* supports Python 3 (989)
* requires boto 2.35.0 or newer (980)
* removed many workarounds for S3 and EMR (980), IAM (1062)
* jobs:
* is_mapper_or_reducer() is now is_task() (1072)
* mr() no longer takes positional arguments (814)
* removed jar() (use mrjob.step.JarStep)
* removed testing methods parse_counters() and parse_output()
* protocols:
* protocols are strict by default (724)
* JSON protocols use ujson when available, then simplejson (1002, 1266)
* can explicitly choose Standard, Simple or Ultra JSON protocol
* raw protocols handle bytes or unicode depending on Python version
* can explicitly choose Text or Bytes protocol
* mrjob.step:
* JarStep only takes "args" and "main_class" keyword args
* removed MRJobStep (use MRStep)
* runners:
* All runners:
* totally revamped log handling (1123)
* runner status/log messages are less noisy (1044)
* don't bootstrap mrjob if interpreter is set (1041)
* fs methods path_exists() and path_join() are now exists() and join()
* deprecation warning: use runner.fs explicitly (1146)
* changes to cleanup options:
* removed IS_SUCCESSFUL (use ALL)
* new HADOOP_TMP option handles HDFS cleanup (1261)
* base_tmp_dir option is now local_tmp_dir (318)
* non-inline runners raise StepFailedException on step failure (1219)
* steps_python_bin defaults to current python interpreter (1038)
* _job_name is now _job_key (982)
* EMR:
* default AWS region is us-west-2 (1025)
* default instance type is m1.medium (992)
* visible_to_all_users defaults to true (1016)
* matches your minor version of Python 2 on 3.x and 4.x AMIs (1265)
* 4.x AMIs are supported (1105)
* added --release-label switch (--ami-version 4.x.y also works)
* can fetch counters and probable cause of failure on 3.x and 4.x AMIs
* SSH tunnel now works on 3.x and 4.x AMIs (1013)
* ssh_tunnel_to_job_tracker option is now ssh_tunnel
* correctly fetch step logs by step ID (1117)
* bootstrap_python option
* s3_scratch_uri option is now s3_tmp_dir (318)
* aws_region is no longer inferred from s3_tmp_dir
* create/select temp bucket in same region as EMR jobs (687)
* added iam_endpoint option (1067)
* removed s3_conn args from methods in EMRJobRunner and S3Filesystem
* S3 Filesystem:
* connect to each S3 bucket on appropriate endpoint (1028)
* fall back to default if we can't get bucket location (1170)
* removed special treatment of _$folder$ keys
* removed deprecated S3Filesystem method get_s3_folder_keys()
* recurse "subdirectories" even if uri lacks trailing / (1183)
* removed iam_job_flow_role option (use iam_instance_profile)
* custom hadoop_streaming_jar gets properly uploaded
* job cleanup temporarily disabled (1241)
* pooling respects key pair (1230)
* idle cluster self-termination respects non-streaming jobs (1145)
* deprecated "latest" AMI version not passed through to EMR (1269)
* emr_job_flow_id option is now cluster_id (1082)
* emr_job_flow_pool_name is now pool_name (1082)
* pool_emr_job_flows is now pool_clusters (1082)
* Hadoop
* works out-of the-box on most Hadoop setups (1160)
* works out-of the box inside EMR (2.x, 3.x, and 4.x AMIs)
* counters are parsed from Hadoop binary stderr in YARN (1153)
* can find logs and probable cause of failure in YARN (1195)
* will search in <output dir>/_logs, to support Cloudera (565)
* HDFS Filesystem:
* use fs -ls -R and fs -rm -R in YARN (1152)
* mkdir() now uses -p on YARN (991)
* fs.du() now works on YARN (1155)
* fs.du() now returns 0 for nonexistent files instead of erroring
* fs.rm() now uses -skipTrash
* dropped support for Hadoop prior to 0.20.203 (1208)
* added hadoop_log_dirs option
* hdfs_scratch_dir option is now hadoop_tmp_dir (318)
* hadoop_home is deprecated
* uses -D and correct property name when step has no reduces (1213)
* Inline/Local
* runner.fs raises IOError if passed URIs (1185)
* version-agnostic by default (735)
* removed ignored hadoop_extra_args and hadoop_streaming_jar opts (1275)
* inline runner uses multiple splits by default (1276)
* removed mrjob.compat.get_jobconf_value() (use jobconf_from_env())
* removed mrjob.compat methods to support Hadoop prior to 0.20.203:
* supports_combiners_in_hadoop_streaming()
* supports_new_distributed_cache_options()
* uses_generic_jobconf()
* removed mrjob.conf.combine_cmd_lists()
* removed fetch-logs tool (1127)
* mrjob subcommands use "cluster" rather than "job-flow" (1082)
* create-job-flow is now create-cluster
* terminate-idle-job-flows is now terminate-idle-clusters
* terminate-job-flow is now terminate-cluster
* Python-version-specific mrjob-x and mrjob-x.y commands (1104)
* use followlinks=True with os.walk()
* all internal constants/functions/methods explicitly start with _ (681)
* mrjob.util:
* file_ext() takes filename, not path
* random_identifier() moved here from mrjob.aws
* buffer_iterator_to_line_iterator() is now to_lines()
* to_lines() no longer appends a newline to data (819)
* removed extract_dir_for_tar()
* gunzip_stream() now yields chunks, not lines
* removed hash_object()