👀 What Changed
Python 3.13 is out and Python 3.8 has reached end-of-life. Hence, this is the first release to officially support Python 3.13.
This is also the first release including a `uv.lock` file for reproducible, working Python environments. This includes switching from dependabot to renovate for automatically managing dependency updates.
It also contains some smaller usability improvements for the library itself.
🚀 Features and Enhancements
- 🐛 Verify provider and device availability based on selected level Drewniok (394)
- ⚡🚨 make `qiskit_optimization` import lazy burgholzer (383)
📄 Documentation
- Corrected the readme ghz-example darya-mart (382)
🤖 CI
- 👷 adjusted to mqt workflow update nquetschlich (392)
- ⚗️ update mqt-workflows version burgholzer (377)
⬆️ Dependencies
<summary>6 changes</summary>
- Configure Renovate renovate (396)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks pre-commit-ci (395)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks pre-commit-ci (393)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks pre-commit-ci (385)
- ⚗️ update mqt-workflows version burgholzer (377)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks pre-commit-ci (380)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/cda-tum/mqt-bench/compare/v1.1.6...v1.1.7