* New Features/Changes:
* EMRJobRunner now prints % of mappers and reducers completed when you
enable the SSH tunnel.
* Added mr_page_rank example
* Added mrjob.tools.emr.audit_usage script (Issue 21)
* You can specify alternate job owners with the "owner" option. Useful for
auditing usage. (Issue 59)
* The job_name_prefix option has been renamed to label (the old name still
works but is deprecated)
* bootstrap_cmds and bootstrap_scripts no longer automatically invoke sudo
* Bugs Fixed/Cleanup:
* bootstrap files no longer get uploaded to S3 twice (Issue 8)
* When using add_file_option(), show_steps() can now see the local version
of the file (Issue 45)
* Now works on Windows (Issue 46)
* No longer requires external jar, tar, or zip binaries (Issue 47)
* mrjob-* scratch bucket is only created as needed (Issue 50)
* Can now specify us-east-1 region explicitly (Issue 58)
* mrjob.tools.emr.terminate_idle_job_flows leaves Hive jobs alone (Issue 60)