- Bugfix: fixed matching in git command for version numbering. [Martin
- Bugfix: Negative temperatures (in K) should not be valid data when
reading aapp1b files. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: remove hudson from tags when getting version. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: fixed hdf inconstistencies with the old pyhl reading of msg
ctype and ctth files. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: Updated code and tests to validate unittests. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: data reloaded even if the load_again flag was False. [Martin
- Bugfix: updated tests for disapearance of avhrr.py. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: access to CompositerClass would fail if using the old
interface. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: typesize for msg's ctth didn't please pps... [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: fixed data format (uint8) in msg_hdf. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: wrong and forgotten instanciations. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: crashing on missing channels in mipp loading. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: forgot to pass along area_extent in mipp loader. [Martin
- Bugfix: fixing integration test (duck typing). [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: pyresample.geometry is loaded lazily for area building.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: Updated unit tests. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: Last change introduced empty channel list for meteosat 09.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: Last change introduced empty channel list for meteosat 09.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: update unittests for new internal implementation. [Martin
- Bugfix: compression argument was wrong in
satelliteinstrumentscene.save. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: adapted mpop to new equality operation in pyresample. [Martin
- Bugfix: More robust config reading in projector and test_projector.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: updated the msg_hrit (nwclib based) reader. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: swath processing was broken, now fixed. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: corrected the smaller msg globe area. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: Erraneous assumption on the position of the 0,0 lon lat in the
seviri frame led to many wrong things. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: introduced bugs in with last changes. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: new area extent for EuropeCanary. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: Updated setup.py to new structure. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: updated integration test to new structure. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: more verbose crashing when building extensions. [Martin
- Bugfix: corrected EuropeCanary region. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: made missing areas message in projector more informative
(includes missing area name). [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: Added missing import in test_pp_core. [Martin Raspaud]
- Bugfix: fixing missing import in test_scene. [Martin Raspaud]
- Style: remove a print statement and an unused import. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Added natural composite to default composite list. [Martin
- Feature: made compositer sensitive to custom composites. [Martin
- Documentation: Upgraded documentation to 0.10.0. [Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'unstable' of github.com:mraspaud/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]
- The RELEASE-VERSION file should not be checked into git. [Lars Orum
- Optimized parts of mpop. Fixed projector caching. [Esben S. Nielsen]
- Optimized parts of mpop processing. Made projector caching functional.
[Esben S. Nielsen]
- Ignore build directory. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]
- Check array in stretch_logarithmic. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]
- Prevent adding unintended logging handlers. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]
- Feature: Adding extra tags to the image allowed in local_runner.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Style: lines to 80 chars. [Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'unstable' [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: pps hdf loading and polar production update. [Martin Raspaud]
- Style: cleanup. [Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'unstable' of github.com:mraspaud/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Fixed memory problems. Workaround for lazy import of pyresample. Now
uses weakref for compositor. [Esben S. Nielsen]
- Better logging in scene loading function. [Martin Raspaud]
- Remove unneeded import. [Martin Raspaud]
- New version. [Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mraspaud/mpop. [Lars Orum
- Feature: direct_readout chain in place. [Martin Raspaud]
- Removing no longer needed avhrr.py. [Martin Raspaud]
- Made scaling expression in cfscene.py nicer. [Esben S. Nielsen]
- Corrected shallow copy problem with compositor. Simplyfied usage of
GeostationaryFactory. [Esben S. Nielsen]
- Feature: cleaner hdf reading for both pps and msg. [Martin Raspaud]
- Stability: added failsafe in case no config file is there when
loading. [Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'pps_hdf' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Support area_extent in scene.load. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Cleaning and use the mipp area_extent and sublon. [Martin
- Style: Allow to exclude all the *level? sections. [Martin Raspaud]
- Redespached a few composites. [Martin Raspaud]
- Style: cosmetics. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: added the power operation to channels. [Martin Raspaud]
- Removed the no longer needed meteosat09.py file. [Martin Raspaud]
- Wip: iterative loading, untested. [Martin Raspaud]
- More on versionning. [Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'unstable' into pps_hdf. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: started working on the PPS support. [Martin Raspaud]
- Spelling. [Martin Raspaud]
- Added logarithmic enhancement. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]
- Removed unneeded file. [Martin Raspaud]
- Api: new version of mipp. [Martin Raspaud]
- Added automatic version numbering. [Martin Raspaud]
- Version update to 0.10.0alpha1. [Martin Raspaud]
- Api: unload takes separate channels (not iterable) as input. [Martin
- Doc: updated the meteosat 9 template config. [Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'unstable' of github.com:mraspaud/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Introduced compound satscene objects. [Martin Raspaud]
This is done through the use of an "image" attribute, created by the factory in the "satellites" package.
The image attribute holds all the compositing functions, while the satscene object remains solely a container for satellite data and metadata.
- Feature: added the get_custom_composites function and a composites
section in mpop.cfg to load custom made composites on the fly. [Martin
- Feature: make use of mipp's area_extent function. [Martin Raspaud]
- Style: cleanup channels_to_load after loading. [Martin Raspaud]
- Doc: introduce mpop.cfg. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: make use of the new mpop.cfg file to find the area file.
Added the get_area_def helper function in projector. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Added the new pge02f product for met09. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: New format keyword for images. [Martin Raspaud]
- Update: new version of mipp, putting the image upright when slicing.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Merge branch 'unstable' of github.com:mraspaud/mpop into unstable.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Corrected mipp slicing in mipp.py. Added keyword for selecting
datatype in cfscene.py. Corrected transformation for netCDF data type
in cfscene.py. [Esben S. Nielsen]
- New add_history function, and some changes in the netcdf handling.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Upgrade: Upgraded the assemble_segments module to use only one
coordinate class. [Martin Raspaud]
- Cosmetics: Added log message when slicing in mipp. [Martin Raspaud]
- Move everything to a mpop folder, so that import mpop should be used.
[Martin Raspaud]
- WIP: Completing the nc4 reader. [Martin Raspaud]
- Doc: Added credits. [Martin Raspaud]
- Doc: updated build for github. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Started to support arithmetic operations on channels. [Martin
- Feature: support for calibration flag for met 9. [Martin Raspaud]
- Cosmetics: Added names to copyrigths. [Martin Raspaud]
- Changed default logging. [Esben S. Nielsen]
- Merge branch 'dmi_fix' into unstable. [Martin Raspaud]
- Added fill_valued as a keyworded argument. [Lars Orum Rasmussen]
- Fixed oversampling error when pyresample is not present. Added
compression as default option when writing netCDF files. [Esben S.
- Moved pyresample and osgeo dependency in geo_image.py. [Esben S.
- Feature: support umarf files for eps avhrr. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: support the load_again flag for meteosat 9. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Allows passing arguments to reader plugins in
SatelliteScene.load, and in particular "calibrate" to mipp. [Martin
- Feature: added the fill_value argument to channel_image function.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Cosmetics: reorganized imports. [Martin Raspaud]
- Cosmetics: Updated some template files. [Martin Raspaud]
- Feature: Added the resave argument for saving projector objects.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Installation: Updated version number, removed obsolete file to
install, and made the package non zip-safe. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: Added tests for pp.satellites, and some cosmetics. [Martin
- Feature: Handled the case of several instruments for
get_satellite_class. [Martin Raspaud]
- Cosmetics: changed the name of the satellite classes generated on the
fly. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: more on scene unit tests. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: started integration testing of pp core parts. [Martin
- Testing: completed seviri tests. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: completed avhrr test. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: Added tests for instruments : seviri, mviri, avhrr. [Martin
- Testing: took away prerequisites tests for python 2.4 compatibility.
[Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: final adjustments for visir. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: visir tests complete. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: fixed nosetest running in test_visir. [Martin Raspaud]
- Testing: corrected scene patching for visir tests. [Martin Raspaud]
- Tests: started testing the visir instrument. [Martin Raspaud]