New features
1. Added simulation on GPU and TPU via the new :doc:`mjx` (MJX) Python module. Python users can now
natively run MuJoCo simulations at millions of steps per second on Google TPU or their own accelerator hardware.
- MJX is designed to work with on-device reinforcement learning algorithms. This Colab notebook demonstrates using
MJX along with reinforcement learning to train humanoid and quadruped robots to locomote: |colab|
- The MJX API is compatible with MuJoCo but is missing some features in this release. See the outline of
:ref:`MJX feature parity <MjxFeatureParity>` for more details.
.. |colab| image:: https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg
:target: https://colab.research.google.com/github/google-deepmind/mujoco/blob/main/mjx/tutorial.ipynb
.. youtube:: QewlEqIZi1o
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2. Added new signed distance field (SDF) collision primitive. SDFs can take any shape and are not constrained to be
convex. Collision points are found by minimizing the maximum of the two colliding SDFs via gradient descent.
- Added new SDF plugin for defining implicit geometries. The plugin must define methods computing an SDF and its
gradient at query points. See the :ref:`documentation<exWriting>` for more details.
.. youtube:: ra2bTiZHGlw
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3. Added new low-level model element called ``flex``, used to define deformable objects. These
`simplicial complexes <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplicial_complex>`__ can be of dimension 1, 2
or 3, corresponding to stretchable lines, triangles or tetrahedra. Two new MJCF elements are used
to define flexes. The top-level :ref:`deformable<deformable>` section contains the low-level flex definition.
The :ref:`flexcomp<body-flexcomp>` element, similar to :ref:`composite<body-composite>` is a convenience macro for
creating deformables, and supports the GMSH tetrahedral file format.
- Added `shell <https://github.com/deepmind/mujoco/blob/main/plugin/elasticity/shell.cc>`__ passive force plugin,
computing bending forces using a constant precomputed Hessian (cotangent operator).
**Note**: This feature is still under development and subject to change. In particular, deformable object
functionality is currently available both via :ref:`deformable<CDeformable>` and :ref:`composite<CComposite>`,
and both are modifiable by the first-party
`elasticity plugins <https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/tree/main/plugin/elasticity>`__. We expect some of
this functionality to be unified in the future.
.. youtube:: Vc1tq0fFvQA
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4. Added constraint island discovery with :ref:`mj_island`. Constraint islands are disjoint sets of constraints
and degrees-of-freedom that do not interact. The only solver which currently supports islands is
:ref:`CG<option-solver>`. Island discovery can be activated using a new :ref:`enable flag<option-flag-island>`.
If island discovery is enabled, geoms, contacts and tendons will be colored according to the corresponding island,
see video. Island discovery is currently disabled for models that have deformable objects (see previous item).
5. Added :ref:`mjThreadPool` and :ref:`mjTask` which allow for multi-threaded operations within the MuJoCo engine
pipeline. If engine-internal threading is enabled, the following operations will be multi-threaded:
- Island constraint resolution, if island discovery is :ref:`enabled<option-flag-island>` and the
:ref:`CG solver<option-solver>` is selected. The
`22 humanoids <https://github.com/deepmind/mujoco/blob/main/model/humanoid/22_humanoids.xml>`__ model shows a 3x
speedup compared to the single threaded simulation.
- Inertia-related computations and collision detection will happen in parallel.
Engine-internal threading is a work in progress and currently only available in first-party code via the
:ref:`testspeed<saTestspeed>` utility, exposed with the ``npoolthread`` flag.
6. Added capability to initialize :ref:`composite<body-composite>` particles from OBJ files. Fixes :github:issue:`642`
and :github:issue:`674`.
.. admonition:: Breaking API changes
:class: attention
7. Removed the macros ``mjMARKSTACK`` and ``mjFREESTACK``.
**Migration:** These macros have been replaced by new functions :ref:`mj_markStack` and
:ref:`mj_freeStack`. These functions manage the :ref:`mjData stack<siStack>` in a fully encapsulated way (i.e.,
without introducing a local variable at the call site).
8. Renamed ``mj_stackAlloc`` to :ref:`mj_stackAllocNum`. The new function :ref:`mj_stackAllocByte` allocates an
arbitrary number of bytes and has an additional argument for specifying the alignment of the returned pointer.
**Migration:** The functionality for allocating ``mjtNum`` arrays is now available via :ref:`mj_stackAllocNum`.
9. Renamed the ``nstack`` field in :ref:`mjModel` and :ref:`mjData` to ``narena``. Changed ``narena``, ``pstack``,
and ``maxuse_stack`` to count number of bytes rather than number of :ref:`mjtNum` |-| s.
10. Changed :ref:`mjData.solver<mjData>`, the array used to collect solver diagnostic information.
This array of :ref:`mjSolverStat` structs is now of length ``mjNISLAND * mjNSOLVER``, interpreted as as a matrix.
Each row of length ``mjNSOLVER`` contains separate solver statistics for each constraint island.
If the solver does not use islands, only row 0 is filled.
- The new constant :ref:`mjNISLAND<glNumeric>` was set to 20.
- :ref:`mjNSOLVER<glNumeric>` was reduced from 1000 to 200.
- Added :ref:`mjData.solver_nisland<mjData>`: the number of islands for which the solver ran.
- Renamed ``mjData.solver_iter`` to ``solver_niter``. Both this member and ``mjData.solver_nnz`` are now integer
vectors of length ``mjNISLAND``.
11. Removed ``mjOption.collision`` and the associated ``option/collision`` attribute.
- For models which have ``<option collision="all"/>``, delete the attribute.
- For models which have ``<option collision="dynamic"/>``, delete all :ref:`pair<contact-pair>` elements.
- For models which have ``<option collision="predefined"/>``, disable all dynamic collisions (determined
via contype/conaffinity) by first deleting all :ref:`contype<body-geom-contype>` and
:ref:`conaffinity<body-geom-conaffinity>` attributes in the model and then setting them globally to ``0`` using
|br| ``<default> <geom contype="0" conaffinity="0"/> </default>``.
12. Removed the :at:`rope` and :at:`cloth` composite objects.
**Migration:** Users should use the :at:`cable` and :at:`shell` elasticity plugins.
13. Added :ref:`mjData.eq_active<mjData>` user input variable, for enabling/disabling the state of equality
constraints. Renamed ``mjModel.eq_active`` to :ref:`mjModel.eq_active0<mjModel>`, which now has the semantic of
"initial value of ``mjData.eq_active``". Fixes :github:issue:`876`.
**Migration:** Replace uses of ``mjModel.eq_active`` with ``mjData.eq_active``.
14. Changed the default of :ref:`autolimits<compiler-autolimits>` from "false" to "true". This is a minor breaking
change. The potential breakage applies to models which have elements with "range" defined and "limited" not set.
Such models cannot be loaded since version 2.2.2 (July 2022).
15. Added a new :ref:`dyntype<actuator-general-dyntype>`, ``filterexact``, which updates first-order filter states with
the exact formula rather than with Euler integration.
16. Added an actuator attribute, :ref:`actearly<actuator-general-actearly>`, which uses semi-implicit integration for
actuator forces: using the next step's actuator state to compute the current actuator forces.
17. Renamed ``actuatorforcerange`` and ``actuatorforcelimited``, introduced in the previous version to
:ref:`actuatorfrcrange<body-joint-actuatorfrcrange>` and
:ref:`actuatorfrclimited<body-joint-actuatorfrclimited>`, respectively.
18. Added the flag :ref:`eulerdamp<option-flag-eulerdamp>`, which disables implicit integration of joint damping in the
Euler integrator. See the :ref:`Numerical Integration<geIntegration>` section for more details.
19. Added the flag :ref:`invdiscrete<option-flag-invdiscrete>`, which enables discrete-time inverse dynamics for all
:ref:`integrators<option-integrator>` other than ``RK4``. See the flag documentation for more details.
20. Added :ref:`ls_iterations<option-ls_iterations>` and :ref:`ls_tolerance<option-ls_tolerance>` options for adjusting
linesearch stopping criteria in CG and Newton solvers. These can be useful for performance tuning.
21. Added ``mesh_pos`` and ``mesh_quat`` fields to :ref:`mjModel` to store the normalizing transformation applied to
mesh assets. Fixes :github:issue:`409`.
22. Added camera :ref:`resolution<body-camera-resolution>` attribute and :ref:`camprojection<sensor-camprojection>`
sensor. If camera resolution is set to positive values, the camera projection sensor will report the location of a
target site, projected onto the camera image, in pixel coordinates.
23. Added :ref:`camera<body-camera>` calibration attributes:
- The new attributes are :ref:`resolution<body-camera-resolution>`, :ref:`focal<body-camera-focal>`,
:ref:`focalpixel<body-camera-focalpixel>`, :ref:`principal<body-camera-principal>`,
:ref:`principalpixel<body-camera-principalpixel>` and :ref:`sensorsize<body-camera-sensorsize>`.
- Visualize the calibrated frustum using the :ref:`mjVIS_CAMERA<mjtVisFlag>` visualization flag when these
attributes are specified. See the following
`example model <https://github.com/deepmind/mujoco/blob/main/test/engine/testdata/vis_visualize/frustum.xml>`__.
- Note that these attributes only take effect for offline rendering and do not affect interactive visualisation.
24. Implemented reversed Z rendering for better depth precision. An enum :ref:`mjtDepthMap` was added with values
``mjDEPTH_ZERONEAR`` and ``mjDEPTH_ZEROFAR``, which can be used to set the new ``readDepthMap`` attribute in
:ref:`mjrContext` to control how the depth returned by :ref:`mjr_readPixels` is mapped from ``znear`` to ``zfar``.
Contribution :github:pull:`978` by `Levi Burner <https://github.com/aftersomemath>`__.
25. Deleted the code sample ``testxml``. The functionality provided by this utility is implemented in the
`WriteReadCompare <https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/blob/main/test/xml/xml_native_writer_test.cc>`__ test.
26. Deleted the code sample ``derivative``. Functionality provided by :ref:`mjd_transitionFD`.
Python bindings
27. Fixed :github:issue:`870` where calling ``update_scene`` with an invalid camera name used the default camera.
28. Added ``user_scn`` to the :ref:`passive viewer<PyViewerPassive>` handle, which allows users to add custom
visualization geoms (:github:issue:`1023`).
29. Added optional boolean keyword arguments ``show_left_ui`` and ``show_right_ui`` to the functions ``viewer.launch``
and ``viewer.launch_passive``, which allow users to launch a viewer with UI panels hidden.
.. youtube:: YSvWn_poqWs
:aspect: 16:7
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30. Added **state history** mechanism to :ref:`simulate<saSimulate>` and the managed
:ref:`Python viewer<PyViewerManaged>`. State history can be viewed by scrubbing the History slider and (more
precisely) with the left and right arrow keys. See screen capture:
31. The ``LOADING...`` label is now shown correctly. Contribution :github:pull:`1070` by
`Levi Burner <https://github.com/aftersomemath>`__.
.. youtube:: nljr0X79vI0
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32. Added :doc:`detailed documentation <computation/fluid>` of fluid force modeling, and an illustrative example model
showing `tumbling cards <https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/blob/main/model/cards/cards.xml>`__ using the
ellipsoid-based fluid model.
Bug fixes
33. Fixed a bug that was causing :ref:`geom margin<body-geom-margin>` to be ignored during the construction of
midphase collision trees.
34. Fixed a bug that was generating incorrect values in ``efc_diagApprox`` for weld equality constraints.