
Latest version: v0.23.4

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New Features

- New [mlxtend.plotting.ecdf]( function for plotting empirical cumulative distribution functions ([#196](
- New [`StackingCVRegressor`]( for stacking regressors with out-of-fold predictions to prevent overfitting ([#201]( [Eike Dehling](


- The TensorFlow estimator have been removed from mlxtend, since TensorFlow has now very convenient ways to build on estimators, which render those implementations obsolete.
- `plot_decision_regions` now supports plotting decision regions for more than 2 training features [189](, via [James Bourbeau](
- Parallel execution in `mlxtend.feature_selection.SequentialFeatureSelector` and `mlxtend.feature_selection.ExhaustiveFeatureSelector` is now performed over different feature subsets instead of the different cross-validation folds to better utilize machines with multiple processors if the number of features is large ([193](, via [whalebot-helmsman](
- Raise meaningful error messages if pandas `DataFrame`s or Python lists of lists are fed into the `StackingCVClassifer` as a `fit` arguments ([198](
- The `n_folds` parameter of the `StackingCVClassifier` was changed to `cv` and can now accept any kind of cross validation technique that is available from scikit-learn. For example, `StackingCVClassifier(..., cv=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3))` or `StackingCVClassifier(..., cv=GroupKFold(n_splits=3))` ([203](, via [Konstantinos Paliouras](

Bug Fixes

- `SequentialFeatureSelector` now correctly accepts a `None` argument for the `scoring` parameter to infer the default scoring metric from scikit-learn classifiers and regressors ([171](
- The `plot_decision_regions` function now supports pre-existing axes objects generated via matplotlib's `plt.subplots`. ([184](, [see example](
- Made `math.num_combinations` and `math.num_permutations` numerically stable for large numbers of combinations and permutations ([200](



- [Source code (zip)](
- [Source code (tar.gz)](

New Features

- An `association_rules` function is implemented that allows to generate rules based on a list of frequent itemsets (via [Joshua Goerner](


- Adds a black `edgecolor` to plots via `plotting.plot_decision_regions` to make markers more distinguishable from the background in `matplotlib>=2.0`.
- The `association` submodule was renamed to `frequent_patterns`.

Bug Fixes

- The `DataFrame` index of `apriori` results are now unique and ordered.


The CHANGELOG for the current development version is available at

New Features
- The `EnsembleVoteClassifier` has a new `refit` attribute that prevents refitting classifiers if `refit=False` to save computational time.
- Added a new `lift_score` function in `evaluate` to compute lift score (via [Batuhan Bardak](
- `StackingClassifier` and `StackingRegressor` support multivariate targets if the underlying models do (via [kernc](
- `StackingClassifier` has a new `use_features_in_secondary` attribute like `StackingCVClassifier`.

- Changed default verbosity level in `SequentialFeatureSelector` to 0
- The `EnsembleVoteClassifier` now raises a `NotFittedError` if the estimator wasn't `fit` before calling `predict`. (via [Anton Loss](
- Added new TensorFlow variable initialization syntax to guarantee compatibility with TensorFlow 1.0

Bug Fixes
- Fixed wrong default value for `k_features` in `SequentialFeatureSelector`
- Cast selected feature subsets in the `SequentialFeautureSelector` as sets to prevent the iterator from getting stuck if the `k_idx` are different permutations of the same combination (via [Zac Wellmer](
- Fixed an issue with learning curves that caused the performance metrics to be reversed (via [ipashchenko](
- Fixed a bug that could occur in the `SequentialFeatureSelector` if there are similarly-well performing subsets in the floating variants (via [Zac Wellmer](


- [Source code (zip)](
- [Source code (tar.gz)](

New Features
- New `ExhaustiveFeatureSelector` estimator in `mlxtend.feature_selection` for evaluating all feature combinations in a specified range
- The `StackingClassifier` has a new parameter `average_probas` that is set to `True` by default to maintain the current behavior. A deprecation warning was added though, and it will default to `False` in future releases (0.6.0); `average_probas=False` will result in stacking of the level-1 predicted probabilities rather than averaging these.
- New `StackingCVClassifier` estimator in 'mlxtend.classifier' for implementing a stacking ensemble that uses cross-validation techniques for training the meta-estimator to avoid overfitting ([Reiichiro Nakano](
- New `OnehotTransactions` encoder class added to the `preprocessing` submodule for transforming transaction data into a one-hot encoded array
- The `SequentialFeatureSelector` estimator in `mlxtend.feature_selection` now is safely stoppable mid-process by control+c, and deprecated print_progress in favor of a more tunable verbose parameter ([Will McGinnis](
- New `apriori` function in `association` to extract frequent itemsets from transaction data for association rule mining
- New `checkerboard_plot` function in `plotting` to plot checkerboard tables / heat maps
- New `mcnemar_table` and `mcnemar` functions in `evaluate` to compute 2x2 contingency tables and McNemar's test

- All plotting functions have been moved to `mlxtend.plotting` for compatibility reasons with continuous integration services and to make the installation of `matplotlib` optional for users of `mlxtend`'s core functionality
- Added a compatibility layer for `scikit-learn 0.18` using the new `model_selection` module while maintaining backwards compatibility to scikit-learn 0.17.

Bug Fixes
- `mlxtend.plotting.plot_decision_regions` now draws decision regions correctly if more than 4 class labels are present
- Raise `AttributeError` in `plot_decision_regions` when the `X_higlight` argument is a 1D array ([chkoar](


New Features
- Added `preprocessing.CopyTransformer`, a mock class that returns copies of
imput arrays via `transform` and `fit_transform`

- Added AppVeyor to CI to ensure MS Windows compatibility
- Dataset are now saved as compressed .txt or .csv files rather than being imported as Python objects
- `feature_selection.SequentialFeatureSelector` now supports the selection of `k_features` using a tuple to specify a "min-max" `k_features` range
- Added "SVD solver" option to the `PrincipalComponentAnalysis`
- Raise a `AttributeError` with "not fitted" message in `SequentialFeatureSelector` if `transform` or `get_metric_dict` are called prior to `fit`
- Use small, positive bias units in `TfMultiLayerPerceptron`'s hidden layer(s) if the activations are ReLUs in order to avoid dead neurons
- Added an optional `clone_estimator` parameter to the `SequentialFeatureSelector` that defaults to `True`, avoiding the modification of the original estimator objects
- More rigorous type and shape checks in the `evaluate.plot_decision_regions` function
- `DenseTransformer` now doesn't raise and error if the input array is _not_ sparse
- API clean-up using scikit-learn's `BaseEstimator` as parent class for `feature_selection.ColumnSelector`

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem when a tuple-range was provided as argument to the `SequentialFeatureSelector`'s `k_features` parameter and the scoring metric was more negative than -1 (e.g., as in scikit-learn's MSE scoring function) via [wahutch](
- Fixed an `AttributeError` issue when `verbose` > 1 in `StackingClassifier`
- Fixed a bug in `classifier.SoftmaxRegression` where the mean values of the offsets were used to update the bias units rather than their sum
- Fixed rare bug in MLP `_layer_mapping` functions that caused a swap between the random number generation seed when initializing weights and biases


New Features
- New TensorFlow estimator for Linear Regression ([`tf_regressor.TfLinearRegression`](./user_guide/tf_regressor/
- New k-means clustering estimator ([`cluster.Kmeans`](./user_guide/cluster/
- New TensorFlow k-means clustering estimator ([`tf_cluster.Kmeans`](./user_guide/tf_cluster/

- Due to refactoring of the estimator classes, the `init_weights` parameter of the `fit` methods was globally renamed to `init_params`
- Overall performance improvements of estimators due to code clean-up and refactoring
- Added several additional checks for correct array types and more meaningful exception messages
- Added optional `dropout` to the [`tf_classifier.TfMultiLayerPerceptron`](./user_guide/tf_classifier/ classifier for regularization
- Added an optional `decay` parameter to the [`tf_classifier.TfMultiLayerPerceptron`](./user_guide/tf_classifier/ classifier for adaptive learning via an exponential decay of the learning rate eta
- Replaced old `NeuralNetMLP` by more streamlined `MultiLayerPerceptron` ([`classifier.MultiLayerPerceptron`](./user_guide/classifier/; now also with softmax in the output layer and categorical cross-entropy loss.
- Unified `init_params` parameter for fit functions to continue training where the algorithm left off (if supported)

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