What Changed 👀
- Improve ruff config nquetschlich (315)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- 🐛 Remove superfluous classical register in QFT algorithm burgholzer (316)
⬆️ Dependencies
- Update pytket-qiskit requirement from \<0.52.0,>=0.50.0 to >=0.50.0,\<0.53.0 in the python-dependencies group dependabot (317)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks pre-commit-ci (314)
- Update pytket-qiskit requirement from \<0.51.0,>=0.50.0 to >=0.50.0,\<0.52.0 in the python-dependencies group dependabot (313)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks pre-commit-ci (312)
- ⬆️🪝 update pre-commit hooks pre-commit-ci (311)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/cda-tum/mqt-bench/compare/v1.1.0...v1.1.1