
Latest version: v7.0.0

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* __1.9.5__ Multi-word tags for DayOne Journals
* __1.9.4__ Fixed: Order of journal entries in file correct after --edit'ing
* __1.9.3__ Fixed: Tags at the beginning of lines
* __1.9.2__ Fixed: Tag search ignores email-addresses (thanks to mjhoffman65)
* __1.9.1__ Fixed: Dates in the future can be parsed as well.
* __1.9.0__ Improved: Greatly improved date parsing. Also added an `-on` option for filtering


* __1.8.7__ Fixed: -from and -to filters are inclusive (thanks to grplyler)
* __1.8.6__ Improved: Tags like C++ and OS/2 work, too (thanks to chaitan94)
* __1.8.5__ Fixed: file names when exporting to individual files contain full year (thanks to jdevera)
* __1.8.4__ Improved: using external editors (thanks to chrissexton)
* __1.8.3__ Fixed: export to text files and improves help (thanks to igniteflow and mpe)
* __1.8.2__ Better integration with environment variables (thanks to ajaam and matze)
* __1.8.1__ Minor bug fixes
* __1.8.0__ Official support for python 3.4


* __1.7.22__ Fixed an issue with writing files when exporting entries containing non-ascii characters.
* __1.7.21__ jrnl now uses PKCS7 padding.
* __1.7.20__ Minor fixes when parsing DayOne journals
* __1.7.19__ Creates full path to journal during installation if it doesn't exist yet
* __1.7.18__ Small update to parsing regex
* __1.7.17__ Fixes writing new lines between entries
* __1.7.16__ Even more unicode fixes!
* __1.7.15__ More unicode fixes
* __1.7.14__ Fix for trailing whitespaces (eg. when writing markdown code block)
* __1.7.13__ Fix for UTF-8 in DayOne journals
* __1.7.12__ Fixes a bug where filtering by tags didn't work for DayOne journals
* __1.7.11__ `-ls` will list all available journals (Thanks jtan189)
* __1.7.10__ Supports `-3` as a shortcut for `-n 3` and updates to tzlocal 1.1
* __1.7.9__ Fix a logic bug so that jrnl -h and jrnl -v are possible even if jrnl not configured yet.
* __1.7.8__ Upgrade to parsedatetime 1.2
* __1.7.7__ Cleaned up imports, better unicode support
* __1.7.6__ Python 3 port for slugify
* __1.7.5__ Colorama is only needed on Windows. Smaller fixes
* __1.7.3__ Touches temporary files before opening them to allow more external editors.
* __1.7.2__ Dateutil added to requirements.
* __1.7.1__ Fixes issues with parsing time information in entries.
* __1.7.0__ Edit encrypted or DayOne journals with `jrnl --edit`.


* __1.6.6__ -v prints the current version, also better strings for windows users. Furthermore, jrnl/jrnl.py moved to jrnl/cli.py
* __1.6.5__ Allows composing multi-line entries on the command line or importing files
* __1.6.4__ Fixed a bug that caused creating encrypted journals to fail
* __1.6.3__ New, pretty, _useful_ documentation!
* __1.6.2__ Starring entries now works for plain-text journals too!
* __1.6.1__ Attempts to fix broken config files automatically
* __1.6.0__ Passwords are now saved in the key-chain. The `password` field in `.jrnl_config` is soft-deprecated.


* __1.5.7__ The `~` in journal config paths will now expand properly to e.g. `/Users/maebert`
* __1.5.6__ Fixed: Fixed a bug where on OS X, the timezone could only be accessed on administrator accounts.
* __1.5.5__ Fixed: Detects DayOne journals stored in `~/Library/Mobile Data` as well.
* __1.5.4__ DayOne journals can now handle tags
* __1.5.3__ Fixed: DayOne integration with older DayOne Journals
* __1.5.2__ Soft-deprecated `-to` for filtering by time and introduces `-until` instead.
* __1.5.1__ Fixed: Fixed a bug introduced in 1.5.0 that caused the entire journal to be printed after composing an entry
* __1.5.0__ Exporting, encrypting and displaying tags now takes your filter options into account. So you could export everything before May 2012: `jrnl -to 'may 2012' --export json`. Or encrypt all entries tagged with `work` into a new journal: `jrnl work --encrypt work_journal.txt`. Or display all tags of posts where Bob is also tagged: `jrnl bob --tags`


* __1.4.2__ Fixed: Tagging works again
* __1.4.0__ Unifies encryption between Python 2 and 3. If you have problems reading encrypted journals afterwards, first decrypt your journal with the __old__ jrnl version (install with `pip install jrnl==1.3.1`, then `jrnl --decrypt`), upgrade jrnl (`pip install jrnl --upgrade`) and encrypt it again (`jrnl --encrypt`).

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