Corresponds to PR
- Seqlet pruning updated (function `trim_to_positions_with_min_support` in modisco.core). Previously, the limits of `min_support` would be determined by making a histogram of the locations to which seqlet centers align to, and then trimming away positions that didn't have some minimum support. But a location may be supported by the flanks of seqlets, even if is not supported by seqlet centers. Updating this to look at the support from *any* seqlet overlap greatly reduces the amount of seqlets that get unnecessarily trimmed away.
- The previous merging strategy had two components: it looked at both the similarity of motifs as measured by cross-correlation of their contribution score tracks, as well as the density of the clusters (clusters that are less tightly packed should be merged more readily). The density was measured using a t-sne-like strategy, which was a bit ad-hoc and produced values that were hard to interpret intuitively. Now, I still retain the cross-correlation-like similarity, but the 'density' notion is quantified by looking at the distribution of within-cluster and between-cluster pairwise seqlet similarities.
Other small changes:
- Previously, the aforementioned cross-correlation metric in the pattern merging function was implemented by calling scipy.signal.correlate2d, which doesn't do a normalization (thus, correlation values weren't limited to the range -1 to 1). This was ok because I would normalize each track prior to calling scipy.signal.correlate2d - but as a result, the values were scaled according to the number of tracks (e.g. if there were two tasks, each task would generate a contribution score track, and I would have to divide the correlation values to by 2 to put them in the -1 to 1 range). Previously, this scaling was all adjusted for under-the-hood. Now, I just switched to avoid using scipy.signal.correlate2d so that there is no need for all that adjustment.
- `plot_weights_given_ax` now has default values specified for many of the arguments, so it is easier to call