* Add `-l` and `--list` flag for listing available games
* Use `config.py` in games to set up the game parameters and the game execution
* Use `argparse` for generating and handling game parameters
* List game parameters of a game by using `python MLGame.py <game> -h`
* Exit with non-zero value when an error occurred
* The game execution flags must be specified before the game name, including `-i/--input-script/--input-module` flags
* `-i/--input-script/--input-module` flags carry one script or one module at a time.
* Specify these flags multiple times for multiple scripts or modules, such as `-i script_1P -i script_2P`.
* Games: Use dictionary objects as communication objects between game and ml processes for flexibility
* The record file only contains dictionay objects and built-in types, therefore, it can be read outside the `mlgame` directory.
* `mlgame.gamedev.recorder.RecorderHelper` only accepts dictionary object.
* Code refactoring
* Games
* Remove `main.py` (replaced by `config.py`)
* Remove `communication.py`
* For the ml script, use `mlgame.communication.ml` module to communicate with the game process. See `ml_play_template.py` for the example.
* Remove `CommandReceiver` from the `mlgame.communication.game`
* The game has to validate the command recevied by itself.