
Latest version: v3.3.0

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1. Added the :at:`inheritrange` attribute to :ref:`position<actuator-position>` and
:ref:`intvelocity<actuator-intvelocity>` actuators, allowing convenient setting of the actuator's
:at:`ctrlrange` or :at:`actrange` (respectively), according to the range of the transmission
target (joint or tendon). See :ref:`position/inheritrange<actuator-position-inheritrange>` for
2. Deprecated ``mj_makeEmptyFileVFS`` in favor of :ref:`mj_addBufferVFS`. :ref:`mjVFS` now computes checksums of
its internal file buffers. :ref:`mj_addBufferVFS` allocates an empty buffer with a given name in an mjVFS and
copies the data buffer into it, combining and replacing the deprecated two-step process of calling
``mj_makeEmptyFileVFS`` followed by a direct copy into the given mjVFS internal file buffer.
3. Added :ref:`mj_angmomMat` which computes the ``3 x nv`` angular momentum matrix :math:`H(q)`, providing the linear
mapping from generalized velocities to subtree angular momentum :math:`h = H \dot q`. Contribution by

4. Improved performance of getting and putting device data.

- Use ``tobytes()`` for numpy array serialization, which is orders of magnitude faster than converting to tuples.
- Avoid reallocating host ``mjData`` arrays when array shapes are unchanged.
- Speed up calculation of ``mjx.ncon`` for models with many geoms.
- Avoid calling ``mjx.ncon`` in ``mjx.get_data_into`` when ``nc`` can be derived from ``mjx.Data``.
5. Fixed a bug in ``mjx-viewer`` that prevented it from running. Updated ``mjx-viewer`` to use newer
``mjx.get_data_into`` function call.
6. Fixed a bug in ``mjx.euler`` that applied incorrect damping when using dense mass matrices.
7. Fixed a bug in ``mjx.solve`` that was causing slow convergence when using ``mjSOL_NEWTON`` in :ref:`mjtSolver`.
8. Added support for :ref:`mjOption.impratio<mjOption>` to ``mjx.Model``.
9. Added support for cameras in ``mjx.Model`` and ``mjx.Data``. Fixes :github:issue:`1422`.
10. Added an implementation of broadphase using `top_k` and bounding spheres.

Python bindings
11. Fixed incorrect data types in the bindings for the ``geom``, ``vert``, ``elem``, and ``flex`` array members
of the ``mjContact`` struct, and all array members of the ``mjrContext`` struct.



1. Improved the :ref:`discardvisual<compiler-discardvisual>` compiler flag, which now discards all visual-only assets.
See :ref:`discardvisual<compiler-discardvisual>` for details.
2. Removed the :ref:`timer<mjtTimer>` for midphase colllision detection, it is now folded in with the narrowphase
timer. This is because timing the two phases separately required fine-grained timers inside the collision
functions; these functions are so small and fast that the timer itself was incurring a measurable cost.
3. Added the flag :ref:`bvactive<visual-global-bvactive>` to ``visual/global``, allowing users to turn off
visualisation of active bounding volumes (the red/green boxes in this :ref:`this changelog item<midphase>`). For
models with very high-resolution meshes, the computation required for this visualization can slow down simulation
speed. Fixes :github:issue:`1279`.

- Added color of :ref:`bounding volumes<visual-rgba-bv>` and :ref:`active bounding volumes<visual-rgba-bvactive>`
to :ref:`visual/rgba<visual-rgba>`.
4. Height-field elevation data can now be specified directly in XML with the :ref:`elevation<asset-hfield-elevation>`
attribute (and not only with PNG files).
See `example model <>`__.

5. Added :ref:`dyntype<actuator-general-dyntype>` ``filterexact``.
6. Added :at:`site` transmission.
7. Updated MJX colab tutorial with more stable quadruped environment.
8. Added ``mjx.ray`` which mirrors :ref:`mj_ray` for planes, spheres, capsules, boxes, and meshes.
9. Added ``mjx.is_sparse`` which mirrors :ref:`mj_isSparse` and ``mjx.full_m`` which mirrors :ref:`mj_fullM`.
10. Added support for specifying sparse or dense mass matrices via :ref:`option-jacobian`.
11. Raise a not implemented error when nonzero frictionloss is present. Fixes :github:issue:`1344`.

Python bindings
12. Improved the implementation of the :ref:`rollout<PyRollout>` module. Note the changes below are breaking, dependent
code will require modification.

- Uses :ref:`mjSTATE_FULLPHYSICS<geFullPhysics>` as state spec, enabling divergence detection by inspecting time.
- Allows user-defined control spec for any combination of :ref:`user input<geInput>` fields as controls.
- Outputs are no longer squeezed and always have dim=3.
13. The ``sync`` function for the :ref:`passive viewer<PyViewerPassive>` can now pick up changes to rendering flags in
``user_scn``, as requested in :github:issue:`1190`.

Bug fixes
14. Fixed a bug that prevented the use of pins with plugins if flexes are not in the worldbody. Fixes
15. Fixed a bug in the :ref:`muscle model<CMuscle>` that led to non-zero values outside the lower
bound of the length range. Fixes :github:issue:`1342`.



Bug fixes
1. Fixed a bug (introduced in 3.1.0) where box-box collisions produced no contacts if one box was deeply embedded in the
2. Fixed a bug in :ref:`simulate<saSimulate>` where the "LOADING..." message was not showing correctly.
3. Fixed a crash in the Python :ref:`passive viewer<PyViewerPassive>`, when used with models containing Flex objects.
4. Fixed a bug in MJX where ``site_xmat`` was ignored in ``get_data`` and ``put_data``
5. Fixed a bug in MJX where ``efc_address`` was sometimes incorrectly calculated in ``get_data``.



1. Improved convergence of Signed Distance Function (SDF) collisions by using line search and a new objective function
for the optimization. This allows to decrease the number of initial points needed for finding the contacts and is
more robust for very small or large geom sizes.
2. Added :ref:`frame<frame>` to MJCF, a :ref:`meta-element<meta-element>` which defines a pure coordinate transformation
on its direct children, without requiring a :ref:`body<body>`.
3. Added the :at:`kv` attribute to the :ref:`position<actuator-position>` and :ref:`intvelocity<actuator-intvelocity>`
actuators, for specifying actuator-applied damping. This can be used to implement a PD controller with 0 reference
velocity. When using this attribute, it is recommended to use the implicitfast or implicit

4. Allow actuator plugins to use activation variables in ``mjData.act`` as their internal state, rather than
``mjData.plugin_state``. Actuator plugins can now specify :ref:`callbacks<mjpPlugin>` that compute activation
variables, and they can be used with built-in :ref:`dyntype<actuator-plugin-dyntype>` actuator dynamics.
5. Added the `pid <>`__ actuator plugin, a
configurable PID controller that implements the Integral term, which is not available with native MuJoCo actuators.

6. Added ``site_xpos`` and ``site_xmat`` to MJX.
7. Added ``put_data``, ``put_model``, ``get_data`` to replace ``device_put`` and ``device_get_into``, which will be
deprecated. These new functions correctly translate fields that are the result of intermediate calculations such as

Bug fixes
8. Fix bug in Cartesian actuation with movable refsite, as when using body-centric Cartesian actuators on a quadruped.
Before this fix such actuators could lead to non-conservation of momentum.
9. Fix bug that prevented using flex with :ref:`simulate<saSimulate>`.
10. Fix bug that prevented the use of elasticity plugins in combination with pinned flex vertices.
11. Release Python wheels targeting macOS 10.16 to support x86_64 systems where ``SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT`` is set.
The minimum supported version is still 11.0, but we release these wheels to fix compatibility for those users. See
12. Fixed mass computation of meshes: Use the correct mesh volume instead of approximating it using the inertia box.



1. Added sub-terms of total passive forces in ``mjData.qfrc_passive`` to :ref:`mjData`:
``qfrc_{spring, damper, gravcomp, fluid}``. The sum of these vectors equals ``qfrc_passive``.

.. youtube:: H9qG9Zf2W44
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2. Added :ref:`actuatorgroupdisable<option-actuatorgroupdisable>` attribute and associated
:ref:`mjOption.disableactuator<mjOption>` integer bitfield, which can be used to disable sets of actuators at runtime
according to their :ref:`group<actuator-general-group>`. Fixes :github:issue:`1092`. See :ref:`CActDisable`.

- The first 6 actuator groups are toggleable in the :ref:`simulate<saSimulate>` viewer. See `example model
and associated screen-capture on the right.

3. Increased ``mjMAXUIITEM`` (maximum number of UI elements per section in Simulate) to 200.

4. Added support for Newton solver (``mjSOL_NEWTON`` in :ref:`mjtSolver`). The Newton solver significantly speeds up
simulation on GPU:

.. list-table:: Steps-per-second, Conjugate Gradient vs. Newton on A100
:header-rows: 1
:align: left

* - Model
- CG
- Newton
- Speedup
* - `Humanoid <>`__
- 640,000
- 1,020,000
- **1.6 x**
* - `Barkour v0 <>`__
- 1,290,000
- 1,750,000
- **1.35 x**
* - `Shadow Hand <>`__
- 215,000
- 270,000
- **1.25 x**

Humanoid is the standard MuJoCo humanoid,
`Google Barkour <>`__ and the Shadow Hand
are both available in the :ref:`MuJoCo Menagerie<Menagerie>`.
5. Added support for joint equality constraints (``mjEQ_JOINT`` in :ref:`mjtEq`).
6. Fixed bug where mixed ``jnt_limited`` joints were not being constrained correctly.
7. Made ``device_put`` type validation more verbose (fixes :github:issue:`1113`).
8. Removed empty EFC rows from ``MJX``, for joints with no limits (fixes :github:issue:`1117`).
9. Fixed bug in ``scan.body_tree`` that led to incorrect smooth dynamics for some kinematic tree layouts.

Python bindings

10. Fix the macOS ``mjpython`` launcher to work with the Python interpreter from Apple Command Line Tools.
11. Fixed a crash when copying instances of ``mujoco.MjData`` for models that use plugins. Introduced a ``model``
attribute to ``MjData`` which is reference to the model that was used to create that ``MjData`` instance.

12. :ref:`simulate<saSimulate>`: correct handling of "Pause update", "Fullscreen" and "VSync" buttons.


.. youtube:: cE3s_IfO4g4
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13. Added cell to the `tutorial colab <>`__ providing an
example of procedural camera control:
14. Added documentation for the :ref:`UI` framework.
15. Fixed typos and supported fields in docs (fixes :github:issue:`1105` and :github:issue:`1106`).

Bug fixes
16. Fixed bug relating to welds modified with :ref:`torquescale<equality-weld-torquescale>`.



New features

1. Added simulation on GPU and TPU via the new :doc:`mjx` (MJX) Python module. Python users can now
natively run MuJoCo simulations at millions of steps per second on Google TPU or their own accelerator hardware.

- MJX is designed to work with on-device reinforcement learning algorithms. This Colab notebook demonstrates using
MJX along with reinforcement learning to train humanoid and quadruped robots to locomote: |colab|
- The MJX API is compatible with MuJoCo but is missing some features in this release. See the outline of
:ref:`MJX feature parity <MjxFeatureParity>` for more details.

.. |colab| image::

.. youtube:: QewlEqIZi1o
:aspect: 16:7
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:width: 240px

2. Added new signed distance field (SDF) collision primitive. SDFs can take any shape and are not constrained to be
convex. Collision points are found by minimizing the maximum of the two colliding SDFs via gradient descent.

- Added new SDF plugin for defining implicit geometries. The plugin must define methods computing an SDF and its
gradient at query points. See the :ref:`documentation<exWriting>` for more details.

.. youtube:: ra2bTiZHGlw
:aspect: 16:7
:align: right
:width: 240px

3. Added new low-level model element called ``flex``, used to define deformable objects. These
`simplicial complexes <>`__ can be of dimension 1, 2
or 3, corresponding to stretchable lines, triangles or tetrahedra. Two new MJCF elements are used
to define flexes. The top-level :ref:`deformable<deformable>` section contains the low-level flex definition.
The :ref:`flexcomp<body-flexcomp>` element, similar to :ref:`composite<body-composite>` is a convenience macro for
creating deformables, and supports the GMSH tetrahedral file format.

- Added `shell <>`__ passive force plugin,
computing bending forces using a constant precomputed Hessian (cotangent operator).

**Note**: This feature is still under development and subject to change. In particular, deformable object
functionality is currently available both via :ref:`deformable<CDeformable>` and :ref:`composite<CComposite>`,
and both are modifiable by the first-party
`elasticity plugins <>`__. We expect some of
this functionality to be unified in the future.

.. youtube:: Vc1tq0fFvQA
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4. Added constraint island discovery with :ref:`mj_island`. Constraint islands are disjoint sets of constraints
and degrees-of-freedom that do not interact. The only solver which currently supports islands is
:ref:`CG<option-solver>`. Island discovery can be activated using a new :ref:`enable flag<option-flag-island>`.
If island discovery is enabled, geoms, contacts and tendons will be colored according to the corresponding island,
see video. Island discovery is currently disabled for models that have deformable objects (see previous item).

5. Added :ref:`mjThreadPool` and :ref:`mjTask` which allow for multi-threaded operations within the MuJoCo engine
pipeline. If engine-internal threading is enabled, the following operations will be multi-threaded:

- Island constraint resolution, if island discovery is :ref:`enabled<option-flag-island>` and the
:ref:`CG solver<option-solver>` is selected. The
`22 humanoids <>`__ model shows a 3x
speedup compared to the single threaded simulation.
- Inertia-related computations and collision detection will happen in parallel.

Engine-internal threading is a work in progress and currently only available in first-party code via the
:ref:`testspeed<saTestspeed>` utility, exposed with the ``npoolthread`` flag.

6. Added capability to initialize :ref:`composite<body-composite>` particles from OBJ files. Fixes :github:issue:`642`
and :github:issue:`674`.


.. admonition:: Breaking API changes
:class: attention

7. Removed the macros ``mjMARKSTACK`` and ``mjFREESTACK``.

**Migration:** These macros have been replaced by new functions :ref:`mj_markStack` and
:ref:`mj_freeStack`. These functions manage the :ref:`mjData stack<siStack>` in a fully encapsulated way (i.e.,
without introducing a local variable at the call site).

8. Renamed ``mj_stackAlloc`` to :ref:`mj_stackAllocNum`. The new function :ref:`mj_stackAllocByte` allocates an
arbitrary number of bytes and has an additional argument for specifying the alignment of the returned pointer.

**Migration:** The functionality for allocating ``mjtNum`` arrays is now available via :ref:`mj_stackAllocNum`.

9. Renamed the ``nstack`` field in :ref:`mjModel` and :ref:`mjData` to ``narena``. Changed ``narena``, ``pstack``,
and ``maxuse_stack`` to count number of bytes rather than number of :ref:`mjtNum` |-| s.

10. Changed :ref:`mjData.solver<mjData>`, the array used to collect solver diagnostic information.
This array of :ref:`mjSolverStat` structs is now of length ``mjNISLAND * mjNSOLVER``, interpreted as as a matrix.
Each row of length ``mjNSOLVER`` contains separate solver statistics for each constraint island.
If the solver does not use islands, only row 0 is filled.

- The new constant :ref:`mjNISLAND<glNumeric>` was set to 20.
- :ref:`mjNSOLVER<glNumeric>` was reduced from 1000 to 200.
- Added :ref:`mjData.solver_nisland<mjData>`: the number of islands for which the solver ran.
- Renamed ``mjData.solver_iter`` to ``solver_niter``. Both this member and ``mjData.solver_nnz`` are now integer
vectors of length ``mjNISLAND``.

11. Removed ``mjOption.collision`` and the associated ``option/collision`` attribute.


- For models which have ``<option collision="all"/>``, delete the attribute.
- For models which have ``<option collision="dynamic"/>``, delete all :ref:`pair<contact-pair>` elements.
- For models which have ``<option collision="predefined"/>``, disable all dynamic collisions (determined
via contype/conaffinity) by first deleting all :ref:`contype<body-geom-contype>` and
:ref:`conaffinity<body-geom-conaffinity>` attributes in the model and then setting them globally to ``0`` using
|br| ``<default> <geom contype="0" conaffinity="0"/> </default>``.

12. Removed the :at:`rope` and :at:`cloth` composite objects.

**Migration:** Users should use the :at:`cable` and :at:`shell` elasticity plugins.

13. Added :ref:`mjData.eq_active<mjData>` user input variable, for enabling/disabling the state of equality
constraints. Renamed ``mjModel.eq_active`` to :ref:`mjModel.eq_active0<mjModel>`, which now has the semantic of
"initial value of ``mjData.eq_active``". Fixes :github:issue:`876`.

**Migration:** Replace uses of ``mjModel.eq_active`` with ``mjData.eq_active``.

14. Changed the default of :ref:`autolimits<compiler-autolimits>` from "false" to "true". This is a minor breaking
change. The potential breakage applies to models which have elements with "range" defined and "limited" not set.
Such models cannot be loaded since version 2.2.2 (July 2022).

15. Added a new :ref:`dyntype<actuator-general-dyntype>`, ``filterexact``, which updates first-order filter states with
the exact formula rather than with Euler integration.
16. Added an actuator attribute, :ref:`actearly<actuator-general-actearly>`, which uses semi-implicit integration for
actuator forces: using the next step's actuator state to compute the current actuator forces.
17. Renamed ``actuatorforcerange`` and ``actuatorforcelimited``, introduced in the previous version to
:ref:`actuatorfrcrange<body-joint-actuatorfrcrange>` and
:ref:`actuatorfrclimited<body-joint-actuatorfrclimited>`, respectively.
18. Added the flag :ref:`eulerdamp<option-flag-eulerdamp>`, which disables implicit integration of joint damping in the
Euler integrator. See the :ref:`Numerical Integration<geIntegration>` section for more details.
19. Added the flag :ref:`invdiscrete<option-flag-invdiscrete>`, which enables discrete-time inverse dynamics for all
:ref:`integrators<option-integrator>` other than ``RK4``. See the flag documentation for more details.
20. Added :ref:`ls_iterations<option-ls_iterations>` and :ref:`ls_tolerance<option-ls_tolerance>` options for adjusting
linesearch stopping criteria in CG and Newton solvers. These can be useful for performance tuning.
21. Added ``mesh_pos`` and ``mesh_quat`` fields to :ref:`mjModel` to store the normalizing transformation applied to
mesh assets. Fixes :github:issue:`409`.
22. Added camera :ref:`resolution<body-camera-resolution>` attribute and :ref:`camprojection<sensor-camprojection>`
sensor. If camera resolution is set to positive values, the camera projection sensor will report the location of a
target site, projected onto the camera image, in pixel coordinates.
23. Added :ref:`camera<body-camera>` calibration attributes:

- The new attributes are :ref:`resolution<body-camera-resolution>`, :ref:`focal<body-camera-focal>`,
:ref:`focalpixel<body-camera-focalpixel>`, :ref:`principal<body-camera-principal>`,
:ref:`principalpixel<body-camera-principalpixel>` and :ref:`sensorsize<body-camera-sensorsize>`.
- Visualize the calibrated frustum using the :ref:`mjVIS_CAMERA<mjtVisFlag>` visualization flag when these
attributes are specified. See the following
`example model <>`__.
- Note that these attributes only take effect for offline rendering and do not affect interactive visualisation.
24. Implemented reversed Z rendering for better depth precision. An enum :ref:`mjtDepthMap` was added with values
``mjDEPTH_ZERONEAR`` and ``mjDEPTH_ZEROFAR``, which can be used to set the new ``readDepthMap`` attribute in
:ref:`mjrContext` to control how the depth returned by :ref:`mjr_readPixels` is mapped from ``znear`` to ``zfar``.
Contribution :github:pull:`978` by `Levi Burner <>`__.
25. Deleted the code sample ``testxml``. The functionality provided by this utility is implemented in the
`WriteReadCompare <>`__ test.
26. Deleted the code sample ``derivative``. Functionality provided by :ref:`mjd_transitionFD`.

Python bindings

27. Fixed :github:issue:`870` where calling ``update_scene`` with an invalid camera name used the default camera.
28. Added ``user_scn`` to the :ref:`passive viewer<PyViewerPassive>` handle, which allows users to add custom
visualization geoms (:github:issue:`1023`).
29. Added optional boolean keyword arguments ``show_left_ui`` and ``show_right_ui`` to the functions ``viewer.launch``
and ``viewer.launch_passive``, which allow users to launch a viewer with UI panels hidden.


.. youtube:: YSvWn_poqWs
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30. Added **state history** mechanism to :ref:`simulate<saSimulate>` and the managed
:ref:`Python viewer<PyViewerManaged>`. State history can be viewed by scrubbing the History slider and (more
precisely) with the left and right arrow keys. See screen capture:

31. The ``LOADING...`` label is now shown correctly. Contribution :github:pull:`1070` by
`Levi Burner <>`__.


.. youtube:: nljr0X79vI0
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32. Added :doc:`detailed documentation <computation/fluid>` of fluid force modeling, and an illustrative example model
showing `tumbling cards <>`__ using the
ellipsoid-based fluid model.

Bug fixes

33. Fixed a bug that was causing :ref:`geom margin<body-geom-margin>` to be ignored during the construction of
midphase collision trees.

34. Fixed a bug that was generating incorrect values in ``efc_diagApprox`` for weld equality constraints.

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