
Latest version: v6.0.0

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Not secure

* added dob field to list of form fields - mmuk2
* Update url templatetags for Django 1.5. See ````. "{% load url from future %}" is omitted in favour of a global import in. ``boot/`` - Alex Hill
* Bring templates in line with latest master - Alex Hill
* Move forward compatibility code to ``utils/`` - Alex Hill
* Assume development server if command is "harvest". Lettuce uses the "harvest" command to run a development server. See ````. Note that if this isn't set, then media will not be served correctly. when testing with lettuce - Lorin Hochstein
* Bump versions: ``filebrowser_safe`` >= 0.2.12, ``grappelli_safe`` >= 0.2.10 - Stephen McDonald
* Use non-minified ```` and ```` - Per Andersson
* Render admin "add" link if no change permission. Handle the case where a non-superuser staff member has "add". permission but not "change" permission - Lorin Hochstein
* Escape backticks in python task in fabfile. Closes 396 - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure last output line is used to determine remote ``STATIC_URL`` in fabfile, since warnings may occur in output - Stephen McDonald
* add ``related_posts`` for blog - Dmitry Falk
* fix ``related_posts`` in template - Dmitry Falk
* Allow users to sign up with capital letters in their username - David Novakovic
* Update ``mezzanine/core/``. Add some stuff to OwnableAdmin to make its use more obvious to new users - David Novakovic
* Filter urls that use https - Eduardo Rivas
* Added mezzanine-polls to third party apps - Stephen McDonald
* Update ``mezzanine/accounts/``. Display more informative error if this exception is thrown. This exception handler can hide informative errors about model unrelated model declaration. - David Novakovic
* Update ``mezzanine/accounts/``. Even better checks for the profile model string - David Novakovic
* Fix unfiltered RSS feeds for Django 1.3 - Stephen McDonald
* Use tag slugs for tag RSS feeds - Stephen McDonald
* Fix unicode handling for slugs in Django 1.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix urls in mobile search include for Django 1.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix mobile tests for Django 1.5 - Stephen McDonald
* Handle invalid images in thumbnail tag. Closes 410 - Stephen McDonald
* Use Page URLs without trailing slash when ``settings.APPEND_SLASH`` is False - Kenneth Falck
* Full support for ``APPEND_SLASH`` is False - Stephen McDonald
* Removing initial content from createdb when --nodata parameter is present - Sean Voss
* Added ``TWITTER_STRIP_HIGH_MULTIBYTE`` setting to strip mb3/mb4 characters in Tweets (mainly Emoji), which cause problems with MySQL UTF-8 collation - Kenneth Falck
* Added the setting ``SSL_FORCED_PREFIXES_ONLY``, which defaults to True and controls whether URLs not matched by ``SSL_FORCE_URL_PREFIXES`` are redirected back to HTTP if accessed over HTTPS - Stephen McDonald
* Added the ``COMMENT_FILTER`` setting for controlling how comments are rendered. Works the same as the ``RICHTEXT_FILTER`` setting. Closes 416 - Stephen McDonald
* Added ``has_children_in_menu`` and ``num_children_in_menu`` attributes to page objects in the ``page_menu`` template tag, for determining valid children in the context of a menu and the ``in_emnus`` field. Closes 413 - Stephen McDonald
* Added automated hg tagging for versions in changelog generation. Closes 259 - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed misspelling of argument in ``send_verification_mail`` - Zean Tsoi
* Framework to allow ``EXTRA_FORM_FIELDS`` - Sean Voss
* Allow subclasses to define their own ProfileFieldsForm - David Novakovic
* patches to be jython compatible - Donneker
* Fixes 427: Disqus comment counts are now pulled in on the blog post detail page, if available - cato
* Fix incorrect status on quick-blog form. Closes 429 - Stephen McDonald
* Make form fixtures optional and remove old fixtures - Stephen McDonald
* Use createdb --nodata in fabfile - Stephen McDonald
* Use actual keyword instances in blog listing. Closes 431 - Stephen McDonald
* Put block tags into all blog templates so they can be overridden. Closes 443. This resulted in the splitting of the editable field for the title and. publication date in the list page into two editable fields, so they. could be two separate blocks. I notice that the blog detail page. doesn't have an editable field for the publish date at all, which I. shall address separately. block tags are namespaced by ``blog_post_detail_`` and ``blog_post_list_``. respectively, and inside the list page, the blocks related to an. individual post are namespaced with ``blog_post_list_post_`` - Penny Leach
* Made publication date an editable field in the blog post detail template - Penny Leach
* Remove selection disabling in ``page_tree.js`` - causing issues with latest Firefox - Stephen McDonald
* Added some missing calls to ``richtext_filter``. Closes 438 - Stephen McDonald
* Correctly handle empty password in login form. Closes 439 - Stephen McDonald
* Move error templates into custom paths so that Django's tests can trigger errors using its own error templates, since Mezzanine's urlpatterns aren't used which its error templates depend on - Stephen McDonald
* Add some extra comments and validation for the new ``FORMS_EXTRA_FIELDS`` setting - Stephen McDonald
* Allow LoginForm to be inherited and extended - Renyi Khor
* Slugged model now uses ``self.title`` to generate slug. Fixes 445 - Andrey Shipilov
* Update ``mezzanine/blog/``. wrong keyword argument passed to ``blog_post_list_category`` in ``get_absolute_url`` for the BlogCategory model. This results in an empty url when using <a hreg="{{ ``category.get_absolute_url`` }}">Link to my Category</a>. The problem was that the ``blog/`` uses 'category' as the keyword and the ``get_absolute_url`` used 'slug' as the keyword. I changed it within ``get_absolute_url`` because I guess changing it within ``blog/`` may break backwards compatibility - Andre Graf
* Port gallery expose to updated jquerytools version. On overlay load, expose the ``.image-overlay``. Fixes bug where every other image was not exposed due to timing issue. when exposeMask fades out when already switched to next image - Per Andersson
* Use local copies of instead of cdn. * html5shiv. * jquery mobile - Per Andersson
* Move ``html5shiv.js`` outside of Mezzanine's js directory, since it's not required by Mezzanine itself (eg it's project specific and can be removed per project) - Stephen McDonald
* Update ``blog_recent_posts`` to allow an optional slug. If the slug is specified returned blog posts will be restricted to being in the category matching the slug. If the slug does not match a category, posts will be returned as normal - joshcartme
* Added support for keyword args in the ``as_tag`` template tag wrapper - Stephen McDonald
* Fix for issue 450: ``home_slug`` with prefix - uli
* Fix bad semicolon in ``gallery.js`` - Stephen McDonald
* Use ``PROJECT_NAME`` fabric setting as ``CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX`` in ```` - Stephen McDonald
* Update twitter bootstrap to ``v2.2.1`` - Ivan Teoh
* Inverse the top navbar from white to black - Ivan Teoh
* Superusers should be able to select any site - Josh Cartmell
* Disable front end editing for users who don't have access to a site - Josh Cartmell
* Include AdminProfileInline so that it is not lost if the user enables Mezzanine accounts - Josh Cartmell
* Check if the user ``is_staff`` first to avoid unecessarily reversing admin:index on every request - Josh Cartmell
* Only load and display inline editor if the user has access to the current site's admin - Josh Cartmell
* Only check if a user has access to the current site in the middleware. Save the result on ``request.user`` and use this elsewhere - Josh Cartmell
* Added the setting ``OWNABLE_MODELS_ALL_EDITABLE`` which allows a sequence of ``app_label.model_name`` models to be defined, that are Ownable subclasses which won't have their change-list admin views filtered by user - Stephen McDonald
* Updated signal to only automatically create admin profiles for staff and not break the User add view if a site is selected - Josh Cartmell
* Fix for issue 470: Right subclass instance in BaseGenericRelation - Thomas Jetzinger
* Add homepage url to ``sitemap.xml`` - Stephen McDonald
* Add handling for multi-tenancy in ``sitemap.xml`` - Stephen McDonald
* Check for published objects in ```` and allow kwargs to be used - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed margins on user-panel buttons - Stephen McDonald
* Added Displayable methods ``get_next/previous_by_publish_date``, and used in blog post templates for next/previous blog posts - Stephen McDonald
* More accurate template block name for blog post prev/next links - Stephen McDonald
* Fix showstopper on first comment due to url being clobbered and never reset - Grant Warren-Robertson
* No need to log user out for invalid admin - Stephen McDonald
* Check for login form instead of user perms when choosing which js to load in admin's base template - Stephen McDonald
* Still log user out for invalid admin access - Stephen McDonald
* add environment setting to ``supervisor.conf`` to ensure locale is set correctly for gunicorn subprocesses - Doug Evenhouse
* modify environment setting to inject locale specified in FABRIC setting - Doug Evenhouse
* Allows regular link Cmd+Click behaviour on OS X. - Regular click behaviour still applies. - Tested to work in OS X Chrome 24 beta and Firefox 16 beta. - TODO: test on other platforms - Matt Stevenson
* Document how to run unit tests - Lorin Hochstein
* Don't run view functions from page middleware when no page can be found, just pass through. Closes 476 - Stephen McDonald
* Update jquery-ui to full 1.9.1, and include smoothness theme. This allows other apps to use a single version of jquery-ui that is. known to be compatible with Mezzanine's version of jquery. This is ``jquery-ui-1.9.1.all``, so all widgets are available and no. additional jquery code is needed. Also, the full smoothness theme. is included. Third-party apps may include other themes - Ahmad Khayyat
* Added Django < 1.5's adminmedia tag lib for 1.5 compatibility - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up dev server check - Stephen McDonald
* Allow category/tag titles to be used in ``blog_post_recent`` tag - Stephen McDonald
* Bump grappelli safe version to 0.2.11 - Stephen McDonald
* Bump filebrowser safe version to 0.2.13 - Stephen McDonald
* Added the setting ``UPLOAD_TO_HANDLERS`` for configuring the ``upload_to`` arg per file field. Closes 480 - Stephen McDonald
* Added missing word in Blogger import notes - Matt Stevenson
* Change feedparser URL to authoritative fork. - The original author's website(s) returns HTTP 410. - Refer to: ```` - Matt Stevenson
* Resolves html entity output re: 482 - Matt Stevenson
* Generate better meta descriptions from markdown content. By using the newline character as the first pattern in the generation of the meta description, markdown content (which normally lacks closing `</p>` tags) is processed correctly - Eduardo Rivas
* Parse content with ``rich_text`` filter - Eduardo Rivas
* Moved import inside method - Eduardo Rivas
* Added optional parameters to search view - Eduardo Rivas
* Request filters: specified using ``REQUEST_FILTERS`` in ```` - Chris Ravenscroft
* Added default setting for ``REQUEST_FILTERS`` - Chris Ravenscroft
* Works better with the proper values in ```` - Chris F Ravenscroft
* Escape miscellaneous percent symbols in deployment templates; fixes 494 - Olivier Harris
* spam filter code moved back to ``;`` using mezzanine's module import mechanism - Chris Ravenscroft
* Added newline at the end of ``search_form.html`` - Eduardo Rivas
* JavaScript localization added for ``mezzanine.forms`` application - Oleg Churkin
* Correct varible name in single model search - Eduardo Rivas
* Fix site perms template error in admin logout - Stephen McDonald
* Update notes in the ``project_template's`` ```` describing how the homepage object should not be assigned to any menu templates - Stephen McDonald
* Add new field ``Displayable.in_sitemap`` which appears in the meta data section of each admin form, and controls whether the object appears in ``sitemap.xml``. Closes 499 - Stephen McDonald
* Added {% ``search_form`` %} section to the docs - Eduardo Rivas
* Update ``mezzanine/pages/``. Remove a blank line so tests will pass - Kenneth Love
* Don't assume {form, gallery} apps are installed. Importing these in ```` causes problems when they. aren't installed. Instead, import them in the function where they're. used - Gavin Wahl
* Adds the ability to move a page under a page with no children. I switched to using the jQuery nestedSortable plugin instead of the. sortable plugin provided by jQuery UI, because Pages actually being in a. tree structure, they need a tree editor. This commit temporarily breaks. some functionality such as remembering which pages were open and closed - Rocky Meza
* fixed pagetree hiding of subpages - Rocky Meza
* Provide Mezzanine's settings object to the ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT`` setting for django-compressor. Closes 505 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix the bugs that we had with nestedSortable - Gavin Wahl
* only ``.nestedSortable()`` the first ol - Gavin Wahl
* Fix front-end editing links for elements not positioned relative to the document. Use visibility hidden and jquery offset function to ensure edit links are always positioned relative to the document and not relative to a positioned ancestor - Jonathan Potter
* Clean up the new page sorting view - Stephen McDonald
* Remove old hack for initial page tree click bug that no longer exists. Closes 509 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix null handling in page sorting view - Stephen McDonald
* Specify widget for keywords field so it can be overridden properly. Closes 421 - Stephen McDonald
* Bug fix for wrong argument ordering for ssl cert handling in ```` - David Hess
* Remove some commented out editable settings from the project template's ```` module, since defining these at the Python level can be confusing once the settings form in the admin is updated. Also made a note of this scenario in the settings docs. Closes 515 - Stephen McDonald
* Add ssl port to ``nginx.conf``. Closes 514 - Stephen McDonald
* Bump filebrowser-safe version to 0.2.14 - Stephen McDonald
* Don't run redirects tests for Django 1.5 - Stephen McDonald
* More commit log filtering for changelog - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Added ``mezzanine.utils.urls.home_slug`` which will return the ``slug` arg of the ``home`` urlpattern, when a urlpattern is defined for an edtiable homepage. This ensures that we don't hard-code the URL for the homepage anywhere, and allows the editable homepage to work correctly when a ``SITE_PREFIX`` setting is defined - Stephen McDonald
* Added autofocus to first field of the form - Renyi Khor
* Added Html5Mixin to PasswordResetForm - Renyi Khor
* Add initial support for importing blog posts from posterous - David Novakovic
* Import comments for each post - David Novakovic
* Importer docs and small doco fix in code - David Novakovic
* We only need the hostname if you have more than one posterous blog - David Novakovic
* Host is optional if you have one blog - David Novakovic
* Remove requests import from global scope - David Novakovic
* Make the ``page.in_menus`` check a bit more robust in the ``page_menu`` template tag, in case it doesn't actually have a value, which may have occured if migrations weren't run when the ``in_menus`` field was added - Stephen McDonald
* Allow non-page views to specify their own ``editable_obj`` context variable, which is then used to determine the url for the admin link in the editable toolbar, falling back to the current page object. Allows for things like blog posts and Cartridge products to contain a direct admin link from the ditable toolbar - Stephen McDonald
* Remove unused ``grappelli_safe`` urlpatterns - Stephen McDonald
* Bump ``grappelli_safe`` version to 0.2.9 - Stephen McDonald
* Added accessor methods for blog post keywords and categories, so that when we use ``prefetch_related`` with Django >= 1.4 we don't need to iterate through every blog post to set up keywords and categories. Closes 383 - Stephen McDonald
* Use the named home url for the View site link in the admin header. Closes 389 - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure consistent path separators in overextends template tag on Windows. Closes 386 - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Only hide delete button in the submit row for SingletonAdmin. Closes 376 - Stephen McDonald
* Correctly handle invalid form fields when save is clicked in SingletonAdmin. Closes 375 - Stephen McDonald
* Added Ken Bolton's quote to docs homepage - mezz is django - Stephen McDonald
* Fix kwargs usage to work with other auth backends - David Novakovic
* Bump filebrowser version for security fix - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Update page menu handling in blog importer - Stephen McDonald
* Fix missing import in blog importer - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure ``extra_context`` in SingletonAdmin is always a keyword arg. Closes 370 - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up deploy doc - kevinlondon
* Initial layout for filtering RSS feeds by tag/category - Stephen McDonald
* Final bits for author/tag/category rss feeds in the blog app - Stephen McDonald
* Fixed auth for password reset - Stephen McDonald


Not secure

* Bump min Django version to 1.3.3 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix dict handling in changelog builder (not actually used) - Stephen McDonald
* Don't rebuild host var in ``static_proxy``. Closes 361 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix bug in ``Page.get_ascendants()`` - pass a map to. ``PageManager.with_ascendants_for_slug`` instead of a tuple - Alex Hill
* Added more tests for ``Page.get_ascendants()`` - Alex Hill
* Allow unicode cache keys - Stephen McDonald
* Add ``_order`` to ``Page.META.ordering`` - Ken Bolton
* Bump ``grappelli_safe`` version to 0.2.8 - Stephen McDonald
* Added a check in ``footer_scripts`` to only include the analytics tracking code if user is not part of the staff team - Pedro Araújo


Not secure

* Redirect to next param or home on signup with pending account verification. Closes 289 - Stephen McDonald
* Prevent certain exceptions from swallowed by the cache middleware - Stephen McDonald
* Removed ``in_navigation`` and ``in_footer`` fields on the Page model, and replaced them with the ``in_menus`` field, which stored a list of IDs specifying which menu templates the page should appear in. Menu IDs are mapped to templates with the new ``PAGE_MENU_TEMPLATES`` setting - Stephen McDonald
* Template tag changes for the new ``page.in_menus`` field - Stephen McDonald
* Added mezzanine-twittertopic to third-party apps - Stephen McDonald
* Update fixtures for new ``Page.in_menus`` field - Stephen McDonald
* Move the page permissions section of the docs to underneath more important topics - Stephen McDonald
* Added page menu docs - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure unique slugs even when slug is provided. Closes 290 - Stephen McDonald
* Add a comment to the default urlconf about changing the admin urlpattern - Stephen McDonald
* Don't allow pages to be added as children to a homepage page. Closes 286 - Stephen McDonald
* Added more notes around the new ``SITE_PREFIX`` setting, and refactored the code a bit - Stephen McDonald
* Remove old page admin code for forcing order/slug to be set - Stephen McDonald
* Only set ``COMMENTS_APP`` if not defined. Closes 294 - Stephen McDonald
* Allow internal ``PAGES_SLUG`` setting to be configurable - Stephen McDonald
* register ThreadedComment admin for ``mezzanine.generic`` ``COMMENTS_APP`` only - Dmitry Falk
* Fix for progressive jpgs in thumbnail template tag. Closes 268. Closes 295 - Stephen McDonald
* Don't assume ``COMMENTS_APP`` is set - Stephen McDonald
* add a block ``left_panel`` in ``base.html`` to make it easier to over-ride / over-extend - Sanjay B
* Ensure urls are only added once to the list of items. It might happen that pages are listed multiple times since for. instance a RichTextPage is also a Page and both are subclasses. of Displayable - Enrico Tröger
* Redirect the /account/ URL to the profile update form, and the /users/ URL to the logged in user's profile. Closes 291 - Stephen McDonald
* Clean up sitemap URL handling - Stephen McDonald
* Use ``publish_date`` for BlogPosts in ``/sitemap.xml`` - Enrico Tröger
* ``FORMS_USE_HTML5`` is a core setting - Stephen McDonald
* Allow page objects with removed apps to still render - Stephen McDonald
* Ensure mezzanine's apps have their settings loaded before any others - Stephen McDonald
* fix utils if ``mezzanine.accounts`` not installed - Dmitry Falk
* Fix reference to richtext filter settings defaults which are now in ``mezzanine.core`` - Stephen McDonald
* Fix serialization of ``Page.in_menus`` fields for dumpdata command. Closes 303 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix initial tuple for ignorable nexts in ``mezzanine.utils.login_redirect`` - Stephen McDonald
* Make gunicorn names in supervisor project specific. Closes 285 - Stephen McDonald
* Added i18n cache key suffix - Renyi Khor
* Fix edge case in url templatetag causing ViewDoesNotExist error. It happened when ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_VIEWS_ENABLED`` was set to False. and profile app called ``profile`` (same as url name) was added. to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` - Michał Oleniec
* Fix TypeError on ProfileFieldsForm save. Passing ``cleaned_data`` from ProfileForm into ProfileFieldsForm. caused doubled validation which in case of ForeignKey. field tried to get instance by field value which was instance already. (excepting int from ``request.POST)`` - Michał Oleniec
* Add customizable profile form. - new setting ``ACCOUNT_PROFILE_FORM``. - add ``get_profile_form`` help method. - add generic form getter into views. - update ``mezzanine.account.templatetags`` - Michał Oleniec
* Make ``editable.js`` work with ``JQuery.noConflict()`` - Adam Brenecki
* changes to detect the appropriate page when making the homepage part of the page tree. Old code did not detect the slug appropriatley forcing you to make the slug / in the admin area - James Page
* Make some template tags more robust ``(keywords_for`` and editable) by failing silently when given an empty variable, as the case may be in the blog templates when no blog page object exists, so we don't need to check for this case in the templates themselves - Stephen McDonald
* In the overextends template tag, only remove template paths from the list of available paths when the first call to ``find_template`` is made in each call to ``get_parent``, otherwise every second parent template found is skipped - Stephen McDonald
* Bump ``filebrowser_safe`` to 0.2.9 - Stephen McDonald
* Switch page processor execution order so custom slug processors are executed before model processors - Hakan Bakkalbasi
* Change ``processor_for`` registration logic so most recently registered page processors are run first - Hakan Bakkalbasi
* For custom hompegae slug lookup in PageMiddleware, fix missing import and only call resolve once - Stephen McDonald
* Hash cache keys when talking directly to the cache API, to avoid keys longer than the backend supports (eg memcache limit is 255) - Stephen McDonald
* overextends tag path fix for uwsgi - Stephen McDonald
* Added new optional field ``MetaData._meta_title`` for overriding HTML title tag value, accessible via ``MetaData.meta_title``, which will return the string version of an instance of ``_meta_title`` is not provided - Stephen McDonald
* Add parent hierarchy to page template rendering - Ken Bolton
* Added rollback command for deploys - Stephen McDonald
* Only pip install requirements if the requirements file has changed - Stephen McDonald
* Use ``file.url`` instead of ``file.path`` to auto-generate descriptions for gallery image, as remote storage backends such as S3BotoStorage do not support the ``file.path`` method - Hakan Bakkalbasi
* Added Django's tz context processor to ``project_template.settings``. Closes 319 - Stephen McDonald
* Move settings specific to the pages app into their own defaults module, and add ``PAGE_MENU_TEMPLATES`` commented out in ``project_template's`` ```` along with other common settings - Stephen McDonald
* Added missing defaults module for pages - Stephen McDonald
* Don't use the timezone context processor on Django 1.3 - Stephen McDonald
* Update docs for page hierarchy. Fix page template hierarchy issues around ``content_model`` - Ken Bolton
* Still call ``contribute_to_class`` for dynamic fields in ``mezzanine.generic`` even when frozen by south. Closes 321 - Stephen McDonald
* Improve page template hierarchy documentation - Ken Bolton
* In fabfile, always update requirements if any are unpinned - Stephen McDonald
* Fix indentation. <leader>-fef does not understand rst! - Ken Bolton
* Remove global from ``get_parents`` - Ken Bolton
* Adds ``get_ascendants()`` to Page. This returns all pages along the path from the root of the Page tree to. this page. The value is pre-calculated in PageMiddleware - Alex Hill
* Add comments and remove an obsolete variable - Alex Hill
* Ensure editable integer settings always have a value. Closes 325 - Stephen McDonald
* Fix regression in ``keywords_for`` tag for class args. Closes 326 - Stephen McDonald
* Remove HTML filtering from tincymce setup since we're filtering server-side - Stephen McDonald
* Allow comments in HTML filtering - Stephen McDonald
* Change build IRC notifications to only occur if the build status changes - Stephen McDonald
* Upgrade ```` to the new cli handler, and throw out some old dev code. Closes 330 - Stephen McDonald
* Further mimic Django's new project layout - Stephen McDonald
* Addedd a note to the deployment docs describing how alternative web servers and DBs can be used - Stephen McDonald
* Prevent docs build import errors when optional dependencies for the rss blog importer aren't installed - Stephen McDonald
* Add links in the depooyment docs to the web and database server sections in the Django docs - Stephen McDonald
* Save a query in ``page.get_ascendants`` - Stephen McDonald
* Update url for mezzanine-stackato - Stephen McDonald
* Fix tests asserting number of queries used - Stephen McDonald
* Move ascendant page lookup by slug, from PageMiddleware into a method on a new PageManager manager for the Page model, and use it as the first attempt at loading ascendants in ``Page.get_ascendants``, before falling back to recursive queries in the case of a custom slug in the ascendants chain - Stephen McDonald
* Add tests for the new page ascendant lookup methods - Stephen McDonald
* Bump ``filebrowser_safe`` to 0.2.10 - Stephen McDonald
* Added some notes about parent template selection in the page view - Stephen McDonald
* Don't use ``with_ascendants_for_slug`` in ``Page.get_ascendants`` if a slug hasn't been created yet - Stephen McDonald
* Make relation check in signals for generic fields more robust - Stephen McDonald
* Different attempt at making relation check in signals for generic fields more robust - Stephen McDonald
* Allow static proxy URL to be configured - Stephen McDonald
* Also rename ``static_proxy`` URL default in case anyone else's web server alias is slightly off - Stephen McDonald
* Preserve slugs & URLs when pages are moved - Alex Hill
* Check overridden() when changing slug - Alex Hill
* In ``set_parent()``, call save() before ``get_slug()`` - Alex Hill
* Make slug changes propagate to all descendant pages - Alex Hill
* use ``ugettext_lazy`` strings for settings form - Dmitry Falk
* Allow unicode twitter search queries - Stephen McDonald
* ``static_proxy`` only needed a rename, not to be congifurable - Stephen McDonald
* Fix menu test to work with lazy unicode settings - Stephen McDonald
* Added new, working, repo for mezzanine-openshift. Since the old one doesn't work anymore and is unmaintained - Isaac Bythewood
* Fix collision of all task with built-in all function - Lorin Hochstein
* Fixed duplicate posts, --noinput handling and entity decoding in base blog importer - Stephen McDonald
* Restore automatic redirects creation for the wordpress blog importer - Stephen McDonald
* Add day parts to the date urlpattern for blog posts - Stephen McDonald
* Fix bug in ``Page.set_parent()`` when no parent set - Alexander Hill
* Allow passing None to ``Page.set_parent()`` - Alexander Hill
* Add tests for ``Page.get_slug()`` and ``Page.get_parent()`` - Alexander Hill
* Swallow import exception when importing ```` from fabric - Lorin Hochstein
* Don't mask import errors in the actual call to ``set_dynamic_settings`` - Stephen McDonald
* add ajax hook for generic rating - Dmitry Falk
* Fix references to the ``recent_comments`` template tag - Enrico Tröger
* Fix bug in slug handling when adding a new page - Alex Hill
* Fix 349 - regression in ``set_page_permissions`` - Alex Hill
* Madee the labels and help text for the email fields more descriptive - Stephen McDonald
* Added mezzanine-events to third-party apps list - Stephen McDonald
* Added FAQ to the docs covering the HTML filtering settings - Stephen McDonald
* Add a setting to send notification mails to MANAGERS when a new comment is posted - Enrico Tröger
* PageAdmin now respects excluded fields - Aaron Merriam
* Fix 348, RichTextFields in IE - Ken Bolton
* Change the rating ajax response to return the new rating - Stephen McDonald
* Added the bool setting ``PAGES_PUBLISHED_INCLUDE_LOGIN_REQUIRED`` which when set to False (default) will exclude pages with ``login_required`` set to True in ``PageManager.published``. This affects the ``page_menu`` template tag which renders menus, and pages listed in search results - Stephen McDonald
* Added ``get_next_by_order`` and ``get_previous_by_order`` methods to the Orderable model - Stephen McDonald
* Allow ``PAGES_PUBLISHED_INCLUDE_LOGIN_REQUIRED`` handling to be overridden by callers to ``PageManager.publsihed`` for cases when they want to deal with ``login_required`` manually, such as in the case of PageMiddleware - Stephen McDonald
* Marked fabfile functions explicitly with task decorator, and added a custom docs generator for each task - Stephen McDonald

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