
Latest version: v2.5.4

Safety actively analyzes 682404 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added

* the ``pip_options`` kwarg to the ``install``, ``update`` and ``uninstall`` functions
* support for Python 3.8
* can now create a new package that is not part of a namespace
* ``authorise`` as an alias for ``authorize`` for the CLI
* the ``--create``, ``--requires`` and ``--ini`` arguments to ````

- Changed

* make the order of the log messages consistent: pypi -> github -> local
* use a personal access token instead of a password for authentication to the GitHub API
(authenticating to the GitHub API using a password is
`deprecated <>`_)
* omit the `examples` directory from the coverage report and from pytest

- Fixed

* call ``getpass.getuser()`` if git is installed but the `` parameter has not been defined
* do not split the text in the Description field to the next line in the middle of a word
for the ``info()`` function
* can now run ```` from any conda environment not just the `base` environment
* check if an MSL package was installed via pip in `editable` mode
* issue `6 <>`_ - add support for specifying
a version number when installing/updating
* issue `5 <>`_ - add support for
specifying an extras_require value when installing/updating
* issue `4 <>`_ - error updating a package if the
installed name != repository name
* the `tests_require` list in ```` now specifies `zipp<2.0`, `pyparsing<3.0` and
`pytest<5.0` for Python 2.7

- Removed

* support for Python 3.4



- Added

* ability to install, update, create and uninstall MSL packages that do not start with ``msl-``
* the shorter ``-D`` flag for ``--disable-mslpm-version-check``
* use of a shell-style wildcard when specifying the package name(s)
* `authorize` as an API function

- Changed

* renamed the optional ``--path`` argument to ``--dir`` in the `create` command
* renamed the ``path`` kwarg to ``directory`` in the `create` method
* renamed the ``-uc`` flag to ``-u`` for the ``--update-cache`` flag

- Fixed

* running the ``list`` command did not align the Description text if the text continued on the next line
* removed the ``--quiet`` flag in the `pip search msl-` query
* removed the ``--process-dependency-links`` flag when installing packages
(for compatibility with pip v19.0)



- Added

* the ``--doctest-glob='*.rst'`` and ``doctest_optionflags = NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE`` options to the
*setup.cfg* file that is generated when a new package is created
* a ``--disable-mslpm-version-check`` flag
* a ``-uc`` alias for ``--upgrade-cache``

- Changed

* renamed ```` to ```` and made it compatible with an optional *condatests.ini* file
* disable pip from checking for version updates by using the ``--disable-pip-version-check`` flag
* rename the ``--detailed`` flag to be ``--json``
* moved the GitHub authorization file to the *.msl* directory and renamed the file to be *.mslpm-github-auth*

- Fixed

* improved error handling if there is no internet connection
* use ``threading.Thread`` instead of ``multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool`` when fetching info from GitHub
since using ``ThreadPool`` would cause some Python versions to hang (see
* colorama was not resetting properly



- Added

* *autodoc_default_options* to for Sphinx 1.8 support
* *nitpicky* to
* the ``version_info`` named tuple now includes a *releaselevel*
* can now update the MSL Package Manager using `msl update package-manager`
* support for Python 3.7

- Removed

* support for Python 3.3



- Added

* ability to make authorized requests to the GitHub API (created ``authorize`` command)
* create a 3x additive ``--quiet`` flag (for silencing WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL logging levels)
* show a message if the current version of the MSL Package Manager is not the latest release
* ``.pytest_cache/`` and ``junk/`` directories are now in .gitignore

- Changed

* use ``pkg_resources.working_set`` instead of ``pip.get_installed_distributions`` to get the information
about the MSL packages that are installed
* use logging instead of print statements
* the function signature for ``install``, ``uninstall``, ``update`` and ``create``
* replace ``--update-github-cache`` and ``--update-pypi-cache`` flags with a single ``--update-cache`` flag
* rename function ``print_packages()`` to ``info()``
* rename module ```` to ````
* show the detailed info about the GitHub repos in JSON format
* many changes to the documentation

- Fixed

* ``ApiDocs`` in ```` failed to run with Sphinx >1.7.0
* bug if the GitHub repo does not contain text in the Description field
* searching PyPI packages showed results that contained the letters ``msl`` but did not start with ``msl-``

- Removed

* the constants ``IS_PYTHON2``, ``IS_PYTHON3`` and ``PKG_NAME``



- Fixed

* the ```` file is now compatible with Sphinx 1.7.0

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