
Latest version: v2.5.3

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This release makes the first transition from 0.4 to 0.5. It is a first attempt at a better way of dealing with corpora that adhere to a standardized structure (the one generated when using the default paths of the command ``ms3 extract`` or the method ``Parse.store_lists``). If you find bugs, please report them, this would be much appreciated!


* considerable changes to ``Parse`` objects (bugs might still be abundant, please report them)
* abolished custom DataFrame indices
* behaviour shaped towards ms3's standard corpus structure
* automatic detection of corpora and generation of keys
* this enables better matching of files that belong together through ``View`` objects (access via ``p['key']``)
* new method ``iter()`` for iterating through metadata and files that belong together
* all JSON files passed under the ``paths`` argument are now scanned for a contained list of file paths to be extracted
(as opposed to before where the JSON file had to be passed as a single path)
* new iterator ``p.annotation_objects()``
* new module ``transformations``
* just as ``utils``, members can be imported directly via ``from ms3 import``
* includes a couple of functions that were previously part of ``utils`` or ``expand_dcml``
* includes a couple of new functions:
* get_chord_sequences()
* group_annotations_by_features()
* make_gantt_data()
* transform_annotations()
* transform_multiple()
* handling hierarchical localkeys and pedals (i.e. we can modulate to the key of ``V/III``)
* Renamed column 'durations_quarterbeats' to 'duration_qb'
* You can now set ``interval_index = True`` to add quarterbeat columns **and** an index with quarterbeat intervals
* New behaviour of the ``folder_re`` argument: It now gets to all paths matching the regEx rather than stopping at a
higher level that doesn't match. Effectively, this allows, for example, to do ``Parse(path, folder_re='notes')`` to
select all files from folders called notes.
* bug fixes (e.g. failing less on incoherent repeat structures)


A post-hoc release to give a version number to the commit that has been being checked out for the DCML annotation workflow since early 2021.


* Made the use of ``labels_cfg`` more consistent.
* improved chord lists:
* include system and tempo texts
* new algorithm for correct spanner IDs (i.e. for Slurs, Pedal, HairPins, Ottava)
* lyrics: still extracts only the last verse but now in the corresponding column, e.g. ``lyrics:3`` for verse 3.
* new feature (still in beta): extraction of form labels
* ``Score.mscx.form_labels``
* ``Parse.form_labels()``
* added ``form_labels`` -related parameters to ``Parse.get_lists()`` and ``Parse.store_lists()``
* added ``utils.expand_form_labels()`` for hierarchical display of form labels


* enabled ``import from ms3`` for all utils
* new command ``ms3 update`` for converting files and moving annotations to the Roman Numeral Analysis layer
* new command ``ms3 metadata`` for writing manually changed information from ``metadata.tsv`` to the metadata fields of the corresponding MuseScore files
* improved the ``ms3 extract`` command:
* added option ``-D`` for extracting and updating ``metadata.tsv`` and ````
* added option ``-q`` for adding 'quarterbeats' and 'durations_quarterbeats' columns
* included default paths for the capital-letter parameters
* improved the ``ms3 compare`` command:
* now works with 'expanded' TSVs, too (not only with 'labels')
* allows 'label' column to include NaN values
* improvements to Parse() objects:
* attempts to parse scores that need file conversion (e.g. XML, MIDI)
* ``get_lists()`` method now allows for adding the columns ``quarterbeats`` and ``durations_quarterbeats``, even without unfolding repeats
* adding 'quarterbeats' without unfolding repeats excludes voltas
* new method ``get_tsvs()`` for retrieving and concatenating parsed TSV files
* Parse() now recognizes ``metadata.tsv`` files, expanded TSVs, and TSVs containing cadence labels only
* parsed ``metadata.tsv`` files can be retrieved/included via the method ``metadata()``
* new method ``update_metadata()`` for the new ``ms3 metadata`` command
* decided on standard index levels ``rel_paths`` and ``fnames``
* improved matching of corresponding score and TSV files
* improvements to Score() objects:
* new property Score.mscx.volta_structure for retrieving information on first and second endings
* improvements to Annotations() objects:
* correct propagation of ``localkey`` for voltas
* improvements to commandline interface:
* added parameter ``-o`` for specifying output directory
* harmonized the interface of the ``ms3 convert`` command
* parameter ``exclude_re`` now also filters paths passed via ``-f``
* changed logging behaviours:
* write only WARNINGs to log file
* combine loggers for filenames independently of file extensions
* improved extraction of instrument names for metadata
* improved ``ms3 compare`` functionality
* restructured code architecture
* renamed master branch to 'main'
* many bug fixes


* ms3 now reads DCML labels with cadence annotations
* unified command-line interface file options and included ``-f file.json``
* Parse got more options for creating DataFrame index levels
* Parse.measures property for convenience
* bug fixes for better GitHub workflows


* Labels can be attached to MuseScore's Roman Numeral Analysis (RNA) layer
* parameter `label_type=1` in both `Score.attach_labels()` and `Parse.attach_labels()`
* `Annotations.remove_initial_dots()` before inserting into the RNA layer
* `Annotations.add_initial_dots()` before inserting into the absolute chord layer
* interpret all `vii` in major contexts as `vii` when computing chord tones
* code cosmetics and bug fixes

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