New Features
- `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingCVRegressor` now support `random_state` parameter, which, together with `shuffle`, controls the randomness in the cv splitting. ([523]( via [Qiang Gu](
- `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingCVRegressor` now have a new `drop_last_proba` parameter. It drops the last "probability" column in the feature set since if `True`,
because it is redundant: p(y_c) = 1 - p(y_1) + p(y_2) + ... + p(y_{c-1}). This can be useful for meta-classifiers that are sensitive to perfectly collinear features. ([532](
- Other stacking estimators, including `StackingClassifier`, `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingRegressor`, support grid search over the `regressors` and even a single base regressor. ([522]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Adds multiprocessing support to `StackingCVClassifier`. ([522]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Adds multiprocessing support to `StackingCVRegressor`. ([512]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Now, the `StackingCVRegressor` also enables grid search over the `regressors` and even a single base regressor. When there are level-mixed parameters, `GridSearchCV` will try to replace hyperparameters in a top-down order (see the [documentation]( for examples details). ([#515]( via [Qiang Gu](
- Adds a `verbose` parameter to `apriori` to show the current iteration number as well as the itemset size currently being sampled. ([519](
- Adds an optional `class_name` parameter to the confusion matrix function to display class names on the axis as tick marks. ([487]( via [sandpiturtle](
- Due to new features, restructuring, and better scikit-learn support (for `GridSearchCV`, etc.) the `StackingCVRegressor`'s meta regressor is now being accessed via `'meta_regressor__*` in the parameter grid. E.g., if a `RandomForestRegressor` as meta- egressor was previously tuned via `'randomforestregressor__n_estimators'`, this has now changed to `'meta_regressor__n_estimators'`. ([515]( via [Qiang Gu](
- The same change mentioned above is now applied to other stacking estimators, including `StackingClassifier`, `StackingCVClassifier` and `StackingRegressor`. ([522]( via [Qiang Gu](
Bug Fixes
- The `feature_selection.ColumnSelector` now also supports column names of type `int` (in addition to `str` names) if the input is a pandas DataFrame. ([500]( via [tetrar124](
- Fix unreadable labels in `plot_confusion_matrix` for imbalanced datasets if `show_absolute=True` and `show_normed=True`. ([504](
- Raises a more informative error if a `SparseDataFrame` is passed to `apriori` and the dataframe has integer column names that don't start with `0` due to current limitations of the `SparseDataFrame` implementation in pandas. ([503](
- SequentialFeatureSelector now supports DataFrame as input for all operating modes (forward/backward/floating). [506](
- `mlxtend.evaluate.feature_importance_permutation` now correctly accepts scoring functions with proper function signature as `metric` argument. [528](