* Tool requirement changes:
* Added SAMTools
* Added Minimap2
* Algorithm and pipeline changes:
* NanoVar now uses both minimap2 and hs-blastn for increased sensitivity
* Upgraded model (v5)
* Improved time complexity for clustering algorithm
* Minor tuning of SV confidence scores by normal read coverage and number of alignments
* Default SV read support -c changed from 1 to 2
* Added progress information command-line feed during the run.
* Input/Ouput changes:
* NanoVar can now take a BAM file (tested BAM from minimap2) as input instead of FASTQ/FASTA reads
* Added ONT/PacBio option (For future use, currently both tech uses same model)
* Added custom model option
* Added --debug option
* Added Minimap2 executable path option
* Added SAMTools executable path option
* VCF format changes:
* "END" coordinate for BND SVs will now show POS+1 coordinate instead of "." to be usable for IGV (Thanks to Scott,