- The `fetch-all` command is removed and "subsumed" into the `fetch` command.
- The `push-all` command was removed
- Add script that aids in making the [Mepo Commands](https://github.com/GEOS-ESM/mepo/wiki/Mepo-Commands) wiki page. For Markdown reasons, some of the Argparse parsers had to be changed to better work with Markdown syntax.
- Obey config file for no style. Previously, if no style was passed into mepo, by default it chose prefix. This is fine for GEOSgcm, etc. but broke MAPL which uses naked. For now, if no style is found passed in on the command line or in `.mepoconfig` assume what is in `components.yaml` is the correct sytle.
- Changes to tag subcommand - `mepo tag push` instead of `mepo push --tags`