- The functions `duplicate_conformers`, `get_mcs`, `generate_conformers`, `constraintconf` and `constraintconf_cmd` and the class `ProteinLigandClashFilter`. The code was borrowed from [Pat Walters]( It is used if constraint docking is needed.
- `constraintconf` can be called from the command line.
- `` a simple wrapper around vina. This function will be used for all the implemented cost functions inside of the module ``. It could be used for constraint docking.
- ``. This module is used for testing in case constraint docking is needed. It has two MolBlock strings: `r_6lu7` and `r_x0161`. That could be easily converted in RDKit molecules..
from rdkit import Chem
from import constraintref
mol = Chem.MolFromMolBlock(constraintref.r_x0161)
This molecule is needed for the keyword argument `constraint_ref` of the functions of the `` module in case of constraint docking is used.
- Constraint docking capability in all implemented cost functions of the module ``.
- ``. This module is similar to `` but in pdb format.
- Documentation and tutorials.
- `moldrug.utils.make_sdf` only will create the sdf file based on the `pdbqt` attribute. If `pdbqt` is a list, it will work as previous version works with `pdbqts` attribute.
- Name of the module `` to ``.
- Name of keyword argument `receptor_path` to `receptor_pdbqt_path` on the cost functions: `` and ``.
- Name of keyword arguments `receptor_path`, `vina_score_types`, `boxcenters` and `boxsizes` to `receptor_pdbqt_path`, `vina_score_type`, `boxcenter` and `boxsize` respectively on the cost functions: `` and ``.
- `smiles` attribute in `moldrug.utils.Individual` now it is always without explicit Hs, despite if the mol attribute has them.