
Latest version: v6.0.0

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Not secure

* Add custom introspection rules that prevent duplicate field creation on dynamic fields during migration - Stephen McDonald
* Use filebrowser field's format attribute rather than extensions. Closes 287 - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Allow rel attributes in anchor tags - Stephen McDonald
* Don't cast to list in paginate - Stephen McDonald
* Remove redundant ampersands in pagination links - Stephen McDonald
* Update the configuration docs example to use author/blooks instead of gallery/images, and add the new options for registered settings, choices and append - Stephen McDonald
* Allow default twitter feed to be managed via admin settings - Stephen McDonald
* Raise NotImplementedError on Displayable subclasses that don't implement ``get_absolute_url`` - Stephen McDonald
* Add new setting ``SITE_PREFIX`` to configure a custom prefix. This is useful if Mezzanine doesn't run at the root of the domain - Enrico Tröger
* Add and use ``utils.urls.get_page_slug_from_path()`` to handle non-root configurations. For the pages app, we need to handle removing the ``SITE_PREFIX`` and ``PAGES_SLUG`` if. they are set - Enrico Tröger
* Set ``is_current`` on Pages when added to context in PageMiddleware - Alex Hill
* Permit disabling page processors at external apps' urls in the page tree - Alex Hill
* Refactored overextends template tag to not depend on template origins since they're not available with DEBUG off - Stephen McDonald
* Fix variable resolution for ``as_tag`` template tags - Stephen McDonald
* Added template tags for the various account forms - Stephen McDonald
* Bump ``grappelli_safe`` to 0.2.7 for admin column sorting fix - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up exact page matching for page processors - Stephen McDonald
* Updated jQuery Form Plugin - Renyi Khor
* Fix ``_current_page`` in middleware - Stephen McDonald
* Reorganised page middleware for fewer queries and readability - Alex Hill
* page middleware: use ``request.path_info`` - Dmitry Falk
* Correctly handle root URL - Alexander Hill
* Add check for ``page_branch_in_footer``. Without this check, ``footer.html`` is rendered for every page in the tree,. returning an empty string - Alexander Hill
* Add perms to existing context page instead of overwriting it. Previously the template tag ``set_page_permissions`` would retrieve the. page's content model, set the perms attribute on it, and then replace. the page object in the context with the retrieved object. Setting perms. on the existing page object instead preseves attributes set by ``set_helpers`` - Alexander Hill
* Check ``has_children`` before calling ``page_menu``. This saves a lot of template renders in wide page trees - Alexander Hill
* backport of django-forms-builder signals to ``mezzanine.forms`` - Brian Schott
* set mimetype to empty string in case path is not found - Brian Schott
* Handle no blog page existing for meta keywords in the blog list template - Stephen McDonald
* Fix path lookup for Python 2.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Handle FileBrowseField args in Django FileField fallback - Stephen McDonald
* Use image formats for image FileBrowse fields - Stephen McDonald
* Bump ``filebrowser_safe`` to 0.2.7 - Stephen McDonald
* Cleaned up blog import redirect creation - Zachary Gohr
* Bugfix: Account form validation errors on non-html5 browsers - Renyi Khor
* added in-navigation test to level 1 - Brian Schott
* fix migration without blog app - Dmitry Falk
* Ensure Mezzanine's auth backend is enabled if ``mezzanine.accounts`` is installed. Closes 281 - Stephen McDonald
* Eval settings choices when generating settings docs - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Fix slug handling in page middleware for homepage as page object - Stephen McDonald
* add some verbose names - Dmitry Falk


Not secure

* Don't assume rating field is named rating - Stephen McDonald
* Handle ``PAGES_SLUG`` in the page middleware - Stephen McDonald
* Make the creation of ``PAGES_SLUG`` not dependant on the position of the blog urlpatterns in urlpatterns created before the page urlpatterns - Stephen McDonald
* Fix quoting unicode thumbnail filenames - Stephen McDonald
* Move lookup of page subclasses into classmethod ``Page.get_content_models``, and call ``select_related`` on all page subclasses in the ``page_menu`` template tag when used for the admin page tree, since we need to touch all the related content type instances to check page paermissions - Stephen McDonald
* Don't assume request is available in ``page.set_menu_helpers`` - Stephen McDonald
* Move cache-busting querystring into ``mezzanine.utils.cache.add_cache_bypass`` and apply it to comments and ratings redirects so that posted content appears immediately - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Added ``MetaData.gen_description`` bool field for controlling whether description fields are automatically populated via ``MetaData.description_from_content`` - Stephen McDonald
* Emit the ``comment_was_posted`` signal in the comments view - Stephen McDonald
* Correctly handle model field defaults in the quick blog post form - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``COMMENTS_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED``, which when True, will store an unauthenticated user's comment in the session and redirect to login/signup, and save their comment once they're authenticated - Stephen McDonald
* Use setting names as labels if they're missing - Stephen McDonald
* Wrap data access in migrations with checks against the ``dry_run`` arg - Stephen McDonald
* added missing fr ```` for the conf app - Nicolas Perriault
* Only pre-populate name in the comment form with the user's username if it's not their email address, which it is by default - Stephen McDonald
* Always use the name from the comment form, rather than the user's username, since by default it's their email address - Stephen McDonald
* Use ``comments.select_related(user)`` when loading comments, since Django's Comment model will query for the user each time a comment is loaded - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED`` which when set to True, will create new accounts as inactive, and send the user an email with a verification link to activate their account - Stephen McDonald
* Remove invalid examples of gettext in settings module - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed slug-based template name loading for non-ascii slugs - Stephen McDonald
* Fix unencoded template names from slugs in blog also - Stephen McDonald
* Added the SLUGIFY which takes a dotted Python path to the slugify function to use when converting strings into slugs. Defaults to ``mezzanine.utils.urls.slugify_unicode`` which allows for non-ascii URLs - Stephen McDonald
* Use the text required for the help text for required fields in ``mezzanine.forms`` when no help text is entered - Stephen McDonald
* Add HTML5 features to the comments form - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed assignment of page permissions in the admin page tree - Stephen McDonald
* Hide the delete button for ``mezzanine.core.admin.SingletonAdmin`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added the view ``mezzanine.core.static_proxy`` which is used to serve TinyMCE plugin templates, and uploadify's SWF, as these break with cross-domain errors when ``STATIC_URL`` is an external host - Stephen McDonald
* Fix with statement in Python 2.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Bump grappelli and filebrowser versions - Stephen McDonald
* Moved all user account features into a new app ``mezzanine.accounts`` - Stephen McDonald
* Handle non-ascii filenames on non-utf8 filesystems. Convert filenames and warn when saving them, and raise exceptions if trying to access them and the filesystem encoding has changed. Closes 186 - Stephen McDonald
* Add new exceptions module - Stephen McDonald
* Added the decorator ``mezzanine.pages.decorators.for_page``, which can be used for wrapping views that map to protected pages. The decorator adds the page instance to the template context, and handles login redirects if ``page.login_required`` is True. Applied to the blog views, and also added handling for ``login_required`` on the blog page in the blog feeds, which if True, stops the feeds from producing any blog posts or meta data - Stephen McDonald
* Don't disconnect the default site signal if we're not connecting our own one - Stephen McDonald
* Only try and modify template lists when they're available - not the case when the response is pulled from cache - Stephen McDonald
* Added the ifisinstalled template tag to replace the ``is_installed`` template filter, which properly handles include tags when the given app is not installed. Closes 181 - Stephen McDonald
* Allow pages without children to serve as targets for sortable - Aleksandr Vladimirskiy
* Fixed regression in admin login interface selector middleware. Closes 192 - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed ifinstalled template tag so that it removes all tokens, not just include tags. Closes 193 - Stephen McDonald
* Use ``prefetch_related`` in Django 1.4 for categories and keywords in the blog post list view. Closes 190 - Stephen McDonald
* Backout admin tree empty child fix for now as it doesn't work quite correctly - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed settings docs generator. Closes 189 - Stephen McDonald
* Refactoring of blog feed view. Returns a http 404 instead of http 500 when the feed does not exists - Thomas Wajs
* Clean up the blog feeds - Stephen McDonald
* Dev started in 2009 - Stephen McDonald
* Added fix for thumbnail generation which would previously not work for images which contained special characters in the file path and used url encoding - Kowaleski, Jason
* Added page import to wordpress - Alvin Mites
* restore utils/device for fork - Alvin Mites
* Added blog post content for the feed description - Thomas Wajs
* Allow the homepage to be login protected - Stephen McDonald
* Added handling for filebrowser's FileBrowseField directory arg. Closes 202 - Stephen McDonald
* Increased field lengths for ``Displayable.title`` from 100 to 500 and ``Displayable.slug`` from 100 to 2000 - Stephen McDonald
* Move ajax csrf setup into its own JS file that's loaded even when a popup interface is loaded. Closes 206 - Stephen McDonald
* Added the new app ``mezzanine.accounts``, which handles user login, signup, update, password reset, profile, and integration with Django's user->profile features - Stephen McDonald
* Use ifinstalled for the accounts user panel - Stephen McDonald
* Added some commas to the username format error - Stephen McDonald
* Give the admin drop-down menu elements the same hover/click state as their anchors. Also closes 208 - Stephen McDonald
* Bump filebrowser-safe to 0.2.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Properly handle optional file upload fields in ``mezzanine.forms`` - Stephen McDonald
* clarify south usage in overview - Brian Schott
* Manually assign the parent to each page in the ``page_menu`` template tag, to prevent queries being triggered if they're accessed - Stephen McDonald
* Update notes about dependencies, and remove notes about setuptools - Stephen McDonald
* fixed docstring error in ``mezzanine_tags.ifinstalled`` - Brian Schott
* Added dynamic validation for content in DisplayableAdmin based on the value of status - Stephen McDonald
* Added handling for slug-based template when the homepage is a page object - Stephen McDonald
* Add handling for Django 1.4's timezone support - Stephen McDonald
* Remove DEBUG check from site/content signals, and prompt the user for the site domain in interactive mode, with local/live fallbacks for non-interactive mode - Stephen McDonald
* Added optional support for django-compressor - Stephen McDonald
* Fix ``thumb_url`` for root images on remote CDNs - Stephen McDonald
* Remove old fixes for Postgres and timezones - Stephen McDonald
* Allow initial dicts to be used for forms in ``mezzanine.forms`` - Stephen McDonald
* Update to new ``gravatar_url`` in comments admin - Stephen McDonald
* Use Django 1.4's ``bulk_create`` when creating field entries in ``mezzanine.forms`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added multi-tenancy support. A threadlocal object is used to store the current request, and a custom manager for site-related models is used, that checks for the current request and matches the host to a site domain. Current site can also be defined by a session var (for the admin), and an environment var (for management commands) - Stephen McDonald
* Made some visual enhancements to the settings admin, added support for settings with choices, and added the ``RICHTEXT_FILTER_LEVEL`` setting with choices for controlling the level of HTML filtering that occurs on the RichTextField - Stephen McDonald
* Proper timezone support for tweets - Stephen McDonald
* Update docs on multi-site to describe the new multi-tenancy approach - Stephen McDonald
* Use default ``STATICFILES_FINDERS`` setting when setting up compressor - Stephen McDonald
* Update travis config to test multiple Django versions - Stephen McDonald
* Fix Django install for travis - Stephen McDonald
* Added IRC notifications for travis builds - Stephen McDonald
* added remote url config script - Kent Hauser
* improved collecttemplates conflict messages - Kent Hauser
* remove ```` for pull request - Kent Hauser
* Added ``mezzanine.pages.middleware.PageMiddleware``, which handles loading the current page, running page processors, and checking ``page.login_required``. Previously handled in ````, but move to middleware to allow pages to point to non-page urlpatterns, without any configuration via the now redundant ``page_for`` decorator. The page view remains for handling template selection and 404 handling - Stephen McDonald
* Added fabfile and configs for server setup and deploys - Stephen McDonald
* allow H1s in tinymce - lexual
* Handle homepage as page object in the new age middleware - Stephen McDonald
* Added a Link content type for creating external URLs in the page tree - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH`` for minimum password length for user accounts - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_FORM_EXCLUDE_FIELDS`` for excluding profile model fields from the profile form - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure min password length in accounts tests - Stephen McDonald
* Hides pagination if only one page - Renyi Khor
* Allow ``auth.User`` fields to be excluded from the profile form via the ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_FORM_EXCLUDE_FIELDS`` setting - Stephen McDonald
* Initial docs for the bundled fab deployments - Stephen McDonald
* fix i18n settings title in admin - Dmitry Falk
* Don't show excluded profile fields in profile view - Stephen McDonald
* Allow existing virtualenvs to be removed/replaced in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Added handling for settings with choices in settings doc generator - Stephen McDonald
* Added docs for ``mezzanine.accounts`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added optional quality arg to be passed to the thumbnail tag, and changed default from 100 to 95 as per PIL docs. Closes 221 - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure responses in PageMiddleware are valid responses for adding context to via page processors, eg not redirects - Stephen McDonald
* Added the {% overextends %} built-in template tag which allows templates to be both overridden and extended at the same time - Stephen McDonald
* In-line edit enhancements re-align on show/resize/expand - Van Nguyen
* Added body resize event for triggering realign of edit controls - Stephen McDonald
* added dropdown menu support - Brian Schott
* added default navlist sidebar - Brian Schott
* only activate current page - Brian Schott
* Fix original image links in gallery template - Stephen McDonald
* Refactored fabfile: - Move all templates into a config. - Move template upload and optional reload into deploy. - Added crontab handling - Stephen McDonald
* Add proc name to gunicorn conf - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up the new primary dropdown menu - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed non field errors in ``fields_for`` template tag - Stephen McDonald
* Merge navlist into tree menu - Stephen McDonald
* In fabfile, prompt to create project if it doesn't exist on deploy - Stephen McDonald
* Require hosts in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure fabfile has hosts, and imports settings from the current path - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up ^M characters at end of lines using dos2unix and find: find . -type f -exec egrep -q $'\r$' {} \; -exec dos2unix {} \; - Thomas Lockhart
* Fix missing </li> tag - Pavel Ponomarev
* fix ``get_absolute_url`` for homepage - Dmitry Falk
* Allow superuser password to be defined in fabric settings, and create superuser if defined - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_VIEWS_ENABLED`` for explicitly enabling public profile pages, which defaults to False - Stephen McDonald
* Only validate fabric settings when fab is run - Stephen McDonald
* Shadow the admin password in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Add handling for the hotfix releases in the changelog builder - Stephen McDonald
* Allow large uploads in ``nginx.conf`` - Stephen McDonald
* Don't fail on fabfile import (for docs build) - Stephen McDonald
* Added owner/mode handling for templates in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Fix keyword queries in blog listing - Stephen McDonald
* Use standard page in mobile blog post listing - Stephen McDonald
* Add a cache-busting querystring to device switching - Stephen McDonald
* add some verbose names for blog - Dmitry Falk
* Remove deprecated clear attr from br tags. Closes 241 - Stephen McDonald
* Added some more notes around twitter cron jobs - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed initial values for entry instances on multi-value fields - Stephen McDonald
* Better locale error messages - Stephen McDonald
* Added Mezzanine's own cache system - combination of Django's cache middleware, two-phased render cache, and mint cache - Stephen McDonald
* Added ``robots.txt/favicon.ico`` handling in ``nginx.conf`` - Stephen McDonald
* Added docs for the new cache middleware - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up the deprecated middleware classes - Stephen McDonald
* Default ``CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS`` to a minute in deployed settings - Stephen McDonald
* Add ``SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER`` to deployed settings. Closes 246 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix var names in deploy configs - Stephen McDonald
* Cleaned up descriptive text - Ross Laird
* Added "timesince" to displayable - Renyi Khor
* Added thumbnail to blogpost admin - Renyi Khor
* Add SSL config to ``nginx.conf`` and self signed cert setup to fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* git pull -f in deploy - Stephen McDonald
* Added ``mezzanine.utls.models.AdminThumbMixin`` which provides a method for admin classes to refernce in their ``list_display`` that will render a thumbnail. Used for ``BlogPost.featured_image`` and ``Product.image`` in Cartridge - Stephen McDonald
* Revert cache changes to Twitter queries - since authenticated users bypass the cache, and the Twitter call will generate a lot of queries - Stephen McDonald
* Quote thumb names in thumbnail template tag - Stephen McDonald
* Use cache backend for sessions in deployed settings - Stephen McDonald
* Don't remove key/cert when blowing away a deployed instance in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Use the parent breadcrumb in blog templates, so as not to assume a single root blog page - Stephen McDonald
* Rewrite ``Page.set_menu_helpers`` to use the currently viewed page instead of the current URL - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure ``Page.get_absolute_url`` returns absolute URLs for Link page types - Stephen McDonald
* Allow overridden pages (eg the blog) to be deleted and have child pages added to - Stephen McDonald
* Recompile all ``.mo`` files - Closes 250. Closes 251 - Stephen McDonald
* Right-align drop-down menus when ``.pull-right`` is used - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Bump filebrowser-safe for security fix to 0.2.6 - Stephen McDonald

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