
Latest version: v0.23.4

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New Features

- The `SequentialFeatureSelector` now supports using pre-specified feature sets via the `fixed_features` parameter. ([578](
- Adds a new `accuracy_score` function to `mlxtend.evaluate` for computing basic classifcation accuracy, per-class accuracy, and average per-class accuracy. ([624]( via [Deepan Das](
- `StackingClassifier` and `StackingCVClassifier`now have a `decision_function` method, which serves as a preferred choice over `predict_proba` in calculating roc_auc and average_precision scores when the meta estimator is a linear model or support vector classifier. ([634]( via [Qiang Gu](


- Improve the runtime performance for the `apriori` frequent itemset generating function when `low_memory=True`. Setting `low_memory=False` (default) is still faster for small itemsets, but `low_memory=True` can be much faster for large itemsets and requires less memory. Also, input validation for `apriori`, ̀ fpgrowth` and `fpmax` takes a significant amount of time when input pandas DataFrame is large; this is now dramatically reduced when input contains boolean values (and not zeros/ones), which is the case when using `TransactionEncoder`. ([619]( via [Denis Barbier](
- Add support for newer sparse pandas DataFrame for frequent itemset algorithms. Also, input validation for `apriori`, ̀ fpgrowth` and `fpmax` runs much faster on sparse DataFrame when input pandas DataFrame contains integer values. ([621]( via [Denis Barbier](
- Let `fpgrowth` and `fpmax` directly work on sparse DataFrame, they were previously converted into dense Numpy arrays. ([622]( via [Denis Barbier](

Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug in `mlxtend.plotting.plot_pca_correlation_graph` that caused the explaind variances not summing up to 1. Also, improves the runtime performance of the correlation computation and adds a missing function argument for the explained variances (eigenvalues) if users provide their own principal components. ([593]( via [Gabriel Azevedo Ferreira](
- Behavior of `fpgrowth` and `apriori` consistent for edgecases such as `min_support=0`. ([573]( via [Steve Harenberg](
- `fpmax` returns an empty data frame now instead of raising an error if the frequent itemset set is empty. ([573]( via [Steve Harenberg](
- Fixes and issue in `mlxtend.plotting.plot_confusion_matrix`, where the font-color choice for medium-dark cells was not ideal and hard to read. [588]( via [sohrabtowfighi](
- The `svd` mode of `mlxtend.feature_extraction.PrincipalComponentAnalysis` now also *n-1* degrees of freedom instead of *n* d.o.f. when computing the eigenvalues to match the behavior of `eigen`. [595](
- Disable input validation for `StackingCVClassifier` because it causes issues if pipelines are used as input. [606](


New Features

- Added an enhancement to the existing `iris_data()` such that both the UCI Repository version of the Iris dataset as well as the corrected, original
version of the dataset can be loaded, which has a slight difference in two data points (consistent with Fisher's paper; this is also the same as in R). (via [539]( via [janismdhanbad](
- Added optional `groups` parameter to `SequentialFeatureSelector` and `ExhaustiveFeatureSelector` `fit()` methods for forwarding to sklearn CV ([537]( via [arc12](
- Added a new `plot_pca_correlation_graph` function to the `mlxtend.plotting` submodule for plotting a PCA correlation graph. ([544]( via [Gabriel-Azevedo-Ferreira](
- Added a `zoom_factor` parameter to the `mlxten.plotting.plot_decision_region` function that allows users to zoom in and out of the decision region plots. ([545](
- Added a function `fpgrowth` that implements the FP-Growth algorithm for mining frequent itemsets as a drop-in replacement for the existing `apriori` algorithm. ([550]( via [Steve Harenberg](
- New `heatmap` function in `mlxtend.plotting`. ([552](
- Added a function `fpmax` that implements the FP-Max algorithm for mining maximal itemsets as a drop-in replacement for the `fpgrowth` algorithm. ([553]( via [Steve Harenberg](
- New `figsize` parameter for the `plot_decision_regions` function in `mlxtend.plotting`. ([555]( via [Mirza Hasanbasic](
- New `low_memory` option for the `apriori` frequent itemset generating function. Setting `low_memory=False` (default) uses a substantially optimized version of the algorithm that is 3-6x faster than the original implementation (`low_memory=True`). ([567]( via [jmayse](


- Now uses the latest joblib library under the hood for multiprocessing instead of `sklearn.externals.joblib`. ([547](
- Changes to `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingCVRegressor` such that first-level models are allowed to generate output of non-numeric type. ([562](

Bug Fixes

- Fixed documentation of `iris_data()` under `` by adding a note about differences in the iris data in R and UCI machine learning repo.
- Make sure that if the `'svd'` mode is used in PCA, the number of eigenvalues is the same as when using `'eigen'` (append 0's zeros in that case) ([565](


New Features

- `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingCVRegressor` now support `random_state` parameter, which, together with `shuffle`, controls the randomness in the cv splitting. ([523]( via [Qiang Gu](
- `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingCVRegressor` now have a new `drop_last_proba` parameter. It drops the last "probability" column in the feature set since if `True`,
because it is redundant: p(y_c) = 1 - p(y_1) + p(y_2) + ... + p(y_{c-1}). This can be useful for meta-classifiers that are sensitive to perfectly collinear features. ([532](
- Other stacking estimators, including `StackingClassifier`, `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingRegressor`, support grid search over the `regressors` and even a single base regressor. ([522]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Adds multiprocessing support to `StackingCVClassifier`. ([522]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Adds multiprocessing support to `StackingCVRegressor`. ([512]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Now, the `StackingCVRegressor` also enables grid search over the `regressors` and even a single base regressor. When there are level-mixed parameters, `GridSearchCV` will try to replace hyperparameters in a top-down order (see the [documentation]( for examples details). ([#515]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Adds a `verbose` parameter to `apriori` to show the current iteration number as well as the itemset size currently being sampled. ([519](
- Adds an optional `class_name` parameter to the confusion matrix function to display class names on the axis as tick marks. ([487]( via [sandpiturtle](


- Due to new features, restructuring, and better scikit-learn support (for `GridSearchCV`, etc.) the `StackingCVRegressor`'s meta regressor is now being accessed via `'meta_regressor__*` in the parameter grid. E.g., if a `RandomForestRegressor` as meta- egressor was previously tuned via `'randomforestregressor__n_estimators'`, this has now changed to `'meta_regressor__n_estimators'`. ([515]( via [Qiang Gu](
- The same change mentioned above is now applied to other stacking estimators, including `StackingClassifier`, `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingRegressor`. ([522]( via [Qiang Gu](

Bug Fixes

- The `feature_selection.ColumnSelector` now also supports column names of type `int` (in addition to `str` names) if the input is a pandas DataFrame. ([500]( via [tetrar124](
- Fix unreadable labels in `plot_confusion_matrix` for imbalanced datasets if `show_absolute=True` and `show_normed=True`. ([504](
- Raises a more informative error if a `SparseDataFrame` is passed to `apriori` and the dataframe has integer column names that don't start with `0` due to current limitations of the `SparseDataFrame` implementation in pandas. ([503](
- SequentialFeatureSelector now supports DataFrame as input for all operating modes (forward/backward/floating). [506](
- `mlxtend.evaluate.feature_importance_permutation` now correctly accepts scoring functions with proper function signature as `metric` argument. [528](


New Features

- Adds a new transformer class to `mlxtend.image`, `EyepadAlign`, that aligns face images based on the location of the eyes. ([466]( by [Vahid Mirjalili](
- Adds a new function, `mlxtend.evaluate.bias_variance_decomp` that decomposes the loss of a regressor or classifier into bias and variance terms. ([470](
- Adds a `whitening` parameter to `PrincipalComponentAnalysis`, to optionally whiten the transformed data such that the features have unit variance. ([475](


- Changed the default solver in `PrincipalComponentAnalysis` to `'svd'` instead of `'eigen'` to improve numerical stability. ([474](
- The `mlxtend.image.extract_face_landmarks` now returns `None` if no facial landmarks were detected instead of an array of all zeros. ([466](

Bug Fixes

- The eigenvectors maybe have not been sorted in certain edge cases if solver was `'eigen'` in `PrincipalComponentAnalysis` and `LinearDiscriminantAnalysis`. ([477](, [#478](


New Features

- Added a `scatterplotmatrix` function to the `plotting` module. ([437](
- Added `sample_weight` option to `StackingRegressor`, `StackingClassifier`, `StackingCVRegressor`, `StackingCVClassifier`, `EnsembleVoteClassifier`. ([438](
- Added a `RandomHoldoutSplit` class to perform a random train/valid split without rotation in `SequentialFeatureSelector`, scikit-learn `GridSearchCV` etc. ([442](
- Added a `PredefinedHoldoutSplit` class to perform a train/valid split, based on user-specified indices, without rotation in `SequentialFeatureSelector`, scikit-learn `GridSearchCV` etc. ([443](
- Created a new `mlxtend.image` submodule for working on image processing-related tasks. ([457](
- Added a new convenience function `extract_face_landmarks` based on `dlib` to `mlxtend.image`. ([458](
- Added a `method='oob'` option to the `mlxtend.evaluate.bootstrap_point632_score` method to compute the classic out-of-bag bootstrap estimate ([459](
- Added a `method='.632+'` option to the `mlxtend.evaluate.bootstrap_point632_score` method to compute the .632+ bootstrap estimate that addresses the optimism bias of the .632 bootstrap ([459](
- Added a new `mlxtend.evaluate.ftest` function to perform an F-test for comparing the accuracies of two or more classification models. ([460](
- Added a new `mlxtend.evaluate.combined_ftest_5x2cv` function to perform an combined 5x2cv F-Test for comparing the performance of two models. ([461](
- Added a new `mlxtend.evaluate.difference_proportions` test for comparing two proportions (e.g., classifier accuracies) ([462](


- Addressed deprecations warnings in NumPy 0.15. ([425](
- Because of complications in PR ([459](, Python 2.7 was now dropped; since official support for Python 2.7 by the Python Software Foundation is ending in approx. 12 months anyways, this re-focussing will hopefully free up some developer time with regard to not having to worry about backward compatibility

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue with a missing import in `mlxtend.plotting.plot_confusion_matrix`. ([428](


New Features

- A meaningful error message is now raised when a cross-validation generator is used with `SequentialFeatureSelector`. ([377](
- The `SequentialFeatureSelector` now accepts custom feature names via the `fit` method for more interpretable feature subset reports. ([379](
- The `SequentialFeatureSelector` is now also compatible with Pandas DataFrames and uses DataFrame column-names for more interpretable feature subset reports. ([379](
- `ColumnSelector` now works with Pandas DataFrames columns. ([378]( by [Manuel Garrido](
- The `ExhaustiveFeatureSelector` estimator in `mlxtend.feature_selection` now is safely stoppable mid-process by control+c. ([380](
- Two new functions, `vectorspace_orthonormalization` and `vectorspace_dimensionality` were added to `mlxtend.math` to use the Gram-Schmidt process to convert a set of linearly independent vectors into a set of orthonormal basis vectors, and to compute the dimensionality of a vectorspace, respectively. ([382](
- `mlxtend.frequent_patterns.apriori` now supports pandas `SparseDataFrame`s to generate frequent itemsets. ([404]( via [Daniel Morales](
- The `plot_confusion_matrix` function now has the ability to show normalized confusion matrix coefficients in addition to or instead of absolute confusion matrix coefficients with or without a colorbar. The text display method has been changed so that the full range of the colormap is used. The default size is also now set based on the number of classes.
- Added support for merging the meta features with the original input features in `StackingRegressor` (via `use_features_in_secondary`) like it is already supported in the other Stacking classes. ([418](
- Added a `support_only` to the `association_rules` function, which allow constructing association rules (based on the support metric only) for cropped input DataFrames that don't contain a complete set of antecedent and consequent support values. ([421](


- Itemsets generated with `apriori` are now `frozenset`s ([393]( by [William Laney]( and [#394](
- Now raises an error if a input DataFrame to `apriori` contains non 0, 1, True, False values. [419](

Bug Fixes

- Allow mlxtend estimators to be cloned via scikit-learn's `clone` function. ([374](
- Fixes bug to allow the correct use of `refit=False` in `StackingRegressor` and `StackingCVRegressor` ([384]( and ([#385]( by [selay01](
- Allow `StackingClassifier` to work with sparse matrices when `use_features_in_secondary=True` ([408]( by [Floris Hoogenbook](
- Allow `StackingCVRegressor` to work with sparse matrices when `use_features_in_secondary=True` ([416](
- Allow `StackingCVClassifier` to work with sparse matrices when `use_features_in_secondary=True` ([417](

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