- feat - `sync` command with `-g` support sync files concurrently - `sync` command add `-w` / `--worker` for concurrent worker's count, default 8 - fix - fix sftp error when mkdir concurrently - fix `sftp_download` and `sftp_upload`'s `callback` parameter
- fix - fix sftp client error when multi threads - fix `HttpPath` method's parameter
- fix - fix dst_path check in SftpPath's methods
- fix - fix `ls -r` not display directories - fix `SftpPath.cwd` - fix sftp exec command method's return data
- feat - `smart_sync` will raise `IsADirectoryError` when src_path is a file and dst_path is a directory - fix - fix `sftp_upload`, `sftp_download`, `sftp_copy` path check, when path is not sftp or is dir, will raise error - `sftp_copy` makedir if `dst_path`'s dir not exist