1. Fix minor compatibility issue with Python 3.8 (issue [4](https://github.com/ale94mleon/MolDrug/issues/4)). 2. Add `Local` class to the command line. 3. Fix supplied custom fitness function from the command line. 4. Better code covering during testing. 5. Cleaning code.
1. Fix issue with molecules that does not produce a correct pdbqt file
1. Follow jobs on the command line 2. Fixing make_sdf for multiple receptors 3. Much better documentation
1. Comand line available 2. Adding sdf export 3. Eliminate OpenBabel dependency 4. Adding meeko for working with pdbqt
Here we add the automatic detection based on `mutate_crem_kwargs` on `GA` of the need of add explicit hydrogens inside of the mutate function