
Latest version: v2.5.4

Safety actively analyzes 682404 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added

* the default install/update URI is PyPI (and uses the GitHub URI if the package does not exist on PyPI)
* ``--update-pypi-cache`` and ``--pypi`` flags for the CLI

- Changed

* default "yes/no" choice for the CLI was changed to be "yes"
* ```` has been updated to properly color the output text from pytest (v3.3.1) using colorama



- Added

* ``pip`` as a dependency

- Changed

* modified the template that is used for creating a new package:

+ the file is now self-contained, i.e., it no longer depends on other files to be available
+ removed requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt so that one must specify the dependencies in install_requires
+ added the ApiDocs and BuildDocs classes from docs/ and removed docs/

* print the help message if no command-line argument was passed in
* updated the documentation and the docstrings



- Added

* add a ``--branch`` and ``--tag`` argument for the ``install`` and ``update`` commands
* add a ``--path`` and ``--yes`` argument for the ``create`` command
* added more functions to the helper module for the API:

+ check_msl_prefix
+ create_install_list
+ create_uninstall_list
+ get_zip_name
+ print_error
+ print_info
+ print_warning
+ print_install_uninstall_message
+ sort_packages

- Changed

* the ``print_list`` function was renamed to ``print_packages``
* updated the documentation and the docstrings



- Added

* use a thread pool to request the version number of a release for MSL repositories on GitHub
* cache the package information about the GitHub repositories
* add an ``--update-github-cache`` flag for the CLI
* update documentation and docstrings

- Fixed

* the ``msl`` namespace got destroyed after uninstalling a package in Python 2.7
* running ``python test`` now sets ``install_requires = []``
* the ```` file would hang if it had to "install eggs"

- Removed

* the ``--release-info`` flag for the CLI is no longer supported


- add the ``--all`` flag for the CLI
- include ``--process-dependency-links`` argument for ``pip install``
- create **upgrade** alias for **update**
- bug fixes and edits for the print messages


- update email address to "measurement"
- previous release date (in CHANGES.rst) was should have been
- previous release should have incremented the minor number (new **update** feature)

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