
Latest version: v0.39.1

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Updating instructions

To update Misago from 0.8 to 0.9 use PIP to uninstall old Misago and install new one:

pip uninstall misago
pip install misago

After installing Misago 0.9 from PIP you should run the `python manage.py collectstatic` for your site to update your static files to their latest versions.

New features

* 874 - Added mention user suggestion dropdown to post editor.
* 878 - Logged profile detail changes now include "absolute_url" tag that allows quick access to profile's detail tab.

Theme changes

* 883 - Lighted up code blocks.

Bugs fixed

* 879 - Fix js build on case sensitive filesystems.
* 882 - Commit missing moment.js translation file for zh_hans.

Implementation and API changes


Documentation changes

* 880 - Documented cron.txt file in setup docs.


Not secure
Updating instructions

To update Misago from 0.7 to 0.8 use PIP to uninstall old Misago and install new one:

pip uninstall misago
pip install misago

> This release includes changes to database. Make sure you have backup of your data before carrying on with the update.

Enabling profile fields

Misago 0.8 adds new feature named "profile fields" that enables your users to share additional information about themselves with other users via "details" tab on their profiles.

To enable this feature on your forum, open your `settings.py` and find this code:

import os

Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

And edit it look like this:

import os

Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

Define placeholder gettext function
This function will mark strings in settings visible to makemessages
without need for Django's i18n features be initialized first.
_ = lambda x: x

Next, insert below code in same file, preferably at it its and:

Profile fields

'name': _("Personal"),
'fields': [
'name': _("Contact"),
'fields': [
'name': _("IP address"),
'fields': [

Finally, find `django.contrib.contenttypes` in your `INSTALLED_APPS`:

...bunch of lines here
...more lines there

And insert the `'django.contrib.postgres',` line below it:

...bunch of lines here
...more lines there

[Here's the reference](https://github.com/rafalp/Misago/blob/master/misago/project_template/project_name/settings.py#L169) of `INSTALLED_APPS` including this change if you need one.

Wrapping up the update

After installing Misago 0.8 from PIP and modifying your `settings.py`, you should run the`python manage.py migrate` to update your database and `python manage.py collectstatic` for your site to update your static files to their latest versions.

If you'll encounter database permission error during migration, you'll need to elevate your database's user to superuser in order for Misago's migrations to enable the `hstore` extension for your database. {lease see the [documentation](https://rafalp.gitbooks.io/misago/setup/#about-the-djangodbutilsprogrammingerror-permission-denied-to-create-extension-errors-during-database-migration) short example on how to do this.

New langauge

Misago 0.8 is first release that contains (nearly complete) translation for other language, with 98% of language strings translated for simplified chinese. To enable simplified chinese language on your site, edit your `settings.py`, find `LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en_us'` in it and edit it to `LANGUAGE_CODE = 'zh_Hans'`.

New features

* 865 - User profiles fields.
* 876 - Included translation files for simplified chinese with 98% of language strings translated.

Theme changes

* 875 - Tweaked the spacing between elements in posts content, making header-induced breaks more noticeable.

Bugs fixed

* 869 - Goto views computed the target page incorrectly.
* 870 - Tweaked margins on row in post's changelog header so horizontal scrollbar no longer shows up.
* 871 - Invalid captcha would not interrupt the registration process, thus allowing users to register accounts after entering invalid answer to Q&A captcha.
* 876 - Moment.js translation was resolved incorrectly for some language codes, like `zh_Hans`.
* 877 - Approve thread moderation action didn't update its `has_unapproved_posts` flag correctly.

Implementation and API changes


Documentation changes

* 865 - Documentation for user profile fields feature.
* 872 - Small spelling corrections in setup and maintenance part of the docs.


Not secure
Misago 0.7.1 is small bugfix release correcting two bugs reported since 0.7 was released.

Updating instructions

To update Misago from 0.7 to 0.7.1, use PIP to uninstall old Misago and install new one:

pip uninstall misago
pip install misago

After installing new version with PIP make sure to run`python manage.py collectstatic` for your site to update your static files to their latest versions.

New features


Theme changes


Bugs fixed

* 864 - Lowercased all modules paths in JavaScript files, so builds shouldn't crash anymore on case-sensitive filesystems.
* 866 - Fixed bug in thread header where digit zero was displayed in place of hidden moderation button when user had not moderation actions available, but still could edit thread's title.

Implementation and API changes


Documentation changes



Misago 0.7 is codebase cleanup release that removes some deprecated features like the `misago.datamover` that enabled updates from Misago 0.5 as well as `CreatePartialIndex` and `CreatePartialCompositeIndex` migration utilities that were replaced by the `PgPartialIndex` in final 0.6 release.

Updating instructions

To update Misago from 0.6 to 0.7, use PIP to uninstall old Misago and install new one:

pip uninstall misago
pip install misago --pre

`misago.datamover` has been removed

`misago.datamover` entry in your `settings.py` `INSTALLED_APPS` setting is an error in Misago 0.7 and should be removed. Likewise the `url(r'^', include('misago.datamover.urls'))` entry in your `urls.py` will also error and has to be removed.

If you have updated to Misago 0.6 from Misago 0.5 and you looking to preserve redirects from old links after update to 0.7, please use the [Misago 0.5 Redirects](https://github.com/rafalp/Misago-05-Redirects) app.

`CreatePartialIndex` and `CreatePartialCompositeIndex` migration utilities have been removed

0.7 release finalizes deprecation of previous implementation of custom indexes via removal of old migration utilities as well as their migrations. Attempting the update from any of the 0.6's alphas to 0.7 and skipping the 0.6 final release on the way will lead to your database containing both old and new indexes which may be source of errors in future migrations.

New features


Theme changes


Bugs fixed


Implementation and API changes

* 858 - `CreatePartialIndex` and `CreatePartialCompositeIndex` migration utilities have been removed.
* 859 - `misago.datamover` has been removed. Redirects from old urls have been extracted to separate app: [Misago 0.5 Redirects](https://github.com/rafalp/Misago-05-Redirects)
* 863 - `extras` directory has been excluded from Misago releases published to Pypi. This directory contains few utility scripts that perform additional cleanups after the [yapf](github.com/google/yapf) and aren't the part of package.

Documentation changes

* 860 - Updated readme and docs to don't mention `--pre` anymore since Misago's Pypi releases are no longer marked as prelease.
* 862 - "Setup and maintenance" document was turned into the chapter that contains update path documentation as well as docs on updating from Misago 0.5 guide.



Not secure
This is small hotfix release that fixes issue with events always displaying as new due to presence of debug code causing them to do so.

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