- stops writing the version of ms3 into the [.warnings]{.title-ref} files to avoid merge conflicts - bugfixes for - handling IGNORED_WARNINGS - ms3 review command - overview table written to README
- merges old_tests with new_tests - correct handling of `labels_cfg` - refrains from calling `logging.basicConfig()` - unknown TSV types now default to `labels` - `conti` now recognized as abbreviation for \"continuation idea\" - suppresses warnings about multiple \"Fingering_text\" values
- when updating `README.md`: - make 2nd-level heading ` Overview` (instead of first-level) - don\'t output ms3 version (to avoid merge conflicts) - small bugfixes in `ms3 review` command
- operations.insert_labels_into_score() filters pieces exactly one facet to be inserted (e.g. `labels`), not a fuzzy regex (e.g., which would include `form_labels` in the filter)
- warning files omit system-dependend information from warning headers (6764476) - bugfixes
- changes the behaviour of the `ms3 review` command - after coloring out-of-label notes, issue one warning per dubious label - rather than one [warnings.log]{.title-ref} file per corpus, create one [\<fname\>.warnings]{.title-ref} file per piece in the [reviewed]{.title-ref} folder - makes `ms3 empty` work under the new CLI (d8f661a)