
Latest version: v1.5.1

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- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump version: 1.2.1 → 1.3.0. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add bump and gitchangelog configs. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix pep8 compliance. [Martin Raspaud]

- Use filenames for mipp only if the files are relevant. [Martin

- Handle time_slot tuples better by splitting them. [Martin Raspaud]

This allows mpop to be backwards compatible for non mipp-based readers.

- Allow providing filenames to the mipp xrit reader. [Martin Raspaud]

This allows mpop to use filenames as provided by trollduction.

- Make it possible to specify custom stretching of truecolor imagery.

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Merge pull request 36 from khunger/feature-fill-value-substitution.
[Martin Raspaud]

New option fill_value_subst

- New option fill_value_subst. [Christian Kliche]

This option can be used in conjunction with GeoImage.fill_value. Any occurrences of
fill_value within the image data will be replaced with fill_value_subst before storing
to image file.

Example trollduction configuration to use this feature:


- Merge pull request 37 from khunger/feature-xrit-sublon-metadata.
[Martin Raspaud]

Atmospheric correction and xrit metadata "sublon" in sat scene info

- Algorithm for atmosheric correction. [Christian Kliche]

Added new algorithm to Channel class to apply atmospheric correction
on a copy of channel data using given satellite zenith angle data.
Creates a new channel containing the corrected data.

- Added xrit metadata "sublon" to sat scene info. [Christian Kliche]

- Bugfix fill_value in cf-output. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Support PPS on I-band resolution. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Bugfix platform naming. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Merge pull request 35 from khunger/feature-writer-options. [Martin

Feature writer options

- Added tests for save with writer_options. [Christian Kliche]

- Fixed unit tests. [Christian Kliche]

- Changed parameter order for backwards compatibility. [Christian

- extended by writer_options dict. [Christian Kliche]

Some dict keys for options used by
are defined in
All options within this dict will be forwarded to custom writers
like NinJoTiff writer module.

- extended by writer_options dict. [Christian Kliche]

Some dict keys for options used by
are defined in
All options within this dict will be forwarded to custom writers
like NinJoTiff writer module.

- Allow adding int, float and str attributes to the main info object.

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Merge pull request 33 from meteoswiss-mdr/pre-master. [Martin

H-SAF and Odyssey reader

- Add odyssey reader. [hau]

- Renamed hsaf reader. [hau]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of
into pre-master. [hau]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-
master. [hau]

- Add config file for reading hsaf data. [hau]

- Add new reader for HSAF h03 product. [hau]

- Small bugfix for hdf5 SEVIRI reader. [hau]

- Add option area_aggregation. [Adam.Dybbroe]

Default is True for backward compatibility. If False, the band_axis p
arameter is obsolete and all bands are separated in 2d arrays. W
riting goes faster this way.

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Merge pull request 34 from ninahakansson/pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]

Faster writing in for pps

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-
master. [Nina.Hakansson]

- Faster writing with time_dimension by checking the fastest condition
first. [Nina.Hakansson]

The condition "(chn.area,['units']) in area_units"
takes several seconds to check for a npp scene combined of
some granules.

- Pep8 editorials. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Adapt writing to new cfscene. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Bugfix sun-sat angles: Sort geofiles before. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Make writer able to have time dimension and falt band structure.

Use time_dimension=True to use this way of storing data

- Bugfix viirs geolocation. [Adam.Dybbroe]

When geolocation granule files are not ordered in time,
geolocation got wrong when calling the loader with a list of files

- Add time_dimension option in CFScene writer. [Adam.Dybbroe]

Time dimension is used in Diana (visualisation system at SMHI) and in PPS

- Fix netcdf file output. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Ensure proper handling of lower and uppercase epsg/EPSG init strings.
[Panu Lahtinen]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-
master. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Get proper srs when using init=EPSG:<int> in projection definition.
[Panu Lahtinen]

- Change keyword argument to filenames. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Adapt to pillow. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix palettes normalised to 0-1 for mpop. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Add imagery capability for OCA cloud parameters. [Adam.Dybbroe]

Only the cloud top pressure (ctp) parameters is okay so far.
Need to check effective radius and COT

- Add the FY3 MERSI-I reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Add mpef oca reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Add the embeded palette to ninjotiff generation if not overriden.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Merge pull request 30 from khunger/fix-read-area-calculation. [Martin

More conservative approach to handle errors in area_def_names_to_extent()

- Use readers def area_extent if calculation fails. [Christian Kliche]

- Merge pull request 32 from meteoswiss-mdr/pre-master. [Martin

parallax correction and high resolution winds

- Make use of sat_nr function in [hau]

- Option for estimating cth for parallax correction. [hau]

introduced a optional argument if cth should be estimated or not.
Additionally introduced a small function to extract the satellite number.

- User choice of background color for day_mircophysics. [hau]

- Added functionality for parallax correction. [hau]

added new functions:
mpop/ -> estimate_cth
mpop/ -> get_orbital
mpop/ -> get_viewing_geometry

simple estimation of cloud top height comparing 10.8 micron temperature with temperature profile

small wrapper to get the satellite orbital from pyorbital

parallax_corr (
performs parallax correction for all loaded channels

small function returning viewing azimuth and elevation angle for current channel

parallax_corr (
performs parallax correction for a single channel

parallized version of the vinc function

- Copy the information of the palette for NWCSAF products. [hau]

... when reprojecting

- Add other satellite number definition to reader. [hau]

add 8 and 9 entry for meteosat 8 and 9
before only 08 and 09 were possible

- Updated the _Calibrator call [hau]

Updated initialization of the _Calibrator function
in mpop/satin/ uses the _Calibrator function in
mipp/xrit/ that was updated by
Martin and now takes another number of input arguments:

before Martin s change
class _Calibrator(object):
def __init__(self, hdr, channel_name):

after Martin s change
class _Calibrator(object):
def __init__(self, hdr, channel_name, bits_per_pixel):

so now the argument bits_per_pixel is set to 10.

- Merge branch 'test' into pre-master. [hau]

- Add file to read high resolution wind data from NWCSAF. [hau]

- Add code to process TRT. [hau]

TRT is an MeteoSwiss tool to detect
thunderstorm cells.
The data can be processed with this file.

- Add a code file to process HRW data from NWC-SAF. [hau]

- Add reader for geo-hdf format EUMETSAT archive. [hau]

geo-hdf is a possible data format that you can order
from the EUMETSAT data archive
It enables to specify smaller regions.

- New reader nwcsaf and modified [hau]

a new file for reading NWCSAF data is submitted
it can read CTTH, CMa, CT, CCR, CRPh, PC, SPhR

added a small option to
in order to specify which level specifies the desired format
of the input file

- Add cloud phase palette and palette2colormap function. [hau]

- Test commit for submodule. [hau]

- Merge pull request 31 from elfsprite/pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]

Added S2A reader files to fork

- Tile definition is now downloaded and converted automatically. [Matias

- Added S2A reader files to fork. [Matias Takala]

- Fix typo. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Make it possible to specify fill-value in overview_sun. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Fix bug of setting shape to viirs reader using foreign band name.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Reorganize imports. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add mercator to the supported ninjo projections. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Added a config template for sentinel-1b. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- now supports palette ('P') mode. [ras]

- New option to handle if data is scaled between 0 and 1. [ras]

- Set fill values as a kw arg. [Martin Raspaud]

- Use readers def area_extent if calculation fails. [Christian Kliche]

- Keep mask when stacking segments in aapp1b. [Martin Raspaud]

- Get sun-sat angles for modise reading. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Bugfix getting satellite zenith and azimuth and document
get_sunsat_angles method. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Keep track of sun corrected channels for eg ears viirs. [Martin

- Fix viirs_compact to remove files even when crashing. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add method to retriev the sun-satellite viewing geometry.

- Pep8. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix the snow_age composite to right luminosity. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add MF's copyright notice for the luts. [Martin Raspaud]

- Use original luts for the snow_age composite. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix projector test. [Martin Raspaud]

- Work around the problem coming at night when M9-channel would mask all
the data away. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Add Snow Age RGB composite. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Handle cases where DNB and/or M channel data are requested but no such
files are present. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Bugfix hdfeos. [Martin Raspaud]

Checkfile was using an undefined variable

- Finish integrating trollsift into hdfeos reader. [Martin Raspaud]

Some parts were left unfinished. Shoud we fixed now.

- Fix new hdfeos reader to look for data on invalid input. [Martin

the hdfeos reader would fail looking for data in standard places when an
iterable of invalid files would be provided.

- Fix hdfeos reader to look for data on invalid input. [Martin Raspaud]

the hdfeos reader would fail looking for data in standard places when an
iterable of invalid files would be provided.

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-
master. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Update config templates for MODIS to match recent updates in EOS
reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Run travis tests in a container. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix bug related to modis DR. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Mask out dubious lon/lat values. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Added contributions from Christian (DWD) to ninjotiff. It support
input data in the [0.0, 1.0] range. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Print more debug info concerning calibration. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix formattin character in log message. [Panu Lahtinen]



- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump version: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' [Martin Raspaud]


- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump version: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' [Martin Raspaud]





- Bugfix: converted MSG products should be saveable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix: satellite name in msg_hdf now supports missing number. [Martin

- Bugfix: misspelling. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix: mipp_xrit: do not crash on unknown channels, just warn and
skip. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix: includes now eps xml format description. [Martin

- Close all h5files in viirs_sdr, not only the last one.

- Bugfix: close h5 files when done. [Martin Raspaud]

Prior to h5py 3.0, the h5 files open with h5py are not closed upon
deletion, so we have to do it ourselves...

- Bugfix: doesn't exist, use area.area_id. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix: return when each file has been loaded independently. [Martin

- Bugfix: Do not crash on multiple non-nwc files. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix: check start and end times from loaded channels only. [Martin

- Bugfix: viirs start and end times not relying on non-existant channels
anymore. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix: type() doesn't support unicode, cast to str. [Martin Raspaud]


- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump version: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add template parameters for NOAA-19 ears-nwc. [Adam.Dybbroe]

Parameters needed if you want to load only with time_interval and
not using the filename argument

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Merged (by hand) sentinel1-feature branch. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Added support for gdal's SetNoDataValue if fill_value is not None.
[Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Added a RGB example. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Don't use colormaps for 16b grayscale (Ninjo will fail enhancements)
[Lars Orum Rasmussen]

For 16b IR, if specified, set min-is-white

For 16b grayscale, it seems that transparent pixel (in Ninjo) are forced to be zero

Transparent pixel for 16b IR are handled bad

- Add template config for ears-nwc Metop-B reading. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix bug when using time_interval argument loading ears-nwc data.

- Add brightness temperature calibration to the IR bands. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Update EARS config files for new (2014) PPS product format.

- Remove old FY3 mersi reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Apply VIS/NIR calibration including sun-zenith correction.

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Now ninjotiff can list tags. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

Ninjo tags are now a dictionary

- Add FY-3B template config file. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Add first draft FY3B VIRR reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

No calibration yet, but counts can be projected and displayed

- Added contributions from Christian (DWD) to ninjotiff: now using and support for RGBA. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

Changed scaling into a value range (so it works for me)

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-
master. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Delete world_map.ascii. [Martin Raspaud]

- Read DNB using PyTables, separate read() to read_m() and read_dnb()
[Panu Lahtinen]

- Update coords2area_def with preview mode. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-
master. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Remove debug printout from pps reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Support a list of files which will be concatenated, enables usage of
granule data. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Fix for channel names and channel loading. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Added Himawari-8 config template file. [Martin Raspaud]

- Mask out 0-counts areas in aapp_l1b. [Martin Raspaud]

- Support saving GeoImages in IO buffers. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add support for noaa gac and lac data. [Martin Raspaud]

- Take care of fill_value in datasets. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Fix the sun zenith angle correction fix. [Martin Raspaud]

- Do not check time_slot type. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix ctth scaling: Only keep same datatype if data are not scaled.

- Less debug info. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Bugfix. Sun zenith correction can now take an additional keyword - and
data are masked out accordingly. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix overview_sun, avoid redish rgb's when sun is very low (below
horizon) [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Read also the palette data etc. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Add orbit number info in the scene metadata upon loading. (hdfeos)
[Martin Raspaud]

- Hdfeos: orbit number is now an int. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix geolocation reading for multiple-file processing (hdfeos) [Martin

- Changed error message to a warning. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix hdf_eos to allow reading several granules. [Martin Raspaud]

- Enhancing the dnb_overview, so that pixels with solar contamination
are masked out. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Bringing back the night_overview (=cloudtop) [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Comment out the night_overview. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Bugfix overview_sun. [Martin Raspaud]

- Use builtin sunzen_corr for overview_sun. [Martin Raspaud]

- Switch to nullterm string in msg_hdf for nr products. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Improve overview for viirs and overview_sun. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Re-introduce the fix for VIIRS bowtie deletions. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Shouting when both a list of file names and a time interval is used.
Accepts tine_interval even for local files. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.


- Fixed incorrect production sources and geolocation file names for
'local' products. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Added a unit test to the nc_pps_l2 reader, and adapted the reader a
bit. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-
master. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Fixme reminder. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Restructure how the data and geolocation files are listed and read.
[Panu Lahtinen]

- Fixed workaround for DIMENSION_LIST attributes. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Minor fixes - thanks Panu! [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Cleaning up a bit and pep8. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Updated reading to support both M and DNB channel data. [Panu

- Adapt navigation to compact_viirs dnb. [Martin Raspaud]

- Do not crash when an unknown channel is requested in msg_hdf. [Martin

- Fix template files. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix template files for NOAA satellites and Metop-A/B. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Bugfix, treating cases when no geolocation is found for product.

- More debug info. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- More debug info. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix save function and bugfix. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- More debug info and better exception handling - pps reader.

- Rewritten the netCDF4 PPS reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Cleaning up for unused code. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Add the info attribute to NordRadCType. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix filename search in msg_hdf. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix extension problem in product search for msg_hdf. [Martin Raspaud]

- Replace pyhl with h5py in msg_hdf reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix ascat l2 reader. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Trying to fix odd behaviour when loading list of products. But it
still doesn't work - need a small refactoring. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Added support option to select granules in time interval.

- More debug info - for custom compositer. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge pull request 17 from spareeth/pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]

ASCAT SAR soil moisture level 2 netcdf data from EUMETSAT

- Add new reader and config files for ASCAT SAR soil moisture level 2
netcdf data from EUMETSAT. [Sajid Pareeth]

- Add new reader and config files for ASCAT SAR soil moisture level 2
netcdf data from EUMETSAT. [Sajid Pareeth]

- Added possibility to read granule data from EARS, also some PEP8 work.
[Panu Lahtinen]

- Avoid leaking memory. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Raise an error if projection is attempted when swathdata doesn't have
full geolocation. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Remove one verbose debug printout. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Adapt for new PPS netCDF format modification (adding a dimension of
length 1) [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Check for cloudtype=None. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Add option to provide MSG filename to load call. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Check if PPS file is bzipped, and handle it correctly. [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Fix orbit number attribute name in msg_hdf. [Martin Raspaud]

- Possible to pass value range to save. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Chlorophyll-a palette is gone - now it raise an exception if asked
for... [Adam.Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'feature-osisaf-sst-reader' into pre-master.

- Adding a reader and palette support for OSISAF SST netCDF products.

- Fixed external calibration "newer/older than data" message. [Panu

- Fix ctth writing. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fixed typo. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add orbit number in generated cloud product hdf files. [Martin

- Fix new pyspectral calculator signature. [Martin Raspaud]

- Putting back the mipp information in template config files. [Martin

- Pyspectral now uses standard platform names. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Add algorithm version in output cloud products. [Martin Raspaud]

- Exception handling for missing external calibration data. [Panu

- Minor PEP8 tweaks. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Script to generate external calibration files for AVHRR instruments.
[Panu Lahtinen]

- Support for external calibration coefficients for AVHRR. [Panu

- Removed obsolete "satname" and "number" from satellite configs,
updated documentation. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Renamed satellite configs to conform to OSCAR naming scheme. [Panu

- Add luts to the pps products from msg format. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add metadata to nwcsaf products. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add \0 to palette strings. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix pps format output for msg products. [Martin Raspaud]

- Remove phase palette from msg products to avoid confusion. [Martin

- Bugfix, np.string -> np.string_ [Martin Raspaud]

- Change variable length strings in h5 products to fixed. [Martin

- Fix some cloud product conversions. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix MSG format to PPS format conversion. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Merge pull request 16 from pnuu/simplified_platforms. [Martin

Simplified platform names for reading custom composites

- Simplified platform names for reading custom composites. [Panu

- Change: accept arbitrary kwargs for saving msg hdf products. [Martin

- Revert concatenation to it's original place, in order to keep the
tests working. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix whole globe area_extent for loading. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix rpm building. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix masking of lonlats in viirs_sdr. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fixing pps-nc reader. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Clean temporary files after loading. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Pep8 stuff. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fixed polar-stereographic projection bugs, thanks to Ron Goodson.
[Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Update changelog. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump version: 1.0.2 → 1.1.0. [Martin Raspaud]

- Put config files in etc/pytroll. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix version strings. [Martin.Raspaud]

- Don't close the h5 files too soon. [Martin Raspaud]

- Close h5 file uppon reading. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Bugfix. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Try a more clever handling of the case where more level-1b files exist
for given sat and orbit. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Print out files matching in debug. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Adding debug info. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Bugfix. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Remove ugly print statements. [Martin Raspaud]

- Load the palettes also. [Martin Raspaud]

- AAPP1b: use operational coefficients for vis calibrating per default.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Fallback to pre-launch if not available.
- load(..., pre_launch_coeffs=True) to force using pre-launch coeffs)

- Correct npp name in h5 files. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add the pps v2014 h5 reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Use h5py for lonlat reading also. [Martin Raspaud]

- Use h5py instead of netcdf for reading nc files. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix orbit as int in nc_pps loader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add overlay from config feature. [Martin Raspaud]

- Remove type testing for orbit number. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Allowing kwargs. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add 10 km to the area extent on each side, to avoid tangent cases.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Orbit doesn't have to be a string anymore. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix multiple file loading for metop l1b data. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Implement save for all cloudproducts. [Martin Raspaud]

- Change options names to cloud_product_* and add lookup in os.environ.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Some fixes to nc_pps_l2 for correct saving. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add saving to the cloudtype object. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add the save method to cloudtype object. [Martin Raspaud]

- Rename _md attribute to mda. [Martin Raspaud]

- Mask out bowtie deleted pixels for Suomi-NPP products. [Martin

- When a file is provided in nc_pps_l2, just read this file. [Martin

- Fix nc_pps_l2 for filename input and PC readiness. [Martin Raspaud]

- ViirsSDR: Fix not to crash on single file input. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix aapp1b to be able to run both for given filename and config.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Try loading according to config if provided file doesn't work, aapp1b.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Don't crash when reading non aapp1b file. [Martin Raspaud]

- Remove "/" from instrument names when loading custom composites.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Don't say generate lon lat when returning a cached version. [Martin

- Nc_pps_l2: don't crash on multiple files, just go through them one at
the time. [Martin Raspaud]

- Hdfeos: don't just exit when filename doesn't match, try to look for
files. [Martin Raspaud]

- Don't crash if the file doesn't match (hdfeos) [Martin Raspaud]

- Revert nc_reader back until generalization is ready. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'ppsv2014-reader' of into
ppsv2014-reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Adding dataset attributes to pps reading. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Allow inputing filename in the nc_pps_l2 reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' into ppsv2014-reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Viirs readers fixes. [Martin Raspaud]

- Hdf_eos now uses 1 out of 4 available cores to interpolate data.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Fixed bug, now handling fill_value better. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- More robust tiff header file decoder. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Add dnb_overview as a standard product (dnb, dnb, 10.8) [Martin

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Corrected the reader for SAFNWC/PPS v2014. [Sara.Hornquist]

- Allow multiresolution loading in hdf eos reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Revert back to old nwcsaf-pps reader for hdf. The reading of the new
netcdf format is done with another reader! [Adam Dybbroe]

- A new pps reader for the netCDF format of v2014. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Adding for new cloudmask and type formats... [Adam Dybbroe]

- Enhance nwc-pps reader to support v2014 format. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Put the config object back in Projector. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix area_file central search. [Martin Raspaud]

- Move the area_file search inside Projector. [Martin Raspaud]

- Error when satellite config file is not found. [Martin Raspaud]

- Get rid of the funky logging style. [Martin Raspaud]

- Log the config file used to generate the scene. [Martin Raspaud]

- Support filename list to load in viirs_sdr loader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add avhrr/3 as aliar to avhrr in aapp reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix name matching in hdfeos_l1b. [Martin Raspaud]

The full name didn't work with fnmatch, take basename instead.

- Allows hdfeos_l1b to read a batch of files. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add delitem, and code cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Added a reader for SAFNWC/PPS v2014 PPS v2014 has a different
fileformat than previous SAFNWC/PPS versions. [Sara.Hornquist]

- Aapp1b reader, be more clever when (re)reading. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]


- Allow reading several files at once in viirs_compact. [Martin Raspaud]

- Allow reading several files at once in eps_l1b. [Martin Raspaud]

- Style: use in instead for has_key() [Martin Raspaud]

- Adding primitive umarf (native) format reader for meteosat. [Martin

- Add logging when an info field can't be save to netcdf. [Martin

- Add a name to the area when loading aapp data. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- For PNG files, geo_mage.tags will be saved a PNG metadata. [Lars Orum

- Add a save method to cfscene objects. [Martin Raspaud]

- Don't take None as a filename in loading avhrr data. [Martin Raspaud]

- Allow loading a file directly for aapp1b and eps_l1b. [Martin Raspaud]

Just run global_data.load(..., filename="/path/to/myfile.1b")

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Viirs_sdr can now load depending on an area. [Martin Raspaud]

- Pep8 cosmetics. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge pull request 12 from pnuu/pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]

Fixed "logger" to "LOGGER"

- Fixed "logger" to "LOGGER" [Panu Lahtinen]

- Moving pysoectral module import down to function where pyspectral is
used. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'smhi-premaster' into pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fixing cloudtype product: palette projection. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Turned on debugging to geo-test. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Added debug printout for cloud product loading. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Make snow and microphysics transparent. [Martin Raspaud]

- Rename day_solar to snow. [Martin Raspaud]

- Keep the name of cloudtype products when projecting. [Martin Raspaud]

- Explicitly load parallax corrected files if present. [Martin Raspaud]

- Adding logging for MSG cloud products loading. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix the parallax file sorting problem, again. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Bugfix. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch '3.9reflectance' into pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]


- Support for rgbs using the seviri 3.9 reflectance (pyspectral) [Adam

- Adding a sun-corrected overview rgb. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Adduing for "day microphysics" RGB. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Deriving the day-solar RGB using pyspectral to derive the 3.9
reflectance. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Use "imp" to find input plugins. [Martin Raspaud]

- Cleanup trailing whitespaces. [Martin Raspaud]

- Use cartesian coordinates for lon/lat computation if near-pole
situations. [Martin Raspaud]

- Set alpha channel to the same type as the other channels. [Martin

- Sort the filenames in get_best_products (msg_hdf) [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge pull request 10 from pnuu/pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]

Fixed failed merging. Thanks Pnuu.

- Fixed failed merging (removed "<<<<<<< HEAD" and ">>>>>>> upstream
/pre-master" lines) [Panu Lahtinen]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fix terra and aqua templates for the dual gain channels (13 & 14)
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Read both parallax corrected and usual cloudtype products. [Martin

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Merge pull request 9 from pnuu/pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]

Possibility to get area_extent from area definition(s)

- Tests for mpop.satin.helper_functions.boundaries_to_extent. [Panu

- Separated area definitions and boundary calculations. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Added test if proj string is in + -format or not. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Re-ordered the tests. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Fixed incorrect correct values. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Test using area definitions instead of definition names. [Panu

- Possibility to give also area definition objects to
area_def_names_to_extent() and log a warning if the area definition is
not used. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Fixed import. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Added tests for mpop.satin.helper_functions. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Moved to mpop/tests/ [Panu Lahtinen]

- Moved to mpop/tests/ [Panu Lahtinen]

- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/pre-master' into pre-master.
[Panu Lahtinen]


- Removed unneeded functions. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Test for area_def_names_to_extent() [Panu Lahtinen]

- Removed unnecessary functions. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Removed swath reduction functions. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Reverted not to reduce swath data. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Added possibility to do data reduction based on target area definition
names. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Added area extent calculations based on given area definition names.
[Panu Lahtinen]

- Helper functions for area extent and bondary calculations, and data
reducing for swath data. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Test for mpop.satin.mipp_xrit.lonlat_to_geo_extent() [Panu Lahtinen]

- Support for lon/lat -based area extents. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Add start and end time defaults for the images (runner). [Martin

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Do not mask out negative reflectances in viirs_sdr reading. [Martin

- Added navigation to hrpt_hmf plugin. [Martin Raspaud]

- Started working on a new plugin version of hdfeos_l1b. [Martin

- Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Adding scene tests to the test suite. [Martin Raspaud]

- Revamped scene unittests. [Martin Raspaud]

- Don't crash on errors. [Martin Raspaud]

- Revamped projector tests. [Martin Raspaud]

- More geo_image testing. [Martin Raspaud]

- Don't use "super" in geo_image. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix testing. [Martin Raspaud]

- Mock pyresample and mpop.projector in geo_image tests. [Martin

- More testing geo_image. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add tests for geo_image. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of ssh://safe/data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into
unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Mock gdal for geo_image tests. [Martin Raspaud]

- Added netCDF read support for four more projections. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Adding support for eqc in cf format. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Added config templates for GOES and MTSAT. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Copied visir.night_overview to seviri.night_overview, so
night_overview.prerequisites is correct when night_overview is called
from [ras]

- Cloutop in now same arguments as cloudtop in [Lars
Orum Rasmussen]

- Fix saving as netcdf. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix floating point tiff saving. [Martin Raspaud]

- Make pillow a requirement only if PIL is missing. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add some modules to mock in the documentation. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add pyorbital to the list of packets to install in travis. [Martin

- Merge branch 'feature-travis' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Test_projector doesn't pass. [Martin Raspaud]

- Test_projector ? [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix travis. [Martin Raspaud]

- Adding test_geoimage. [Martin Raspaud]

- Test_channel passes, test_image next. [Martin Raspaud]

- Test_pp_core crashes, test_channel on. [Martin Raspaud]

- Commenting out tests to find out the culprit. [Martin Raspaud]

- Ok, last try for travis-ci. [Martin Raspaud]

- What is happening with travis ? [Martin Raspaud]

- More fiddling to find out why travis-ci complains. [Martin Raspaud]

- Testing the simple test way (not coverage) [Martin Raspaud]

- Trying to add the tests package for travis-ci. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add the tests package. [Martin Raspaud]

- Preprare for travis-ci. [Martin Raspaud]

- Support 16 bits images (geotiff only at the moment). [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge pull request 8 from pnuu/pre-master. [Martin Raspaud]

Sun zenith angle correction added.

- A section on added to documentation. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Extra tests for sun_zen_corr(). [Panu Lahtinen]

- Typo. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Channel descriptions added. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Channel desctiptions are added. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Clarification to help sunzen_corr_cos() desctiption. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Test cases for channel.sunzen_corr(). [Panu Lahtinen]

- Sun zenith angle correction split into two functions. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Revert to original version. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Initial commit of (with Sun zenith angle correction). [Panu

- Sun zenith angle correction added. [Panu Lahtinen]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- Solve the multiple channel resolution with automatic resampling
radius. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add the "nprocs" option to projector objects and scene's project
method. [Martin Raspaud]

- Now saving orbit number (if available) as global attribute. [ras]

- Adding more files to be ignored. [ras]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.

- New reader for hrpt level0 format. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix no calibration reading for aapp1b. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add the product name to the the image info. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add some debugging info about missing pixels in viirs_sdr. [Martin

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Corrected a comment. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fix for M13 load problem - reported by [Adam

- Use number of scan to load the right amount of data in compact viirs
reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix hook to be able to record both filename and uri. [Martin Raspaud]

- Protecting MPOP from netcdf4's unicode variables. [ras]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Adding a new convection RGB with co2 correction for SEVIRI. [Adam

- Temporary hack to solve for hdf5 files with more than one granule per
file. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Removing messaging code from saturn and added a more generic "hook"
argument. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bumped up version. [Martin Raspaud]

- Make viirs_compact scan number independent. [Martin Raspaud]

- Cleanup: marking some deprecated modules, removing unfinished file,
improving documentation. [Martin Raspaud]

- Adding the ears-viirs compact format reader. Untested. [Martin

- Code cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]


- Night_color (should had beed called night_overview) is the same as
cloudtop. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Bug fix from Bocheng. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Night_overview is just like cloudtop. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Now also handling Polar satellites. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Cosmetic. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Fixed merge conflict. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Trying out a chlorophyll product. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Added a night overview composite. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Better check for empty array. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Fix logging. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix backward compatibility in, and deprecate [Martin

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Calling numpy percentile only once when doing left and right cut offs.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Add support for identifying npp directories by time-date as well as
orbit number. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fix histogram-equalization stretch test. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Bugfix in histogram equalization function. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Using percentile function to generate histogram with constant number
of values in each bin. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Using numpy.pecentile function to cut the data in the linear stretch.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Fix histogram stretch unit test. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Correcting the histogram stretching. The com_histogram function was in
error when asking for "normed" histograms. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Added histogram method that makes a more populated histogram when the
data are heaviliy skeewed. Fixes problem seen by Bocheng in DNB
imagery. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Don't remove GeolocationFlyweight _instances, but reset it. Allowing
for multiple "loads" [Adam Dybbroe]

- Add imageo.formats to installation. [Martin Raspaud]

- AAPP loading bug fix. [Martin Raspaud]

the loader to aapp data was broken as it was loading both
channels 3a and 3b each time, one of them being entirely masked. This of
course created some problem further down. Fixed by setting the not loadable
channel to None.

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix in npp.cfg template. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Fixing bug concerning the identification of VIIRS geolocation files.
Now the configuration specified in npp.cfg overwrites what is actually
written in the metadata header of the band files. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Make saturn posttroll capable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump up version number. [Martin Raspaud]

- Cosmetics. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fixing test cases. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Remove dummy test to boost projection performance. [Martin Raspaud]

Mpop was checking in 2 different places if the source and target areas were
different, leading to pyresample expanding the area definitions to full
lon/lat arrays when checking against a swath definition, and then running
an allclose. This was inefficient, and the programming team decided that it
was the user's task to know before projection if the source and target area
were the same. In other words, the user should be at least a little smart.

- Remove dummy test to boost projection performance. [Martin Raspaud]

Mpop was checking in 2 different places if the source and target areas were
different, leading to pyresample expanding the area definitions to full
lon/lat arrays when checking against a swath definition, and then running
an allclose. This was inefficient, and the programming team decided that it
was the user's task to know before projection if the source and target area
were the same. In other words, the user should be at least a little smart.

- Update channel list for modis lvl2. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump up version number: 1.0.0. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]



- Release v1.0.0. [Martin Raspaud]

- Changing palette name to something more intuitive. Allow to have orbit
number equals None. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fixing aqua/terra template config files for dual gain channels (13&14)
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Added Ninjo tiff example areas definitions. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Cosmetic. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Ninjo tiff writer now handles singel channels. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

Ninjo tiff meta-data can now all be passed as arguments

- Better documentation. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]


- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Changed template to fit new npp reader. [krl]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into
pre-master. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Updated npp confirg file template with geo_filename example. [Adam

- Make overview consistent with the standard overview. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Updated npp-template to fit the new viirs reader using the (new)
plugin-loader system. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Minor clean up. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Adam Dybbroe]


- Fix version stuff. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'feature-optimize_viirs' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Make viirs_sdr a plugin of new format. [Martin Raspaud]

- Finalize optimisation i new viirs reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Optimization ongoing. Mask issues. [Martin Raspaud]

- Clarify failure to load hrit data. [Martin Raspaud]

- Lunar stuff... [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fix install requires. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix projector unit test. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of git:// into pre-
master. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fixed (temporary ?) misuse of Image.SAVE. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Now config reader is a singleton. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of git:// into pre-
master. [Martin Raspaud]

- Tmplate -> template. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Added support for saving in Ninjo tiff format. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Projector cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- New VIIRS reader. Better, faster, smarter (consumimg less memory)
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Fix area hashing. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix install dependency. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of git:// into pre-
master. [Martin Raspaud]


- Optimize. [Martin Raspaud]

- Remove the optional ahamap requirement. [Martin Raspaud]

- Manage version number centrally. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'release-v0.13.0' [Martin Raspaud]


- Merge branch 'pre-master' [Martin Raspaud]




- Bump up version number for release. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of git:// into pre-
master. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bump up version number. [Martin Raspaud]

- Make old plugin an info instead of a warning. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of git:// into pre-
master. [Martin Raspaud]

- Pep8. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Merge branch 'aapp1b' into unstable. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Don't mask out IR channel data where count equals zero. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Fixing the masking of the ir calibrated Tbs - count=0 not allowed.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Make also vis channels masked arrays. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Checking if file format is post or pre v4 : If bandcor_2 < 0 we are at
versions higher than 4 Masking a bit more strict. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Now handle data without a mask and handling lons and lats without
crashing. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Read signed instead of unsigned (aapp1b). [Martin Raspaud]

- Style cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Adding calibration type as an option to the loader. So counts,
radiances or tbs/refl can be returned. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Better show and more cosmetic. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Making pylint more happy and some cosmetic. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- No need to night_overview, use cloudtop with options. [Lars Orum

- Now IR calibration returns a masked array. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Added som options for overview image and added a night overview. [Lars
Orum Rasmussen]

- Finalize aapp1b python-only reader. [Martin Raspaud]

- Working on a aapp l1b reader. [oananicola]

- Starting a aapp1b branch for directly reading aapp's l1b files. [Lars
Orum Rasmussen]

- Adding a bit of debug info... [Adam Dybbroe]

- Adding orbit number to the cloud mask object. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Channel cleanup and tests. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'feature_plugins' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Make orbit number an 5-character string (padding with '0') [Martin

- New plugin implementation, backward compatible. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'pre-master' of into pre-master.
[Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Reverted to previous commit. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Correct green-snow. [Martin Raspaud]

Use 0.6 instead on 0.8

- Now, if specified in proj4 object, add EPGS code to tiff metadata.
[Lars Orum Rasmussen]

- Added, a poor man's version, of Adam's DNB RGB image. [Lars Orum



- Cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add several cores for geoloc in eos. [Martin Raspaud]

- Bugfix hdfeos. [Martin Raspaud]

- Fix loading of terra aqua with multiple cores. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add dust, fog, ash composites to VIIRS. [Martin Raspaud]

- Enhance error messages. [Martin Raspaud]

- Merge branch 'unstable' of /data/proj/SAF/GIT/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]

- New template files for regional EARS (AVHRR and NWC) file support.
[Adam Dybbroe]

- Minor cosmetics. [Adam Dybbroe]

- Make orbit number an 5-character string (padding with '0') [Martin

- Merge branch 'fixrtd' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]

- Add pyresample to mock for doc building. [Martin Raspaud]

- Get rid of the np.inf error in rtd. [Martin Raspaud]

- Mock some import for the documentation. [Martin Raspaud]

- Introducing clip percentage for SAR average product. [Lars Orum

- Add symlink from README.rst to README. [Martin Raspaud]

- Update download link and README. [Martin Raspaud]

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