Changed 1) changed Pitch so axes aren't raveled when using subplots, e.g. layout=(2, 2). So colorbar can be used with subplots.
Changed 1) changed the internal workings of bin statistics and heatmaps so the results of bin_statistic can be used for other purposes. 2) removed print function from Pitch.
Changed 1) changed the wyscout goal posts y locations to 45/ 55 for consistency with [socceraction](
Changed 1) fixed the statsbomb module so the event dataset has simplified names for the end coordinates. Previously they were shot_end_x, pass_end_x etc. Now they are under three columns: end_x, end_y, end_z.
Fixed 1) fixed the statsbomb module so it works when the json is empty.
Added 1) Added Pitch.voronoi() for calculating Voronoi vertices. 2) Added Pitch.goal_angle() for plotting the angle to the goal. 3) Added Pitch.polygon() for plotting polygons on the pitch (e.g. goal angle and Voronoi) 4) Added add_image for adding images to matplotlib figures.