* Program language migration to entirely Python 3.7
* Distributed as a python PyPI package and a conda package
* Added requirements of Blast binaries from NCBI-BLAST Version 2.3.0+ and HS-BLASTN v0.0.5+
* Added new parameters: --minalign, --buffer, --force
* Changed input FASTQ/FASTA, reference genome and working directory to positional arguments
* Changed default minimum SV len to 25 bp
* Removed short-read support and bowtie2 requirements
* Improved VCF file formating
* Added FORMAT column
* Added genotype, read-depth and allele read-depth information
* For BND SV type, ALT coloumn now shows a breakend record as specified in VCFv4.2
* For BND SV type, INFO field "SV2" is added to indicate translocation (TLO) or transposition (TPO)
* Changed INFO field naming: LCOV to SR, PROB to NN
* Removed INFO fields: SCOV, SVRATIO
* SV len is now estimated for tandem duplications
* FILTER column now shows "PASS" if SV score above/equal to score threshold, or "FAIL" if SV score below score threshold
* Replaced read_name in each SV ID with an arbituary SV number