* __0.2.4__
* Fixed: Parsing of new lines in journal files and entries
* Adds support for encrypting and decrypting into new files
* __0.2.3__
* Adds a `-short` option that will only display the titles of entries (or, when filtering by tags, the context of the tag)
* Adds tag export
* Adds coloured highlight of tags (by default, highlights all tags - when filtering by tags, only highlights search tags)
* `.jrnl_config` will get automatically updated when updating jrnl to a new version
* __0.2.2__
* Adds --encrypt and --decrypt to encrypt / decrypt existing journal files
* Adds markdown export (kudos to dedan)
* __0.2.1__ Submitted to [PyPi](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/jrnl/0.2.1).
* __0.2.0__
* Encrypts using CBC
* Fixed: `key` has been renamed to `password` in config to avoid confusion. (The key use to encrypt and decrypt a journal is the SHA256-hash of the password.)