* Added ``MetaData.gen_description`` bool field for controlling whether description fields are automatically populated via ``MetaData.description_from_content`` - Stephen McDonald
* Emit the ``comment_was_posted`` signal in the comments view - Stephen McDonald
* Correctly handle model field defaults in the quick blog post form - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``COMMENTS_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED``, which when True, will store an unauthenticated user's comment in the session and redirect to login/signup, and save their comment once they're authenticated - Stephen McDonald
* Use setting names as labels if they're missing - Stephen McDonald
* Wrap data access in migrations with checks against the ``dry_run`` arg - Stephen McDonald
* added missing fr ``django.mo`` for the conf app - Nicolas Perriault
* Only pre-populate name in the comment form with the user's username if it's not their email address, which it is by default - Stephen McDonald
* Always use the name from the comment form, rather than the user's username, since by default it's their email address - Stephen McDonald
* Use ``comments.select_related(user)`` when loading comments, since Django's Comment model will query for the user each time a comment is loaded - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED`` which when set to True, will create new accounts as inactive, and send the user an email with a verification link to activate their account - Stephen McDonald
* Remove invalid examples of gettext in settings module - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed slug-based template name loading for non-ascii slugs - Stephen McDonald
* Fix unencoded template names from slugs in blog also - Stephen McDonald
* Added the SLUGIFY which takes a dotted Python path to the slugify function to use when converting strings into slugs. Defaults to ``mezzanine.utils.urls.slugify_unicode`` which allows for non-ascii URLs - Stephen McDonald
* Use the text required for the help text for required fields in ``mezzanine.forms`` when no help text is entered - Stephen McDonald
* Add HTML5 features to the comments form - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed assignment of page permissions in the admin page tree - Stephen McDonald
* Hide the delete button for ``mezzanine.core.admin.SingletonAdmin`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added the view ``mezzanine.core.static_proxy`` which is used to serve TinyMCE plugin templates, and uploadify's SWF, as these break with cross-domain errors when ``STATIC_URL`` is an external host - Stephen McDonald
* Fix with statement in Python 2.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Bump grappelli and filebrowser versions - Stephen McDonald
* Moved all user account features into a new app ``mezzanine.accounts`` - Stephen McDonald
* Handle non-ascii filenames on non-utf8 filesystems. Convert filenames and warn when saving them, and raise exceptions if trying to access them and the filesystem encoding has changed. Closes 186 - Stephen McDonald
* Add new exceptions module - Stephen McDonald
* Added the decorator ``mezzanine.pages.decorators.for_page``, which can be used for wrapping views that map to protected pages. The decorator adds the page instance to the template context, and handles login redirects if ``page.login_required`` is True. Applied to the blog views, and also added handling for ``login_required`` on the blog page in the blog feeds, which if True, stops the feeds from producing any blog posts or meta data - Stephen McDonald
* Don't disconnect the default site signal if we're not connecting our own one - Stephen McDonald
* Only try and modify template lists when they're available - not the case when the response is pulled from cache - Stephen McDonald
* Added the ifisinstalled template tag to replace the ``is_installed`` template filter, which properly handles include tags when the given app is not installed. Closes 181 - Stephen McDonald
* Allow pages without children to serve as targets for sortable - Aleksandr Vladimirskiy
* Fixed regression in admin login interface selector middleware. Closes 192 - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed ifinstalled template tag so that it removes all tokens, not just include tags. Closes 193 - Stephen McDonald
* Use ``prefetch_related`` in Django 1.4 for categories and keywords in the blog post list view. Closes 190 - Stephen McDonald
* Backout admin tree empty child fix for now as it doesn't work quite correctly - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed settings docs generator. Closes 189 - Stephen McDonald
* Refactoring of blog feed view. Returns a http 404 instead of http 500 when the feed does not exists - Thomas Wajs
* Clean up the blog feeds - Stephen McDonald
* Dev started in 2009 - Stephen McDonald
* Added fix for thumbnail generation which would previously not work for images which contained special characters in the file path and used url encoding - Kowaleski, Jason
* Added page import to wordpress - Alvin Mites
* restore utils/device for fork - Alvin Mites
* Added blog post content for the feed description - Thomas Wajs
* Allow the homepage to be login protected - Stephen McDonald
* Added handling for filebrowser's FileBrowseField directory arg. Closes 202 - Stephen McDonald
* Increased field lengths for ``Displayable.title`` from 100 to 500 and ``Displayable.slug`` from 100 to 2000 - Stephen McDonald
* Move ajax csrf setup into its own JS file that's loaded even when a popup interface is loaded. Closes 206 - Stephen McDonald
* Added the new app ``mezzanine.accounts``, which handles user login, signup, update, password reset, profile, and integration with Django's user->profile features - Stephen McDonald
* Use ifinstalled for the accounts user panel - Stephen McDonald
* Added some commas to the username format error - Stephen McDonald
* Give the admin drop-down menu elements the same hover/click state as their anchors. Also closes 208 - Stephen McDonald
* Bump filebrowser-safe to 0.2.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Properly handle optional file upload fields in ``mezzanine.forms`` - Stephen McDonald
* clarify south usage in overview - Brian Schott
* Manually assign the parent to each page in the ``page_menu`` template tag, to prevent queries being triggered if they're accessed - Stephen McDonald
* Update notes about dependencies, and remove notes about setuptools - Stephen McDonald
* fixed docstring error in ``mezzanine_tags.ifinstalled`` - Brian Schott
* Added dynamic validation for content in DisplayableAdmin based on the value of status - Stephen McDonald
* Added handling for slug-based template when the homepage is a page object - Stephen McDonald
* Add handling for Django 1.4's timezone support - Stephen McDonald
* Remove DEBUG check from site/content signals, and prompt the user for the site domain in interactive mode, with local/live fallbacks for non-interactive mode - Stephen McDonald
* Added optional support for django-compressor - Stephen McDonald
* Fix ``thumb_url`` for root images on remote CDNs - Stephen McDonald
* Remove old fixes for Postgres and timezones - Stephen McDonald
* Allow initial dicts to be used for forms in ``mezzanine.forms`` - Stephen McDonald
* Update to new ``gravatar_url`` in comments admin - Stephen McDonald
* Use Django 1.4's ``bulk_create`` when creating field entries in ``mezzanine.forms`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added multi-tenancy support. A threadlocal object is used to store the current request, and a custom manager for site-related models is used, that checks for the current request and matches the host to a site domain. Current site can also be defined by a session var (for the admin), and an environment var (for management commands) - Stephen McDonald
* Made some visual enhancements to the settings admin, added support for settings with choices, and added the ``RICHTEXT_FILTER_LEVEL`` setting with choices for controlling the level of HTML filtering that occurs on the RichTextField - Stephen McDonald
* Proper timezone support for tweets - Stephen McDonald
* Update docs on multi-site to describe the new multi-tenancy approach - Stephen McDonald
* Use default ``STATICFILES_FINDERS`` setting when setting up compressor - Stephen McDonald
* Update travis config to test multiple Django versions - Stephen McDonald
* Fix Django install for travis - Stephen McDonald
* Added IRC notifications for travis builds - Stephen McDonald
* added remote url config script - Kent Hauser
* improved collecttemplates conflict messages - Kent Hauser
* remove ``git.config.sh`` for pull request - Kent Hauser
* Added ``mezzanine.pages.middleware.PageMiddleware``, which handles loading the current page, running page processors, and checking ``page.login_required``. Previously handled in ``mezzanine.pages.views.page``, but move to middleware to allow pages to point to non-page urlpatterns, without any configuration via the now redundant ``page_for`` decorator. The page view remains for handling template selection and 404 handling - Stephen McDonald
* Added fabfile and configs for server setup and deploys - Stephen McDonald
* allow H1s in tinymce - lexual
* Handle homepage as page object in the new age middleware - Stephen McDonald
* Added a Link content type for creating external URLs in the page tree - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH`` for minimum password length for user accounts - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_FORM_EXCLUDE_FIELDS`` for excluding profile model fields from the profile form - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure min password length in accounts tests - Stephen McDonald
* Hides pagination if only one page - Renyi Khor
* Allow ``auth.User`` fields to be excluded from the profile form via the ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_FORM_EXCLUDE_FIELDS`` setting - Stephen McDonald
* Initial docs for the bundled fab deployments - Stephen McDonald
* fix i18n settings title in admin - Dmitry Falk
* Don't show excluded profile fields in profile view - Stephen McDonald
* Allow existing virtualenvs to be removed/replaced in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Added handling for settings with choices in settings doc generator - Stephen McDonald
* Added docs for ``mezzanine.accounts`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added optional quality arg to be passed to the thumbnail tag, and changed default from 100 to 95 as per PIL docs. Closes 221 - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure responses in PageMiddleware are valid responses for adding context to via page processors, eg not redirects - Stephen McDonald
* Added the {% overextends %} built-in template tag which allows templates to be both overridden and extended at the same time - Stephen McDonald
* In-line edit enhancements re-align on show/resize/expand - Van Nguyen
* Added body resize event for triggering realign of edit controls - Stephen McDonald
* added dropdown menu support - Brian Schott
* added default navlist sidebar - Brian Schott
* only activate current page - Brian Schott
* Fix original image links in gallery template - Stephen McDonald
* Refactored fabfile: - Move all templates into a config. - Move template upload and optional reload into deploy. - Added crontab handling - Stephen McDonald
* Add proc name to gunicorn conf - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up the new primary dropdown menu - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed non field errors in ``fields_for`` template tag - Stephen McDonald
* Merge navlist into tree menu - Stephen McDonald
* In fabfile, prompt to create project if it doesn't exist on deploy - Stephen McDonald
* Require hosts in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure fabfile has hosts, and imports settings from the current path - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up ^M characters at end of lines using dos2unix and find: find . -type f -exec egrep -q $'\r$' {} \; -exec dos2unix {} \; - Thomas Lockhart
* Fix missing </li> tag - Pavel Ponomarev
* fix ``get_absolute_url`` for homepage - Dmitry Falk
* Allow superuser password to be defined in fabric settings, and create superuser if defined - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_VIEWS_ENABLED`` for explicitly enabling public profile pages, which defaults to False - Stephen McDonald
* Only validate fabric settings when fab is run - Stephen McDonald
* Shadow the admin password in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Add handling for the hotfix releases in the changelog builder - Stephen McDonald
* Allow large uploads in ``nginx.conf`` - Stephen McDonald
* Don't fail on fabfile import (for docs build) - Stephen McDonald
* Added owner/mode handling for templates in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Fix keyword queries in blog listing - Stephen McDonald
* Use standard page in mobile blog post listing - Stephen McDonald
* Add a cache-busting querystring to device switching - Stephen McDonald
* add some verbose names for blog - Dmitry Falk
* Remove deprecated clear attr from br tags. Closes 241 - Stephen McDonald
* Added some more notes around twitter cron jobs - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed initial values for entry instances on multi-value fields - Stephen McDonald
* Better locale error messages - Stephen McDonald
* Added Mezzanine's own cache system - combination of Django's cache middleware, two-phased render cache, and mint cache - Stephen McDonald
* Added ``robots.txt/favicon.ico`` handling in ``nginx.conf`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added docs for the new cache middleware - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up the deprecated middleware classes - Stephen McDonald
* Default ``CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS`` to a minute in deployed settings - Stephen McDonald
* Add ``SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER`` to deployed settings. Closes 246 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix var names in deploy configs - Stephen McDonald
* Cleaned up descriptive text - Ross Laird
* Added "timesince" to displayable - Renyi Khor
* Added thumbnail to blogpost admin - Renyi Khor
* Add SSL config to ``nginx.conf`` and self signed cert setup to fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* git pull -f in deploy - Stephen McDonald
* Added ``mezzanine.utls.models.AdminThumbMixin`` which provides a method for admin classes to refernce in their ``list_display`` that will render a thumbnail. Used for ``BlogPost.featured_image`` and ``Product.image`` in Cartridge - Stephen McDonald
* Revert cache changes to Twitter queries - since authenticated users bypass the cache, and the Twitter call will generate a lot of queries - Stephen McDonald
* Quote thumb names in thumbnail template tag - Stephen McDonald
* Use cache backend for sessions in deployed settings - Stephen McDonald
* Don't remove key/cert when blowing away a deployed instance in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Use the parent breadcrumb in blog templates, so as not to assume a single root blog page - Stephen McDonald
* Rewrite ``Page.set_menu_helpers`` to use the currently viewed page instead of the current URL - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure ``Page.get_absolute_url`` returns absolute URLs for Link page types - Stephen McDonald
* Allow overridden pages (eg the blog) to be deleted and have child pages added to - Stephen McDonald
* Recompile all ``.mo`` files - Closes 250. Closes 251 - Stephen McDonald
* Right-align drop-down menus when ``.pull-right`` is used - Stephen McDonald