This release is a major refactor of mplsoccer and a merger with
[soccerplots](https://github.com/Slothfulwave612/soccerplots) for plotting Radars.
Breaking Changes
* :x: ``orientation`` argument is removed. \
To plot on a vertical pitch use the new ``VerticalPitch`` class.
* :x: ``layout`` argument is removed. Use the Matplotlib style ``nrows`` and ``ncols`` instead. \
For example, Pitch(layout=(4, 5)) becomes pitch = Pitch() and pitch.draw(nrows=4, ncols=5).
* :x: ``view`` argument is removed. Use half=True to display half-a-pitch. \
For example, Pitch(view='half') becomes Pitch(half=True).
* :x: ``pitch_type=stats`` pitch_type option removed.
* :x: removed ``jointplot`` method and replaced with the more flexible ``jointgrid`` method.
* :white_check_mark: ``hexbin`` now clips to the sides of the soccer pitch for a more \
attractive visualization.
* :heavy_exclamation_mark: ``wyscout`` goal width increased to 12 units (from 10 units) \
to align with ggsoccer. This matters as the new ``Standardizer`` \
class uses the goalpost dimensions.
* :heavy_exclamation_mark: fixed the``bin_statistic_positional`` and ``heatmap_positional`` \
so the heatmaps are created consistently at the heatmap edges \
i.e. grid cells are created from the bottom to the top of the pitch, where the top edge \
always belongs to the cell above.
* :heart_eyes: Merged mplsoccer with [soccerplots](https://github.com/Slothfulwave612/soccerplots) \
for wonderful radar charts and bumpy charts.
* :strawberry: Added Nightingale Rose Charts (also known as pizza charts).
* :strawberry: Added a ``jointgrid`` method to draw optional marginal axes on the four-sides \
of a soccer pitch. This replaces the old ``jointplot``, which did not allow non-square pitches.
* :strawberry: Added the ``grid`` method to create a grid of pitches with more control \
than plt.subplots.
* :strawberry: Added ``FontManager`` from [ridge_map](https://github.com/colcarroll/ridge_map) \
by [Colin Carroll](https://twitter.com/colindcarroll) for downloading and using google fonts.
* :strawberry: Added ``Standardizer`` for changing from one provider data format to another. \
For example, StatsBomb to Tracab.
* :icecream: Added new pitch_types: ``skillcorner``, ``secondspectrum``, and a ``custom`` \
pitch type where the length and width can vary.
* :icecream: Added ``goal_alpha`` for controlling the transparency of ``goal_type='box'`` goals.
* :icecream: Added ``goal_type='circle'`` to plot the goalposts as circles.
* :new: Added ``degrees=True`` option so calculate_angle_and_degrees can output the angle \
in degrees clockwise.
* :new: Added ``create_transparent_cmap`` to create colormaps that vary from high transparency \
to low transparency.
* :new: Added ``normalize`` option to ``bin_statistic`` and ``bin_statistic_positional`` \
so the results are divided by the total.
* Added ``str_format`` option to ``label_heatmap`` to enable formatting of heatmap labels, \
e.g. % or rounding.
* Added ``exclude_zeros`` option (default False) to ``label_heatmap`` to enable you to \
exclude drawing any labels equal to zero.
* :ok: Changed ``Seaborn`` x and y from arguments to keyword arguments. \
This fixes a FutureWarning from Seaborn that the only valid positional argument will be data.
* :ok: Changed imports so that you do not need to reference the module. \
For example, you can now use: from mplsoccer import Pitch.
* :ok: Added repr methods for string representations of classes.
* :ok: Stopped the storage of the Matplotlib figure and axes in the pitch class attributes.
* :ok: Fixed a FutureWarning from Pandas that the lookup method will be deprecated.
* :page_with_curl: Added examples for custom colormaps
* :page_with_curl: Tweaked the StatsBomb data example to only update files if the \
JSON file has changed.
* :page_with_curl: Added more beautiful scatter examples and chart titles.
* :page_with_curl: Added examples for ``grid`` and ``jointgrid``.
The pitch class has been split into multiple modules and classes to simplify the code.
This helps reduce the number of conditional if/else switches.
* pitch.py contains the new classes for plotting/ drawing pitches. The ``Pitch`` class is for a \
horizontally orientated soccer pitch, and the new ``VerticalPitch`` is for the \
vertical orientation. A change from the old API of Pitch(orientation='vertical').
* The ``Pitch`` and ``VerticalPitch`` classes inherit their \
plotting methods from ``BasePitchPlot``. While ``BasePitchPlot`` inherits attributes and methods \
for drawing a soccer pitch from ``BasePitch``.
* The soccer pitch dimensions are in a separate module (dimensions.py) for reuse within \
a new ``Standardizer`` class.
* The code for heatmaps, arrows, lines, scatter_rotation, and scatter_football are now \
in separate modules (heatmap.py, quiver.py, linecollection.py, and scatterutils.py).