.. admonition:: Breaking API changes
:class: attention
1. The runtime options ``mpr_tolerance`` and ``mpr_iterations`` were renamed to
:ref:`ccd_tolerance<option-ccd_tolerance>` and :ref:`ccd_iterations<option-ccd_iterations>`, both in XML and in
the :ref:`mjOption` struct. This is because the new convex collision detection pipeline (see below) does not use
the MPR algorithm. The semantics of these options remain identical.
2. The functions ``mjs_findMesh`` and ``mjs_findKeyframe`` were replaced by ``mjs_findElement``, which allows to look
for any object type.
3. The experimental use of 2D/3D elasticity plugins with :ref:`composite<body-composite>` has been removed. Users
should instead use :ref:`flexcomp<body-flexcomp>`, which provides the correct collision behavior.
4. Added the :ref:`nativeccd<option-flag-nativeccd>` flag. When this flag is enabled, general convex collision
detection is handled with a new native code path, rather than `libccd <https://github.com/danfis/libccd>`__.
This feature is in early stages of testing, but users who've experienced issues related to collision detection are
welcome to experiment with it and report any issues.
.. youtube:: kcM_oauk3ZA
:aspect: 16:7
:align: right
:width: 240px
5. Added a new way of defining :ref:`connect<equality-connect>` and :ref:`weld<equality-weld>` equality constraints,
using two sites. The new semantic is useful when the assumption that the constraint is satisfied
in the base configuration does not hold. In this case the sites will "snap together" at the beginning of the
simulation. Additionally, changing the site positions (``mjModel.site_pos``) and orientations
( ``mjModel.site_quat``) at runtime will correctly modify the constraint definition. This
`example model <https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/blob/main/test/engine/testdata/equality_site.xml>`__ using
the new semantic is shown in the video on the right.
6. Introduced **free joint alignment**, an optimization that applies to bodies with a free joint and no child bodies
(simple free-floating bodies): automatically aligning the body frame with the inertial frame. This feature can be
toggled individually using the :ref:`freejoint/align<body-freejoint-align>` attribute or globally using the compiler
:ref:`alignfree<compiler-alignfree>` attribute. The alignment diagonalizes the related 6x6 inertia sub-matrix,
leading to both faster and more stable simulation of free bodies.
While this optimization is a strict improvement, it changes the semantics of the joint's degrees-of-freedom.
Therefore, ``qpos`` and ``qvel`` values saved in older versions (for example, in :ref:`keyframes<keyframe>`) will
become invalid. The global compiler attribute currently defaults to "false" due to this potential breakage, but could
be changed to "true" in a future release. Aligned free joints are recommended for all new models.
7. Added an :ref:`mjSpec` option for creating a texture directly from a buffer.
8. :ref:`shell (surface) inertia <body-geom-shellinertia>` is now supported by all geom types.
9. When :ref:`attaching<meAttachment>` sub-models, :ref:`keyframes<keyframe>` will now be correctly merged into the
parent model, but only on the first attachment.
10. Added the :ref:`mjtSameFrame` enum which contains the possible frame alignments of bodies and their children. These
alignments are used for computation shortcuts in :ref:`mj_kinematics`.
11. Added :ref:`mj_jacDot` for computing time-derivatives of kinematic Jacobians. Fixes :github:issue:`411`.
12. Added ``efc_pos`` to ``mjx.Data`` (:github:issue:`1388`).
13. Added position-dependent sensors: ``MAGNETOMETER``, ``CAMPROJECTION``, ``RANGEFINDER``, ``JOINTPOS``,
14. Added velocity-dependent sensors: ``VELOCIMETER``, ``GYRO``, ``JOINTVEL``, ``ACTUATORVEL``, ``BALLANGVEL``,
15. Added acceleration/force-dependent sensors: ``ACCELEROMETER``, ``FORCE``, ``TORQUE``, ``ACTUATORFRC``,
16. Changed default policy to avoid placing unused (MuJoCo-only) arrays on device.
17. Added ``device`` parameter to ``mjx.make_data`` to bring it to parity with ``mjx.put_model`` and ``mjx.put_data``.
18. Added support for :ref:`implicitfast integration<geIntegration>` for all cases except
:doc:`fluid drag <computation/fluid>`.
19. Fixed a bug where ``qLDiagInv`` had the wrong size for sparse mass matrices.
20. Added support for joint and tendon :ref:`frictionloss <coFriction>`.
21. Added support for :ref:`connect<equality-connect>` equality constraints using two sites.
22. Added support for :ref:`spatial tendons <tendon-spatial>` with site wrapping.
Bug fixes
23. Fixed a performance regression introduced in 3.1.7 in mesh Bounding Volume Hierarchies (:github:issue:`1875`,
contribution by :github:user:`michael-ahn`).
24. Fixed a bug wherein, for models that have both muscles and stateless actuators and used one of the implicit
integrators, wrong derivatives would be computed.
25. Fixed a bug in tendon wrapping around spheres. Before this fix, tendons that wrapped around spheres with an
externally-placed :ref:`sidesite<spatial-geom-sidesite>` could jump inside the sphere instead of wrapping around it.
26. Fixed a bug that caused :at:`meshdir` and :at:`texturedir` to be overwritten during model
:ref:`attachment<meAttachment>`, preventing model attachment for models with assets in different directories.
Python bindings
27. Added support for engine plugins in :ref:`mjSpec` (:github:issue:`1903`).
28. Better error reporting for issues with the assets dictionary, when loading models.