- perf - Increase `connect_timeout` config in s3 - perf http open when web api support `Accept-Range` but not bigger than block size. - add retry for more errors - fix - fix `SftpPath.parts` - fix s3 `ProfileNotFound` error when profile_name not in the config file
- feat - add `force` param in sync methods for copy file forcible - add `-f` / `--force` in `refile sync` - check same file in copy, and raise `SameFileError` - perf - Set the timeout for SSH connections.
- fix - fix `s3_access` write permission's check - feat - support `AWS_S3_ADDRESSING_STYLE` env for setting s3 addressing style - perf - perf some s3 api
- fix - remove unuseful print - fix smart copy from http to local - support all s3 other config for s3 profile mode