked.
+ Using k-way tournament selection to select parent instead of randomizing
+ Repeat cross-over population_size / 2 instead of n_var/2
+ Mutation 50% of position instead of swap only 2 variable in a single position
+ OriginalBWO: is made up algorithm and just a variant of Genetic Algorithm
+ BaseAAA (AAA): This is my changed version but still not working
+ OriginalAAA: is made up algorithm taken from DE and CRO
+ I realize in the original paper, parameters, and equations not clear.
+ In the Adaptation phase, what is the point of saving starving value when it doesn't affect the solution at all?
+ The size of the solution always = 2/3, so the friction surface will always stay at the same value.
+ The idea of the equation seems like taken from DE, the adaptation and reproduction process seem like taken from CRO.
+ Appearance from 2015, but still now 2020 none of Matlab code or python code about this algorithm.
+ EOA:
+ OriginalEOA: My modified version from original Matlab version
+ The original version from Matlab code above will not work well, even with small dimensions.
+ I changed updating process
+ Changed the Cauchy process using x_mean
+ Used global best solution
+ Remove the third loop for faster
+ For human_based:
+ BaseTLO (TLO):
+ Remove all third loop
+ Apply batch-size idea
+ BSO:
+ OriginalBSO: This is original version
+ ImprovedBSO: My improved version with levy-flight and removal of some parameters.
+ QSA: 4 variant version now runs faster than n-times Original version
+ BaseQSA: Remove all third loop, apply the idea of the global best solution
+ OppoQSA: Based on BaseQSA, apply the idea of opposition-based learning technique
+ LevyQSA: Based on BaseQSA, apply the idea of levy-flight in business 2
+ ImprovedQSA: Combination of OppoQSA and LevyQSA
+ OriginalQSA: The original version of QSA. Not working well
+ BaseSARO: My version but not better than the original version, just faster than
+ OriginalSARO: Convergence rate better than base version but very slow in time comparison.
+ BaseLCBO: Is the original version
+ LevyLCBO: Use levy-flight and is the best among 3 version
+ ImprovedLCBO:
+ OriginalSSDO: This is the original version
+ LevySSDO: Apply the idea of levy-flight
+ OriginalGSKA: This is the original version, very slow for large-scale and slow convergence
+ BaseGSKA: Remove all third loop, change equations and ideas, faster than Original version
+ CHIO: This algorithm hasn't done yet. Don't use it yet
+ OriginalCHIO: Can fail at any time
+ BaseCHIO: Can't convergence
+ For physics_based group:
+ WDO:
+ OriginalWDO: is the original version
+ MVO:
+ OriginalMVO: is weak and slow algorithm
+ BaseMVO: can solve large-scale optimization problems
+ TWO:
+ OriginalTWO: is the original version
+ OppoTWO: using opposition-based techniques (better than original version)
+ LevyTWO: using only levy-flight and better than OppoTWO
+ ImprovedTWO: using opposition-based and levy-flight and better than all others
+ EFO:
+ OriginalEFO: is the original version, run fast but slow convergence
+ BaseEFO: using levy-flight for large-scale dimension
+ NRO:
+ OriginalNRO: is the original version, efficient even with large-scale due to levy-flight techniques
but running-time will slow because third loop.
+ OriginalHGSO: is the original version
+ OppoHGSO: uses opposition-based technique
+ LevyHGSO: uses levy-flight technique
+ ASO:
+ OriginalASO: is the original version
+ EO:
+ OriginalEO: is the original version
+ LevyEO: uses levy-flight technique for large-scale dimensions
+ For probabilistic_based group:
+ CEM:
+ OriginalCEM: is the original version
+ CEBaseSBO: is the hybrid version of Satin Bowerbird Optimizer (SBO) and CEM
+ CEBaseSSDO: is the hybrid version of Social-Sky Driving Optimization (SSDO) and CEM
+ CEBaseLCBO and CEBaseLCBONew: are the hybrid version of Life Choice Based Optimization and CEM
+ For evolutionary_based group: (Not good for large-scale problems)
+ EP:
+ OriginalEP: is the original version
+ LevyEP: applied levy-flight
+ ES:
+ OriginalES: is the original version
+ LevyES: applied levy-flight
+ MA:
+ OriginalMA: is the original version, can't remove third loop, very slow algorithm
+ GA:
+ BaseGA: is the original version
+ DE:
+ BaseDE: is the original version
+ FPA:
+ OriginalFPA: is the original version (already use levy-flight in it)
+ CRO:
+ OriginalCRO: is the original version
+ OCRO: is the opposition-based version
+ For swarm_based group:
+ PSO:
+ OriginalPSO: is the original version
+ PPSO: Phasor particle swarm optimization: a simple and efficient variant of PSO
+ PSO_W: A modified particle swarm optimizer
+ HPSO_TVA: New cls-organising hierarchical PSO with jumping time-varying acceleration coefficients
+ ABC:
+ OriginalABC: my version and taken from Clever Algorithms
+ FA:
+ OriginalFA: is the original version, running slow even the all third loop already removed
+ BA:
+ OriginalBA: is the original version
+ BasicBA: is also the original version with improved parameters
+ AdaptiveBA: my modified version without A parameter
+ PIO:
+ This is made up algorithm, after changing almost everything, the algorithm works
+ BasePIO: My base version
+ LevyPIO: My version based on levy-flight for large-scale dimensions
+ GWO:
+ OriginalGWO: is the original version
+ ALO:
+ OriginalALO: is the original version, slow and less efficient
+ BaseALO: my modified version which using matrix multiplication for faster
+ MFO:
+ OriginalMFO: is the original version
+ BaseMFO: my modified version which remove third loop, change equations and flow
+ EHO:
+ OriginalEHO: is the original version
+ LevyEHO: my levy-flight version of EHO
+ WOA:
+ OriginalWOA: is the original version
+ BSA:
+ OriginalBSA: is the original version
+ OriginalSRSR: is the original version
+ GOA:
+ OriginalGOA: is the original version with some changed from me:
+ I added normal() component to Eq, 2.7
+ Changed the way to calculate distance between two location
+ Used batch-size idea
+ MSA:
+ OriginalMSA: is my modified version with some changed from original matlab code version
+ RHO:
+ OriginalRHO: is the original version, not working
+ BaseRHO: my changed version
+ LevyRHO: levy-flight for large-scale dimensions
+ Change the flow of algorithm
+ Uses normal in equation instead of uniform
+ Uses levy-flight instead of uniform-equation
+ EPO:
+ Original: is the original version, can't converge at all
+ BaseEPO: my modified version:
+ First: I changed the Eq. T_s and no need T and random R.
+ Second: Updated the old position if fitness value better or kept the old position if otherwise
+ Third: Remove the third loop for faster
+ Fourth: Batch size idea
+ Fifth: Add normal() component and change minus sign to a plus
+ OriginalNMRA: The original version
+ The Matlab code of paper's author here:
+ Matlab code and paper are very different.
+ LevyNMRA: My levy-flight version
+ ImprovedNMRA:
+ Using mutation probability
+ Using levy-flight
+ Using crossover operator
+ BES:
+ OriginalBES: the original version
+ PFA:
+ OriginalPFA: is the original version, I did redesign the equation based on distance.
+ The problem with using the distance is that when increasing the bound and dimensions
--> distance increase very fast --> new position will always over the bound
--> we should divide the distance to a number of dimensions and the distance of the bound (upper-lower) to
stabilize the distance
+ The second problem is a new solution based on all other solutions --> we should also divide the new solution
by the population size to stabilize it.
+ OPFA: is an enhanced version of PFA based on Opposition-based Learning (better than OriginalPFA)
+ ImprovedPFA: (sometime better than OPFA)
+ using opposition-based learning
+ using levy-flight 2 times
+ SFO:
+ OriginalSFO: is the original version
+ ImprovedSFO: my improved version in which
+ Reform Energy equation,
+ No need parameter A and epxilon
+ Based on idea of Opposition-based Learning
+ SLO:
+ OriginalSLO: is the changed version from my student
+ ImprovedSLO: is the improved version
+ SpaSA:
+ BaseSpaSA: is my modified version, the original paper has several unclear parameters and equations
+ OriginalMRFO: is the original version
+ LevyMRFO: is my modified version based on levy-flight
+ HHO:
+ OriginalHHO: is the original version
+ SSA:
+ OriginalSSA: is the original version
+ BaseSSA: my modified version
+ CSO:
+ OriginalCSO: is the original version
+ BFO:
+ BaseBFO: is the adaptive version of BFO
+ OriginalBFO: is the original version taken from Clever Algorithms
+ SSO:
+ OriginalSSO: is the original version
Change others
+ models_history.csv: Update history of meta-heuristic algorithms
+ examples:
+ Update and Add examples for all algorithms
+ All examples tested with CEC benchmark and large-scale problem (1000 - 2000 dimensions)