The auxiliary tracks are not used during the clustering but can be useful for visualization purposes (e.g. if you want to visualize the value of methylation/conservation/dnase footprints at a modisco motif). In the demo notebook at, I use it to visualize the activations of the conv layer for each motif. The extra data tracks are supplied in the call to TfModiscoWorkflow via the `other_tracks` argument. `other_tracks` accepts a list of instances of `modisco.core.DataTrack`.
If the data are such that there is no concept of reverse complements (e.g. RNA-based data), then when instantiating the DataTrack objects, leave the value of `rev_tracks` to None (and also make sure `revcomp=False` when calling TfModiscoWorkflow). Otherwise, rev_tracks should be the value that fwd_tracks would have if the reverse-complement of the input sequence was provided (e.g. for conv layer activations, you can reverse-complement the original input sequence and recompute the conv layer activations). (At the time of writing, I have not personally tested out how TFMoDISco behaves for RNA-type data extensively, though others have)
If the data is such that there is no positional axis (e.g. if you want to visualize the activations of the fully-connected layer for each motif), set `has_pos_axis` to False when instantiating the DataTrack object. Note that I have not tested the functionality with `has_pos_axis=False` at all.